I am a member of a local bank in MA. My bank had a breach in their security system which allowed customers information to be compromised. Unfortunately, I was one of the lucky one's. I received a letter from my bank, 1 month ago disclosing their breach in security. The letter informed me to review my statements closely, back five months to the present. Upon doing so, I found $2000.00 from various companies that I have never heard of which had accessed and taken money out. Most of the companies offerred an immediate refund once contacted. However, SEARCHEST SEARCHES CORPORATION, would not even discuss the matter via phone. It also took over a week to get a human to answer the phone. I was told to submit a written letter to the address above explaining and I would receive a FULL REFUND. NOT THE CASE!!! The address given to me does not accept mail, or is bogus. Now when I call the number nobody ever answers... They withdrew over $300.00 and I have no way to find them or get anything back. As a single mom, I cant afford it!! Something needs to be done to rectify situations like these. One would think at least the bank would then take responsibility since it was their breach! But, I am only one person, scammed out of money by a huge bank security problem. Nobody cares, especially not the bank. They have enough money... meanwhile I have to struggle to put food on the table. If anyone knows anything about this company or how to handle this, I beg you, please help me!
Gloucester, MA