We purchased the washing machine/dryer set in Dec. 2000 and have had nothing but problems with the washer. The pump was replaced twice during the first two years of owning it and then it broke a THIRD time and I threw a fit and demanded they replace my machine which they did. Now the circuit board is malfunctioning and of course my extended warranty has run out so I am w/o a washing machine right now. Found out that they have a class action lawsuit against them due to all of the problems from the Calypso washers and I am filling out my eleven pages of lawsuit forms right now. Of course they don't make filling out the forms and getting in easy either. Thank goodness I was a pack rat this time and saved all of my repair bills and purchasing receipts.
I normally love the most up date appliances and such but next time around, I'm just gonna purchase a basic washing machine next time w/o all the electronics. Not to mention one of the problems of this machine is that it leaves big black stains on all our light colored clothing and I couldn't tell you the amount of clothing it has ruined and I have had to throw away as a result of this. It has also left a mildew smell to the clothes that you CANNOT get out no matter what you do. You can use a gallon of Downy and wash them a hundred times and it won't come out. They are ruined.
The Sears repair guy came today and the estimate to fix it was $482!! The circuit board is bad, along with the U-joint. The mildew smell that I had mentioned is being caused by a bad U-joint he said. Because the seal on it is broken, water gets down in where it shouldn't be and it can't drain and causes it to do that to the clothes as well as causes the black grease marks that we were getting. I wish I could make Sears also reimburse us for all of the clothes this washer has ruined in the last two years. Needless to say that we will be getting a NEW washing machine rather than pay to repair this one. I'm going to get just a good basic machine and not go with a bunch of electronics and fancy stuff.
Makes me sick to think of how much money we paid for it initially $999 and then the money that was put out for the multiple repairs over the years and now it's as good as a paper weight. And that Sears won't do anything legally because of the impending law suit. I haven placed my story and complaint on about ten web sites that I have found since I started my search on the net along with filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. I think all of us Calypso owners should schedule a day and go stand in front of Sears and picket the store and demand they do what they know is morally right for all Calypso owners.