Feb 12th I took my daughter to Sears portrait studio, @ 11:00 am the photographer had 1 customer that she was finishing up with, UNTIL SHE
DISCOVERED I WAS A WALK IN. So there are no other customers, I figure, I can be next, OH no she went on to say I have a 12:oo appointment, well since it's 11:00 I can be seen, Well she prolonged the cashing out with the customers so long, " She wanted to know about their vacation how many times Their baby burps, " well that took 15 minutes well I figure I still have time for my photo shot, wrong she took another 15 minutes cashing them out. So finally they leave no one else is there not even the 12:00 appointment. So I FIGURE we can take our pictures, Wrong she refused to take us until she was sure of her 12:00 appointment, Needless to say the 12:00 appointment came 5 minutes late. Not to mention she was reading a book until they arrived. This was her productivity for 1 hour. This is a poor performance employee, She does not deserve a place in the work force, Sears Portrait Studio is losing countless revenue with this employee's actions, I think Holly's problem is pure laziness with a touch of racism. I have been a Sears customer since 1985 and I consider myself a valued customer. I recorded much of my visit on my cell phone because of her actions, which were unbelievable I will send the video viral, so no other mommy will not experience a Walk in dilemma it's obvious that this policy is not honored by the employees, Sears should take a closer look at their staff performance to make sure policies are followed. Their are eager people awaiting such a job with this economy By the way this was Chicago Ridge Mall (Westfield)