Sears Card (Citi Bank) Fraudulent Interest Rate Hike! Currently with the American economy in its state of affairs and the feds interest rate at practically Zero Percent, Sears Card (Citi Bank) has risen rates to 23% or higher on some cards. The American consumer is getting scammed!
This money comes out of thin air for these companies, just a bunch of digits generated by the computer and sent out with your social security number to scam you into taking on more debt. This is a debtor nation they created but the ones who win are the banks and credit card companies once they run you into bankruptcy. And that’s exactly what they want you to do, file bankruptcy, so they can seize everything you own.
We must unit as a people and root every one of these scam suckers out. Please watch these videos, MAXED OUT, WWW. ZEITGEIST.COM as well as MONEY AS DEBT by Paul Grignon's. There is hope, hope for a brighter future for our kids and others, we must free ourselves.