bought kenmore grille 4 years ago, under hood has been peeling off onto food for 3 years, dealt with, last two years, amount of rust on burners, expensive 30 dollar each burner covers, back of grill itself completely rotted to the point that the burners are free floating, just badly made for lasting, 400 should last more than four years, so i told to 8 different representatives at sears, two supervisors, and finally i cust service that said there was nothing they could do after the 1 year warranty was up, they could send a tech out to see what he could do at my cost, but the grill case is rotted to the point of no return, and this after covering the grill after every use, and keeping it in the shed all winter in new england, i own a 10 dollars gas grill that sits behind my shed for tailgating, that is in better condition,
so i would definitely not recommend kenmore grills for any kind of long term, especially not for the money they charge, or for there customer service that just reroutes and does not help at all, was even hung up on by a supervisor,