Sears Canada

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Category: Home & Garden

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Sears Canada Reviews

Braden G June 15, 2011
I hope the following can help prevent at least one person from ever purchasing anything, especially furniture from Sears Canada.

We purchased a number of Natuzzi leather furniture items to furnish our basement. The problems started with delivery - almost a week late. Beyond that, the delivery people would not move the furniture into my basement even though we paid for delivery so I had to enlist my own help to get the furniture out of the hallway of the main floor and into the basement.

It wasn't too long before the leather started to separate from the foot-rest when the recliner was extended on 2/3 chairs and the sofa. I took it upon myself to just fix it... pulled out my staple gun and problem solved. The real problem started a month or so ago and the hardware for the recliner in the sofa is broken leaving the sofa back always in a reclined position. This furniture gets used only every couple weeks or so whenever we watch movies and I would think that a sofa that is only two years old with minimal use would last longer... especially given the cost.

I submitted a request to Sears online to have someone come out and look at the problem and fix it. I was told there is nothing Sears can do because it was no longer under warranty. Well guess how long the warranty was expired before I reported the problem... yep... 1 WEEK!!!

Again, I complained about how ridiculous it was that they would not stand behind a very expensive product that was only a week beyond warranty. I am told there is nothing they can do and that they have to follow their procedures and policies.

If a company is not willing to look at least a little outside the box and stand behind the product they sell then they should not be in business. The service has been pathetic and rude and this is a huge slap in the face considering the dollars that were spent there only a couple years ago. I will never purchase a single item from Sears and I will do my best to let everyone I can, know that Sears will take every opportunity they can to back out of doing the right thing no matter how much or little you spend.
mardytwin June 6, 2011
where is my bike?
I have ordered an ebike via Sears Canada on-line store.

It has been two months already, no bike, no info on when, no explanation except it is delivered directly from the manufacturer. This is a bike it is June now. If it takes much longer the bike will be of little use to me except to store for the winter. I was originally given a delivery date of 4wks. I received a helmet so far and was charged $65 dollars for it to be delivered. Makes me think that Sears is nothing more then a drop shipper. I have a friend who ordered a bike two weeks after me and received it already. From another company. where in the world could this be coming from that it would take longer than 2months for delivery?
zoechoi May 28, 2011
Confuse and bad experience purchase
I have a bad experience with sears service recently. The service of sears canada is so confuse. I am frustrated.

Two weeks ago, I called sears customer service regarding the 60 night comfort guarantee of my new mattress which purchased in 2011 April. My new mattress is a reselect of defected mattress that i purchased on 2010 April. I have told the representative that the new mattress i have right now is a reselect mattress. The representative said i still have one time exchange base on the 60 night comfort guarantee even the mattress is reselect. I told her i would like to reselect the mattress in different sears store because i had a bad experience with the markville sears before. And i do not want to have any mistake happen this time. She said it is ok to do so and she will sent the note to sears and they will contact me soon.

Few days later, markville sears call me and told me i do not have 60 night comfort guarantee because is a reselect mattress. Therefore, i call sears customer service again to confirm that will i have 60 night comfort guarantee if my mattress is reslect. The representative double check for me and she said i will have the 60 night comfort guarantee. So i went to the store and talk to the sale person. I told her that i have called the customer service twice and they both said i still have the 60 night comfort guarantee. She start sound unpatient to me and keep telling me “No!” “The answer is NO!” “No!” when i am trying to explain my situation. Then i’ve leave the store. I was so upset and confuse.

Therefore, i decided to call sear customer service again which is the third time. I asked them to double check and make sure will i have the 60 night comfort guarantee. They have checked all my doucments. Also, they have asked their superior and they still said yes because the first mattress i had in 2010 is defected so i do the reselect in 2011. I went to the store again and talk to the sale person again. She said “No! The answer is no. This is the POLICY.” She called someone in front of me and she ask the person to put a note under my case that i will not have the 60 night comfort guarantee becuase of the “POLICY”.


I also do research online at sears web site and i can’t find any information about that “POLICY”. I have a defected mattress and i spent more money to reselect another mattress in APRIL 2011. I am not comfortable with this mattress so i call customer service to ask about the 60 night comfort guarantee. They said yes and i went to the store but she said no. I am so frustrated and upset. It is so comfusing.
bc96al May 26, 2011
Repair Service and Escalations
Sears Canada is terrible. They repeatedly cancel repair appointments. Customer refuses to escalate complaints (I could not speak with a manager and no manager would call me back). I wrote a letter to the president and received a call back, but they do not leave a phone number to call them back. They simply refer you back to a generic 800 number if you want an update. It has been over a week since I spoke with someone from the office of the president and still have no resolution. Brutal. I will never purchase anything from Sears Canada ever again.
michael lanteigne April 28, 2011
Customer Relationship
Sears Canada cares little if at all about its customers. They sold / gave their credit card business to Chase and washed their hands of their card business yet they trained their sales people to "push" their worthless card at you with gimmicks and so-called deals that cost you in the end. We were customers for 25 years and we had a perfect credit history with Sears and last year we bought all our appliances and furniture at their store in London, Ontario which was likely the largest single household purchase that store had ever seen. Since we were moving we had to use their useless courtesy phone to call the "credit department" to change our billing address even though the sales department could use our new address to ship all the appliances, etc. We went to the store 3 times to change our address and we paid our bills but they could never get our address right so our bills stopped coming. We called nothing changed. We set-up a monthly payment through our bank and paid a small amount every month just to demonstrate our sincere wish to pay off our balance but we wanted a bill. Finally, Chase sent us to collections and we got hammered / blindsided! Sears for all their talk did nothing because once you use the card called "Sears" you really are dealing with "Chase" and they don't care about Sears customers either. We were charged an insane amount of interest. We paid it all and for our trouble we got a release letter and a damaged credit score for the next two years. THANK YOU SEARS. They won't get our business and thanks to social media and the internet they probably won't get your business either. If anyone has a good consumer lawyer they know please call us and give us their name. It would be appreciated!
Cathy Chambers April 6, 2011
I'm a frustrated sears customer, Why can't sears ever get anything right?
when I bought a applicances a couple years ago, I applied for a promotion with installment over 36 months I got my statement then of course they got that wrong ...I had to get that corrected (time and annoyence)
this year I decided to pay the above off...well I didn't know I had to 'ASK PERMISSION"..I sent a cheque in it showed up as a credit I inquired as to why, thats when I was told I had to ask first..O-K-A-y...I did that. Next statement I still owed 350.00$ or so I forgot to add in that months bill...okay I paid that billing showed up I owed 2.00$ okay after a phone call I paid that. ..I phoned sears to said are you sure thats it. Yes thats it.
I must have had I brain freeze, I ordered a living room furniture set.The sears store here in and in Dauphin told me okay you can order it but you can't use an installment plan, I asked why I was told that item didn't qualify for it, REALLy so I called coperate to inquire and complain a fellow Dan said no, you can buy the items under the installment plan and he processed my order, and no payments untill April2012just would have to pay the adm fees 70.00$ Okay . Today I get my statement and Its' got taxes shipping ang handling and still has an item from the previos plan I had paid off...not being impressed I called the fellow Dan back at sears coperate in Onatario of course Dan is off today, but Glenda helped me she listened and sais she find out about getting my items on to the correct plan, and about the TV (item from the old plan ) shr couldn't access that but would forward that info on to someone who could.So I thought I might as well mention my degree of frustration with SEARS.. oh and did I mention the chair (900.00$ on sale )advertised as a recliner/rocker with strigage. doen't rock and has no storage.
This will be my last adventure with Sears Canada.
I really wish Sears would just come over and pick up there furinture it's only been 2 weeks I should be enjoying it..nope not happening
a very frustrated client
cathy chambers
RR 2
Grandview Mb
BACK PAIN March 5, 2011

I am so disappointed in sears warranty and customers serivce. I could not imgaine that can happen in a country like CANADA!!! where are the law makers and police to catch all these LIARS AND ROBBERs who robbed innocent poeple in a very VERY MODERN WAY...

My story is very simple and straight I bought a high end Mattress just thinking that sleep is the most important thing in our lives so yourself ready for the next day and I paid through my nose to buy that Mattress and salesmen (LAIR A BIG LAIR) told me that this mattress has 10 or 20 years warrenty if it sags or blug and anything goes wrong with the matress. After buying the matress in 4 months it startying Bugling and sagging from the sides. I GOT BACKACHE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE...I called sears customers serivce (MOST ILL MANNERED SERIVCE REPS...THEY JUST DONT ABOUSE YOU OTHERISE SAYS EVERYTHING JUST TO FORCE YOU TO END UP THE CALL)...anyways according to thier report mattess doesnt have 2 inch depression so they cant do anything------------CAN YOU BEAT THAT...I M HAVING BACK PAIN BECOZ OF THE MATTRSS and any blind person can tell you that mattess is saging and bulging and has dents on both sides of the mattress...i mean thats a limit...then they simply refuse to change or repair the mattress NO MATTER HOW BAD BACKACHE I HAVE!!! my wife has stopped sleeping on that bed and sleep on 2 inch mattress on floor bcoz of the pain...thats sooo outregious...I belong to india (A third world developing contry) but sorry to say EVEN THAT DOESNT HAPPEN THERE...THERE IS NO HONESTY IN SEARS PEOPLE THEY ARE SIMPLY ROBBER AND LAIRS ...NEVER PURSHASE ANYTHING FROM THEM...SO DISAPPOINTED
MH in Ottawa February 22, 2011
Misleading consumer and very poor customer service
First Sears tells you for $200 you get delivery, disconnection and removal of your old dishwasher and installation of your new dishwasher. Next you tell them if the old dishwasher is taken out of the equation as they had told you it costs $$$ to dispose of it properly they take $14 off the $200 charge because there are parts required for install then the installer shows up and wants extra $$$ for parts because that is not included. It happens every install he is faced with angry customers, so you call the sears employee who mislead you even with specific questions. She behaves surprised like this has never happened before. Four days later she leaves a call me voice mail at your house in the middle of the day rather than call your work. I have to wonder when they became so downright terrible with customer service but I
suppose it is good timing before I buy the rest of the upgraded appliances .

What a stupid move I hate your values and ethics and will not purchase anything else including bringing the seniors there to shop. Hope that 30 some additional dollars over and above the couple of hundred dollars for delivery and installation was worth the loss of me and the gain of my effort to spread the word about this bad salesmanship and bad service.
NotHappySears February 18, 2011
Gift Card
My father purchased a gift card for me for Christmas from Sears Canada. This card was never delivered and when asked Sears Canada are refusing to accept that they took his money despite being provided with His Visa Number, date of the transaction and every other detail with which he provided them at time of purchase. His credit card statement even show he was billed by them.

My advice to anyone is avoid Sears given they can not even track their own web sites services.
SearsOwesMe December 31, 2010
online ordering
Thought I'd give a try since the product I wanted was not available in their stores. Big mistake! Here's my experience:
Dec 13th: I purchased the item online (my husband's only Christmas present), charging to my credit card. My receipt said that I could expect to pick up the product at a Sears store by Dec 17th.
Dec 20th: I still had not heard from Sears (I was to receive an email when it was ready) but I was driving near the Sears store so I went in. The Catalogue department could only tell me that it was "in progress", but they didn't know what that meant.
Dec 21st: I called Customer Service (put on hold) and was told the item was "in progress", and no, they didn't know what it meant either. They put me through to a different number (and yes, put on hold again). The rep discovered that the item had never been ordered from the manufacturer but told me that she would put the order through for me -- expected pick-up date: December 27th. I pleaded for an earlier, pre-Christmas arrival, but she said it was impossible. I even asked if I could pick it up at the warehouse in Vaughan, but she said that I couldn't.
Dec 22nd: Sears calls me back -- the order did not go through again so they would have to re-order it and charge my credit card for a third time. The expected pick-up date is now December 28th.
Dec 24th: I print out a picture of the item to give to my husband Christmas morning, with a note: "Sorry, it's coming, I promise!"
Dec 28th: no email arrives to say the product is available for pick-up.
Dec 29th: the email arrives -- the product status has changed -- it's "unavailable"! No further explanation is given.
Dec 29th, 7:45pm to 8:20pm: I sit on hold on the Sears Customer Service phone line trying to get the credit for the original amount that was charged to my credit card on Dec 13th (the credit had never been processed). The agent puts it through, but I'll have to pay the full amount on my credit card bill because the credit will not be processed until my next statement period.
Btw...the item is still showing on their website, available for ordering, and now on sale!
Total incompetence!!

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