Scholastic Books sends books to homes of people that did not order them or sends no books at all and then sends bills for these books that you never ordered or received in the first place.
When you don't pay, they send bogus collection letters from North Shore Agency. I found out on the Internet that North Shore Agency in this case is little more than the company that sends a letter from Scholastic to make it look more official and intimidating.
The address to send in your payment is to Beginning Readers Program, not North Shore Agency.
This company covers all bases. When I called them to ask for proof of ordering, they claimed that the order came from some bogus email address and it must have been Internet Fraud and they would make a note on the account of this Fraud and no money was owed.
How many companies let you order merchandise without paying or providing proof of who you are. They must pull this scam quite a bit and have some success with it to keep it up. Some people must be paying these bills out of fear that their credit will be hurt.
A company like this should not be allowed to do business.