Let me tell you that if you are thinking of either using this company to produce your products or going to work DON'T DO IT - RUN.
Don Hayden and his group of thieves and goones are nothing more than modern day pirates. The are in flat broke (checking account is almost $13, 000 in the red - on credit hold with 90% of their supplier - has had a 400% turn over rate - none of the sale staff have been there longer than 3 months (2 of the 3 just started) - their lab is a joke - they are under investigation by South Carolina DHEC and the US EPA as well as US Depart of Labor. DO I NEED TO KEEP GOING? I can.
I thought they were trying to turn some things around at the company when they recently hired a retired army officer as their controller but he clearly did not last long. I am sure his ethics left him no option but to leave before they pad locked the doors. They have a pit of vipers - just behind Donald Hayden, President (aka Pirate Captain) is Patty Acton and Christie Howe - these two will sure give you the idea of a pirate (more like a black widow spider).
Whistle Blower