I have been a regular customer of sears in Hastings for years. About 2 years ago this store lost the orginal owners and was taken over by corprate, there were some very pleasent employees during this change and I enjoyed the service even more. Two women and a few different men seemed to be working and answered all questions that I had. I have been back into the store enjoying the fact that i can spend my money in my home town. They now have new owners which are terrible. This is not what I expect out of Sears managers and I have stopped going to this sears becasue of bad service. The new managers only seemed to keep one woman, and one man from the group that corprate hired and this is such a shame bacuse the others were so willing to help. While I was in looking at products I was listening to the managers argueing in the back, literally screaming to eachother. Another thing I have picked up on is their Black list, it seems that they keep a list of customers that they do not want to help anymore becasue of complaints they recieved. I am lucky, I myself am not on the list becasue I have never complained to them, but as a customer have heard about this list.
I am truely in shock that Sears would do this to themseleves and hire people that are not old enough or maybe not smart enough to handle a store. I will not be returning to Sears in Hastings, and will spend my money with Menards instead, I also hope that something is changed 0r the store is closed due to being so rude, we had some hope since the last owners left, but seems that we have got terrible customer service with these new owners. Sears should not have sold this business to idiots, and could have considered keeping orginal employees that seemed to enjoy their job and be willing to admit that without customers they wouldnt have a paycheck, unlike the new owners.