World International Business.
El mensaje enviado por Scotia en Linea claramente señala que, tal y como venía señalando mi persona y la casa BARNES&NOBLE*BOOKQUEST, la cantidad retirada de mi cuenta Pagum Masatercard fué de $34.51 ..Sin embargo ahora indican que mi reclamo consignado por Scotiabank con el N|2010675572 es NO PROCEDENTE en consecuencia TENGO QUE RESIGNARME a sufrir el FRAUDE o SUBSTRACCION DELICTIVA de $182.06 correspondientes a la compra frustrada de un LIBRO de especialidad médica.
Agradeceríamos a Ustedes ordenen la profundización de las investigaciones y las sanciones económicas a que hubiere lugar a los responsables del retiro - persona o entidad no autorizado- de dinero de una cuenta Mastercard Scotiabank de acuerdo a normatividad internacional de comercio..
En espera de una respuesta satisfactoria .
Luis Enrique León Cornejo
Scotiabank Peru
De: Scotia en Linea (
[email protected])
Enviado: jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010 02:06:42 p.m.
Para: luis enrique leon cornejo (
[email protected])
1 archivo adjunto
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Estimado Sr. León:
Reciba nuestro más cordial saludo y agradecimiento por su preferencia a Scotia en Línea.
En respuesta a su comunicaron, le informamos que la respuesta al requerimiento N° 2010675572, es No procedente, la misma que será informada a través de carta hacia su dirección de correspondencia.
Para mayores detalles al respecto, puede comunicarse con nuestra Banca Telefónica, llamando al 311-6000.
Scotiabank Peru
De: Scotia en Linea (
[email protected])
Enviado: miércoles, 03 de febrero de 2010 03:25:07 p.m.
Para: luis enrique leon cornejo (
[email protected])
Estimado Sr. León:
Reciba un cordial saludo y agradecimiento por su comunicación.
Con respecto a su consulta, permítanos informarle que hemos realizado las verificaciones respectivas confirmando que la transacción indicada se compensó de forma parcial al site BARNES&NOBLE*BOOKQUEST por un importe de $34.51. Para solicitar el detalle de la operación le sugerimos contactarse directamente con el site.
Asimismo, hemos registrado el reclamo N 2010675572, que tiene un periodo de atención de 20 días útiles, solicitando se realicen las verificaciones respectivas y la devolución de los $182.09 correspondientes a la compra reclamada. En el transcurso del periodo indicado nos contactaremos con UD para brindarle la respuesta de su requerimiento.
De: luis enrique leon cornejo [mailto:
[email protected]]
Enviado el: Martes, 02 de Febrero de 2010 09:51 p.m.
Para: Help Desk Pagum
Asunto: Investigacion.
Estimados señores:
Teniendo la necesidad de adquirir 2 libros sobre electroforesis para el desarrollo de mi tarea profesional, intenté realizar una compra virtual a través de la compañía Barnes and Noble ;después de señalar lo elegido y de acuerdo a los montos que pretendían lo vendedores de 2 compañías diferentes, intenté realizar el depósito de los $216.60 que se requerían el 15/01/2010 .Dicho día no se pudo realizar la transacción, puesto que el sistema me informaba que momentanemente estaba suspendido ; Dicho transacción recien se pudo realizar cuando me percate que habían cambiado mi clave el 22/01/2010 a las 9:21:350a.m. El mismo día fué retirada de mi tarjeta Mastercard, por Barnes and Noble? los $216.60 ; sin embargo ahora me informan que no se ha efectuado tal transacción por lo que me es necesario su ayuda para definir QUIEN RETIRO ESOS FONDOS..Paso a transcribir algunos de los E. Mails que me estan enviando sin que hasta ahora se solucione éste problema .
Agradecería me informaran a que entidad internacional de comercio podría recurrir en caso no darse solución satisfactoria a este problema.
Luis León Cornejo
Thank you for contacting Barnes & Noble.
When you place an order through our website, your credit card is authorized for the amount of the order, which puts the funds on reserve. The charges are not made until the order ships. If your order is cancelled for any reason prior to shipment as was done in the case of Protein Electrophoresis in Clinical, we immediately release the authorization. Your credit card was only charged $34.51. However, depending on the bank that issues your card, it may take 2 to 5 days for the funds to be unreserved, a process over which has no control. Please accept our apology for any confusion or inconvenience in this matter.
Customer Service Representative
Barnes and Noble
RE: libro
[email protected]
Enviado: domingo, 31 de enero de 2010 07:18:34 p.m.
[email protected]; barnes noble libros (
[email protected])
Dear. Sir:
I will apreciate you to notify to the authorized seller through Barnes and Nobel that the refund of the total amount of the item and shipping charges not yet have been took place to my Pagum Mastercard belongins to ScotiaBank; to make real the corresponding payment, please deposit the amount to be repay to the mail:
[email protected] Pagum system of the Bank ScotiaBank.
I wish the problem can be solve as soon as possible in order to carry out more transaction in a trust enviroment.
Luis Enrique Leon Cornejo.
Dear Luis Enrique Leon Cornejo,
Despite our efforts, the Authorized Seller was unable to fulfill your order for the used book entitled, Protein Electrophoresis in Clinical Diagnosis
As you may know, used and out-of-print books are subject to prior sale, and unfortunately, the seller of the specific copy you ordered has informed us that it is no longer available. Please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience you experienced.
Please be advised that you have received an email stating that your order for this used book has been canceled, and a refund for the total amount of the item and shipping charges has been issued to the original method of payment.
Please note that when both a gift card and credit card are used to pay for an order, the gift card is debited as the first form of payment and any remaining balance is then charged to the credit card.'s refund policy is to credit the credit card prior to
the gift card(s).
If you would like to try to locate another copy of this book, please visit the Used & Out of Print store at
Customer Service Representative
Barnes and Noble
[email protected]
[email protected]
Subject: RE: libro
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 09:09:41 -0500
Unfortunately I can not find an order for you. I see that one of your orders were ordered through Spellbound. It may be possible that Alibris cancelled your order before we received it. Kindly get in touch with
Apologies for the confusion.
From: luis enrique leon cornejo [mailto:
[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 7:47 AM
[email protected];
[email protected]; barnes noble libros
Subject: libro
Dear Sir:
I received a notification in which you pointed out that my delivery request ID 124959831-001 of the book "Protein electrophoresis in clinical diagnosis by David F. Karen had been cancelled, notifying me through a mail the following:
he following item has been cancelled:
OrderID: 124959831-001
the following item has been cancelled:
OrderID: 124959831-001
1 $162.14 Protein Electrophoresis in Clinical Diagnosis (Arnold Publication)
Please note that you have not been charged for the item above.
I should note that this book has been paid through my Mastercard the amount of
$ 216.60 that correspond to:
OrderID: 124959831-001
Seller: spellbound
Seller Email:
[email protected]
Seller Location: McKeesport, PA
Ship To: Luis Enrique Leon Cornejo
AV.Daniel Alcides Carrion
370 Urbanizacion San Nicolas
Trujillo, TRUJ_01
Shipping Method: International (20-30 business days)
Product Description Quantity Expected Ship Date Price
Protein Electrophoresis in Clinical Diagnosis (Arnold Publication) 1 01-25-2010 $162.14
Sub Total: $162.14
Shipping & Processing: $19.95
Total Shipment Price: $182.09
OrderID: 124959831-002
Seller: Better World Books
Seller Email:
[email protected]
Seller Location: Alpharetta, GA
Ship To: Luis Enrique Leon Cornejo
AV.Daniel Alcides Carrion
370 Urbanizacion San Nicolas
Trujillo, TRUJ_01
Shipping Method: International (20-30 business days)
Product Description Quantity Expected Ship Date Price
Interpretation of Protein and Iso Enzyme Patterns in Body Fluids 1 01-25-2010 $14.56
Sub Total: $14.56
Shipping & Processing: $19.95
Total Shipment Price: $34.51
This transaction have been done through the ScotiaBank from my Pagum Mastercard account.
The authorization for the Bank withdrawal was given on 01/15/2010.
Ultimos 4 Movimentos de la cuenta en Dólares
Operación* Fecha Ingresos Egresos
. TTV .15 Ene 2010 . .216.60
. DEP .15 Ene 2010 .217.00 .
. DEP .20 Nov 2009 .27.00 .
. RET .16 Nov 2009 .1.15 .
* Haz click sobre las siglas de operación para más detalles
I will appreciate you send me the payback of the amount withdrawn in excess ($ 182.09) since the final transaction didn’t take place. To my ScotiaBank account Pagum. Email:
[email protected]
Thank you in advance.
Here is the Picture: I ordered two books and I was charge for both through my ScotiaBank account, but the order of delivery has been accepted just for one, the one which cost was $34.51 and I´ve been recently notified that the order of the other book (which cost is $182.09) has been cancelled. BUT you say that you didn’t charge that book from my account which is not true. So you will understand my concern and annoyance as well. That is why I´m asking you to verify that information and repay the amount charged in excess as soon as possible to my account so I can find another way to get the book.