I have an external HD 320 gig that I purchased recently. I was using it to "Back-Up" extremely important files. I had a catastrophic HD failure of my laptop, so I replaced the HD and restored the OS. Once I began restoring my files that were "Backed-Up" on the external drive that drive failed as well. It began beeping and sounded as though it was trying to spin up but would not. I contacted Tech Support and below is a transcript of the conversation. It amazes me how these large organizations think it is okay to manipulate and deceive its customers. I will NEVER use this manipulative organization, with definite questionable business practices. To ensure that this organization realizes that the "little guy" (consumer) will not always standby and let them get away with it. Part of my reasoning to complain here is to find out if anyone has an address or POC that my attorney can contact to send official correspondence. When I make the attempt via their customer service department, I get a general email that is never replied to. I'm guessing this is due to their knowledge of their questionable business practice, and and utterly obsurd customer service!
This is the transcript. (unaltered)
Please wait while we find an agent to assist you...
Hello. How may I help you?
Michael Wallace: i AM TRYING TO help a friend with her computer and i am hearing a asmall beep from her external drive
Leslie C: ok
Michael Wallace: she just got it maybe 2 weeks ago and now it is not working
Leslie C: Ok
Michael Wallace: she has lots of info on there that she desperaately needs (business)
Leslie C: Is the drive detected by the machine at al.
Michael Wallace: not anymore
Michael Wallace: literally I did not touch the drive I heard a small click then the beeping began
Michael Wallace: went to the help area suggested shutting down the computer completely and it did not work
Leslie C: The beeping sound typically indicates this drive may be under powered.
Michael Wallace: okay any solutions?
Leslie C: Do you have a powereed USB hub.
Michael Wallace: I have tried other USB's other computers, etc
Leslie C: Ok the drive is only a few weekd old?? Correct.
Michael Wallace: yes
Leslie C: If so I would take the drive back to the retailer. Unless the drive is being used as personal storage. If this is the case you may need data recovery.
Michael Wallace: yes that it necessary
Leslie C: For assistance on recovery of data on our drives, I would contact our data recovery service at the following weblink: http://services.seagate.com/index.aspx?lng=en-us
Michael Wallace: how much is this going to cost me?
Leslie C: Please keep in mind data recovery is not covered by the warranty.
Michael Wallace: I don't understand why that is. I bought this 2 weeks ago, the drive is defective and I am stuck dealing with a defective piece of equipment that failed me????
Michael Wallace: Not good business practices
Michael Wallace: I could see if I had it for a long time but not 2 sweeks
Leslie C: I can understand your fustrtation.
Leslie C: Data recovery has never been covered as part of any warranty.
Michael Wallace: so is seagate going to remedy the situation?
Leslie C: The device was designed to be used as a backup device not personal storage.
Michael Wallace: That is definitely NOT the answer, I understand you are the messenger
Michael Wallace: I know I was in the process of trying to fix the situation so it wasn't personal storage
Michael Wallace: had problem with pc
Leslie C: As much as I wish I could same we would pick up the cost of data recovery. The truth is data recovery is not covered.
Michael Wallace: it was the ONLY Backup so infact it was a backup solution
Leslie C: Once the other drive failed . the device became personal storage.
Michael Wallace: That is a play on words if I am not mistaken
Leslie C: it is the truth. A backup implies the information is on more than one place. In this case the data only exists on this device. Which implies personal storage.
Michael Wallace: NO it does not
Michael Wallace: It was a back up incase of failure elsewhere and that is what happened
Leslie C: Does the data exist any where else.
Michael Wallace: Not now because the drive failed
Michael Wallace: I will be needing a contact name and phone number so I can deal with this appropriately
Leslie C: Ok so this is the only source of rhtis information wihcio makes this drive personal strage. The only way to get the data back is data recovery.
Leslie C: One moment let me get you a number.
Michael Wallace: I understand that it is the only source, this was to recover files should I have a failure elsewhere
Michael Wallace: now your product has failed so the BACKUP is lost
Leslie C: 1.800.SEAGATE
Leslie C: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Monday - Sunday
Michael Wallace: not good enough, I do not want to play the run around game to speak to a person who can make a decision
Michael Wallace: Like a corporate number would be great
Leslie C: Ok
Leslie C: One moment
Leslie C: Here is the number to the corporate office: 831-438-6550
Leslie C: Do you have any other questions or concerns I maybe able to address for you today?
Michael Wallace: thank you
Leslie C: Thank you for dropping by, Michael, and have a great day!