My business is graphic design/advertising (on a small local scale). I've found that there are instances of thoughtful and intelligent creativity in advertising, but they are becoming fewer and fewer - lately, I tend to be thoroughly embarrassed by my industry more often than not.
Quizno's and Burger King come to mind when I think "tasteless" and I'm not talking about their food. And, I actually thought I couldn't be more embarrasssed by anything since for years we've been subjected to ads for underwear and personal care products to products to induce or enhance sexual experiences while sitting with family members or even that certain new someone... but I was - just last night - thank goodness I was alone and I'm still not certain I heard/saw correctly... a commercial for the Shick Quattro Trimstyle. Not certain I even want to (or can) describe it... I found this on a complaint site - "I just recently watched the new commercial for Schick Quattro "Trim Style" for women. It features a razor and a bikini trimmer, but the compares a women shaving her most intimate areas to "Trimming a bush." The commercial show various bushes that are over grown being magically trimmed away into shapes that are associated with what women shave. This is just wrong. I need help I have tried to call everyone to get something done about this, but I just get, "Oh I'm sorry you feel that way." Come on women speak out we don't call it our "bush." Let your voice be heard. It is obvious that a man created this commercial."
I think we should all let Schick know we are offended. Just my opinion, but it seems class, respect and tastefulness are just not acceptable anymore. I can't believe a company like Schick would've thought this would appeal to women. Does nothing offend anyone anymore?
Someone mentioned to me that though tasteless, the Schick commercial must've been effective as it was seared in their memory. It may be seared into my memory, too - but right next to that memory is the thought "never purchase another product from Schick again." Advertising can be a two-edged sword - it cuts both ways.
Commercials are a form of brain-washing, affecting a subconscious level more than you might imagine - especially impressionable minds. They are repeated intentionally. Unlike "entertainment" (an entirely different rant) commercials "sell" - and not only products.
If you could program the type of commercials you would accept or like to see along with your programming that would be one thing. I can understand some people enjoying what makes another's skin crawl - that's one reason we pick and choose the shows we watch - but commercials are forced on us. As such, they should be suitable in content, especially in prime time, for all to view.
Wouldn't it be great if the Pandora thumbs up/down system could be incorporated into every remote control permanently blocking that commercial/program, while sending definite a message to advertisers/television producers.