I bought an Elliptical Exercise machine from Sears in 2006. It Broke within three month of the purchase. Six breakdowns later and two promises to replace the machine, and I'm writing because the thing has been broken more than I've used it. This Wednesday March 12 2008 will mark the 12th day of missed work waiting for the repair man.
For me. this is a SERIOUS health concern. Because I take care of a challenged sibling, I can't join a gym, nor do I want to. Bottom line is that I need to stay as healthy as I can to be there for my sister who is totally dependent. I'm more than happy to pay for an upgrade, but Sears keeps changing the rules. First they say the machine has to break four times. Now they say it has to break four times within a year's period.
Although I've talked to several 'supervisors', each one is different and hasn't the slightest clue what I'm talking about. Meanwhile each time the machine breaks, it takes about three weeks to repair (Repairman makes a diagnosis, part shave to be ordered, repairman (never the same one) makes a second visit if parts have arrived to fix, it breaks I call repairman comes to diagnose...)
It's a real lemon. Please give me some guidance smb.
Looking forward,
-Marshall Hughes.