In September 2007 I purchased a large Mitsubishi HD TV from the "Great Indoors" in Scottsdale, Az. for about $2500. Based upon the recommendation of the sales person I also purchased a service agreement for several hundred dollars which would cover service and parts for a long period.
Four months later I attempted to turn on the TV and got no picture. I then contacted the Sears Service Center (parent of Great Indoors) and was told the earliest they could service the complaint was 15 days from now, which I told them was unacceptable. I am now forced to contact a local TV service company to repair (probably for several hundred dollars) a TV that is already covered by a service contract. I could easily do without TV for 2 weeks if it were not for the fact that I have a large group of friends attending parties both of the nest 2 weeks to watch the football playoffs.
I think it is disgraceful that a big company like Sears can't hire enough technicians to fix problems within a reasonable amount of time.