To whom it matters:
On Friday, March 30, 2007, at approximately 2:40p, my personal check # 14235, in the amount of $150.48, was denied by Sears Store #02311, in Norman, OK.
This denial of processing my check was absolutely ludicrous! The account has been active for 20+ years with absolutely no checks previously denied by Sears, OR, for that matter, any one else. The account name on the check is: DEMUTH FARMS, which has been in existence for over 98 years, which has always dealt in a fair & honest manner.
Apparently, CERTEGY CHECK SERVICES system is faulty and needs an immediate fix to eliminate situations such as described above. You provide no protection for me that I cannot address myself and I will avoid stores in the future which use your check services system. In addition, I will alert my friends and neighbors to CERTEGY CHECK SERVICES and how it could affect them. Put that under your bonnet for what good it does.