I was hired to be a "graphic designer" for this company. I took the job, which paid less than I have been paid for years, because they convinced me that the employees were a bunch of positive, hard workers and that the company is going to go gangbusters in the near future. I was told that I would need to help them "catch up" on some of their production.
Well, I worked there for 3 weeks and never did a bit of design. If I had not found an office chair still in the box, I would not have had a place to sit and there was no computer for me to work with (all the design is electronic), which tells me that they never did plan on me doing any design work. I spent all my time picking orders and punching out die cuts from sheets. This is not graphic design- it is production work. If they had told me that they wanted a production worker, I would never had taken the job.
As far as the "positive attitude" of the employees, it could not have been more the opposite. Half of the first day, we all had to listen to one employee rant- using incredibly foul language about how her boyfriend ruined her car. When another employee was talking to "her friend" in the company about the loss of her favorite aunt, she was told "It's been a year- get over it." I was told that I was "one of those" because I am from NJ and "nice girls finish last." All in all, a very negative place to work.
The last straw was that I was told that I could work overtime one weekend. When I got my check, there was no overtime. They had changed the pay period in order to start up direct deposit, so the response to my question of why I did not get overtime as promised was "there is nothing that can be done." I was given no notice that they were unhappy with my work, but was let go because I "did not fit in." I am so happy that I did not, because negativity is not my thing.