South Dakota child protection does nothing about committing crimes using your child's identity. They have known for years about it and had the Court seal the record so the public does not find out. Blame the father, not the felon committing crimes against children.
Link to letter from Senator Tim Johnson. Johnson ignores the fact federal laws are being broken with impunity by the perp and the State of SD. Using your child's identity is a federal crime. Put your utility bills in an alias you made for your child, give a fake social security number and not be prosecuted even though lawenforcement found crimes? Prosecutiorial miscondut not prosecutorial discression. The fact that Justice Gilbertson and Judge (ret) Jim Anderson think the using of your child's identity is legal if you are a woman with custody is mind boggling. Also the Judicial Qualifications Commission who under law is to invesigate complaints in fact ignores complainst if they prove to be true is another example of the State ignoring laws. The ITRC, FTC and Javlein Strategy are concerned that idenity theft is condoned is South Dakota. South Dakotans are governed by corrupt political figures and their brethen that run roughshod over the law and voters when it serves their private agenda.
Why is she not prosecuted? Prosecutitorial misconduct? Corrupt Judges?