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Sears Reviews

February 26, 2008
I scheduled an appointment for dishwasher repair under warranty. They called the day of the service and said they couldn't make it. We will try again in 10 days.
I have had to repair my sears brand ice maker numerous times after it had been replaced by sears. Yes, they did show up that time! My Kenmore dryer leaks around the lint trap and fills the shell with lint. Yes, the filter does get cleaned after every load.
I am highly disappointed with the quality of Sears products and service. Our last Sears dishwasher lasted for years without a single problem. I am done with Sears and all of there related companies.
February 16, 2008
False advertising!
I went to Sears and spent an hour picking out a stackable washer and dryer. Anyways, the black dryer that I had picked out had a sign saying $509.99 in front of it. To make a long story short the dryer really cosed $594.99 and they had the wrong sign in front of it for the white version of this dryer. When the manager was informed of the misprint he would not honor the price and was very rude about it and said if he gave me the discount he wouldn't make any money. He also walked away to help another customer I was talking to him. I was going to purchase over $1500 worth of stuff but after this I left the store. I will never again step foot inside a Sears store after the way the Manager talked to me. Sears has lost my business for life and I will tell everybody I know not to shop at Sears. Nobody deserves to be treated rudely and this manager was truly the rudest man I've ever met.
February 16, 2008
Misrepresented warranty!
I purchased a new top of the line die hard battery with 3 year free replacement from sears,4 months shy of three years the battery failed,went to sears for a replacement, the checked the battery, which has the date the warranty started, the warranty info and the sears name all over it, they would not give me a new battery because 3 years later i did not have a receipt, when originally purchased the salesman said i can go to any sears if there is a problem with the battery since it has all the info on the battery, he did not say i had to carry around a receipt for the life of the battery, i checked all other battery sales companies, interstate brand, wal mart, autozone delco, not one of theses companies require a receipt since the information is stamped into all batteries, i will never buy from sears again, what liars, they get out of there obligations by using the fine print clause somewhere. Buy a car battery from a company that believes in their product.
February 16, 2008
Terrible service!
Sears calls it service. They also call it a warranty. I call it something else I can't print here. I purchased Heat Pump from Sears and I am now past the initial 1st year of having everything covered. After first year - parts are covered and every service call comes with a $100 service charge on top of the repairs.

1 - Called Dec 22 because heater stopped working. 20 degrees outside. Service scheduler says that someone can come out on Jan 4. I asked if he is telling me that I have to go without heat for 2 weeks and he replies, "That's not what I am saying, but we can't get anyone there until Jan 4."

I changed out the 50-amp fuses myself.

2 - Called January for same reason - heater quite working again. They said someone could come out in 5 days. Unacceptable, so I fixed it myself again.

3 - Called because heater stopped again and this time, the fuse did not fix it. Luckily, the weather was not as cold, so several space heaters were used until the Sears to came out. Service rep (nice guy who knew a lot about these systems) said the system was inproperly installed and that the wires had never been tightened causing the wires to MELT! He did not charge for the labor - but still charged $100 for the service call.

4 - I told Sears that I did not want to continue with the purchase of a new system for my 2nd home because of the poor warranty service I received on the previous system.

5 - I called the Sears customer service line at 800-762-3048 to ask for my $100 back since it was a problem with the initial install - something that Sears should take care of themselves. The person who answered could not understand English well enough to take down my number to look in their "system" for my information. She was finally able to understand me enough to send me to another division, but hung up on me while transferring the call - 15 minutes.

6 - I called the number back again and talked to a person learning English again. I had to go through all the same steps with this person, too. He went to transfer my call and I was on hold for 7 minutes before the phone went dead. 22 minutes.

7 - I call again and immediately asked for a manager because the last two efforts were less than rewarding. I still had to go through the whole "phone number and let me look up your information" again. I told him that I was being dropped in transit, so he said to hold for a minute - where I was dropped again. 10 minutes

8 - I called again and asked for a manager again. I was assured that he would stay with this one until he knew there was a manager on the other line. I was on hold for 10 minutes, then I heard some shuffling when someone picked up the line. Then it went dead. 22 minutes

9 - I called again and did the "number" thing, then explained all that had happened so far. The guy assured me that he would not be like the others and he would stick with me on this one. He put me on hold 3 times to see what to do, then he said he was waiting on the manager to come.

I asked if he would take my phone number down so they could call me back if I was hung up on and he said they would. He put me on hold again and the phone went dead after 4 minutes. 30 minutes

10 - I took a break for a couple of hours before calling back so I could keep a cool head. This was really unbelievable so far.

When I called, I asked for a manager again and finally got one (after all the initial "phone number" steps were done) and was told that there were problems with the outsourcing of customer service and they were addressing those issues. She put me through to the money people and after being on hold for a long time, a person answered and took down all my information, telling me that someone would be calling within 24 business hours.

11 - I did one of those "look for your phone number online at Google to see if they are giving out your address" since someone reminded me through an email that it is a good idea. I wasn't even thinking of Sears at this point, but there I see it - plain as day. My name and phone number displayed in a list on one of their contact sheets for new sales of home heating/air systems. I am shocked so I send an email to their customer service center. I got nothing back. I am furious!

12 - One week later, a Sears "National Customer Relations" representative called.

Is this Mr. Cleaver?

"Yes, it is."

"I am Brenda from Sears calling about your heat pump."

"Hi, I'm surprised that it took so... "(she cut me off)

"Excuse me for a second." (she drops the phone and I can hear her turning off the television and getting kids out of the room)

"OK, Mr. Cleaver, about your heater..."

She tells me that after the 1 warranty, the service warranty includes a $100 service charge for each visit. I start to tell her that it is wrong for someone to install something improperly, then charge me for their mistake and that there is an easy fix. Just have someone refund the $100 and all is good.

Mind you, this woman has no concept of customer service whatsoever. I told her about the poor service in scheduling the first two problems with my system AND about the name and # being posted on a Web page. I told her about being on the phone for a long time trying to get a person to help me with a refund. I told her that she didn't seem to want to hear my side of any of this.

She said that she could sit here and lie to me and tell me that she would look into those things if I wanted her to, but it would not help any.

We continued on because I could not believe what I was hearing. I asked why a National Customer Relations representative could not tell me where to go to resolve these problems; Why a National Customer Relations representative could not even apologize for this trouble; why a National Customer Relations representative could not assure me that she will let me know how these problems will be resolved; why a National Customer Relations representative could not even ask what the Web page was so she could have it removed - and mostly, why a National Customer Relations representative was not in possession of any customer service skills to begin with.

She then said that she would look into these things. Then she asked me if it made me feel better now that she said it - even though there was nothing she was going to do about it.

I asked who I could talk to about all of my current concerns and she said I could go up to corporate, but that the problem would come back to her and she would be making this same call again - so I should save myself the trouble.

I told her I understood why Sears service has fallen so far below every other company. It's because people like her are teaching the lower service representatives to treat customers just as she was treating me.

She then said that she has done all she can and that I should have a good weekend. Then she hung up.

Sears Corporate, here I come. Please keep Brenda on your staff so that others can learn from her customer service skills. That way, Sears will eventually not be able to sell anything - thus saving the world from their terrible services.

Oh, and thanks for improperly installing the system so that wires actually MELTED - causing an unsafe environment in my home!
February 12, 2008
Scam and rip off!
We have bought all our appliances from Sears and we have had no complaints until now. We bought a brand new stove that was delivered to our home while I was at work , my husband was home and let the men in little did we know that they have delivered a damaged stove to us. I not having a new stove in over 15 years, I thought it was just me needing to get use to a new stove. I kept trying different things to get my cakes and bars and hams and turkeys to bake right they would get burned on the back side of the stove and be still not done in the front of the stove. I did call the store and talk with the manager and got no satisfaction from that. Now we are having problems with the top burners, they will not light, they click and click because it is a electric start gas stove ( Kenmore) but will not light.

We have had a repairman come out now two times he has to come back again with parts for the burner. We purchased the extended warranty. I have called the sears store again to inform them that their manager did not get back to us after he sent out a inspector to see the damaged stove, that we informed him about, only to find out that he is no longer in that position at that store. I really love the appliances that we have purchased from Sears and we have this one compliant and would like to have a new stove that we paid full price for instead of this damaged stove that someone else might have ordered and we got instead.

I would really like to be acknowledged about this instead of being told that they will have to investigate this and then never getting called back, it is like being nonexistent, and unimportant.
February 7, 2008
Terrible experience!
After a lifetime of being a devoted Sears customer, I will never do business with Sears again. Bought a $2000 GE refrigerator w/ 5 yr warranty. Had a problem, called Service. My mistake.

Scheduled svc for 2/6 8:00-12:00. Was told that I would get a call after 8:00 am. Provided my cell and home phone #s.

2/6 Appt #1
Got a msg at 7:45 am from the tech, while in the shower. No call back number. Immediately called Svc 800-469-4663. Told them I would be out until 8:30 taking the kids to school, so to have the tech call my cell. However, he came at 8:20 and called my home phone that he was there. Got home at 8:30, called Svc again, who said they would have the tech return. Nothing. Called 5-6 times each time being told the tech would call w/in 30 mins. Finally, at 1:30 I rescheduled for next morning 8:00-12:00.

2/7 Appt #2 & #3
After 9:00 am called Svc who claimed that my service WASN'T IN THE SYSTEM! Had to reschedule for 8:00-5:00. Was told the tech would call sometime to confirm.

Called Sears 800-549-4505 to complain. While looking at my log, said that MY 8:00-5:00 SERVICE HAD BEEN REJECTED! Funny, nobody called to tell me. Said that I had to reschedule, so I asked for the (MA) District Svc Mgr. After 10 mins got a number 978-777-4724.

Appt #4
I called and was told that the Svc Mgr was not in and to call the 800 number. After insistence, a Jim Louder said that my service was rescheduled for 2/8. I told him that 3 days off from work was unacceptable. He said to schedule service for a Saturday, not caring what I had been through. I insisted on service today, but he would not commit or commit to a call back for yes or no.

So, now I will make it my goal to find someone high enough in the Sears organization who actually gives a rats @$$ about customers, so that they understand why I will never be one again. I will also spread the word so that others don't have to suffer through the Sears Service Nightmare.
February 6, 2008
Terrible quality product!
I wish I could have actually talked to someone in Customer Service with Sears about the experience that I've just had, but anytime I asked to talk to a supervisor or customer service, they would not transfer my call. So, I can't even complain to Sears since I can't even get through to someone at Sears to complain to! Quite Infuriating!

It started when I ordered a refrigerator last December (after mine broke). I told the salesman exactly which size refrigerator and which kind of door opening (Right-Hand). The salesman poked around on the computer, gave me a price, I paid for it and we set up a delivery date of January 12 (It was a special order). I got a computer call on January 11, stating my delivery window was from 11-1pm the next day, so I was happy that I would finally have a refrigerator in my house, since I had gone through the holidays with no refrigerator at all. January 12 comes and half way through my delivery window, I
get a call from Sears stating that they don't have my refrigerator. So, I ask, why was I called with a delivery window just the day before?? Of course, they have no answer to my question. They said they didn't know where the refrigerator was. Hmmm... Isn't that what inventory is for?? I received phone calls every day with a computer message to call Sears. So, of course, I call them back, go through all the information, my phone number, my address, etc... (mind you, you have to do this EVERY time to speak to someone new), I finally get to a representative, telling my story yet again, only to find out, there was no new information. I question why I keep receiving phone calls on a daily basis to which they have no answer. Then, I finally get a call the following week (about Jan 16th) saying they have my refrigerator and I scheduled the date for this second delivery for January 19th. Mind you, I paid extra to have the delivery done on a Saturday to save some of my time. Ironic now isn't it? So, I have already sacrificed one Saturday waiting for that call from Sears to tell me when it is convenient for them to deliver my merchandise. So, here I am again, waiting for another Saturday for this refrigerator to be delivered. January 19th comes and I see the Sears truck pull up to my house. They start to take the packaging off my new refrigerator when the delivery guy tells me we have a problem. The door opens the wrong way. Rest assured, I can use this "loaner refrigerator" until the correct one is ordered and delivered. I spoke to a Sears rep that morning after the delivery guy talked with them. She told me a supervisor would call me to get this straightened out. I wait for a few days. No call from a supervisor. So, I spend another couple of days waiting on hold, explaining my story multiple times, trying to find out what happened to the supervisor that is supposed to call me. I was told that there was no note in my record to have a supervisor call So, at this point I am livid at the fact that I can't get help from anyone and I am lied to about having a supervisor call. In speaking to yet another representative, I am told I will have to wait another 2 weeks since it is a special order. In the meantime, that past weekend, the exact same refrigerator was on sale at Sears for $50 less than what I paid. I asked for compensation for all of the trouble and time Sears had caused me in these past 5 weeks (mind you, I would guess at this point I had wasted at least 8 hours of my time between waiting for deliveries, waiting on the phone, explaining the story over and over again). I was told the only thing that could be done is to give me a $50 gift certificate to Sears. So, I'm thinking that after all the trouble that Sears caused me, I get a gift certificate and have to shop again at Sears??? I find it appalling that I received no help and no compensation for my trouble, unless you count all the times I heard "I'm sorry for the inconvenience".

I am so angry at this point, I spend more time, go to the store where I originally purchased the refrigerator and cancel my order. Of course, this took about an hour since I had to explain to the employee, who had to call an 800 number, then I had to talk to the 800 number until I thought we had everything straight. So, Sears was to come to my house and pick up the "loaner fridge" on January 26th and give me a full refund. Another saturday that I get to wait around for the Sears delivery crew to come by and pick up the loaner. If only the refund included all the hours I wasted of my time on multiple saturdays as well as on the phone.

So, now all I need is to have my money refunded. I wait 10 days and don't see any refund of any kind. I call the 800 number... again, they tell me to call the store I purchased it from. I call the store, they tell me to call the 800 number. I finally convince the store that I am not calling back and forth. They start investigating the problem. Finally, I have a name and a phone number of someone I can talk to about whats going on. They then tell me that there is no record of the "loaner refrigerator" in their system. I think to myself "Of course there isn't". How many things can go wrong with this one item??? After a few more phone calls, I am assured that my refund is in the mail. I have not received it as of yet, but hope the refund is the correct amount... although after this experience, I would not be at all surprised if the refund amount is incorrect.

I honestly don't know how Sears can stay in business when they treat their customers in the manner that I have been treated in these past few weeks. One can only hope a company that has such poor customer service will not stay in business much longer. I spent countless hours trying to understand where the disconnect was happening, in between calling numerous 800 numbers explaining my story hundreds of times.

So, I write this letter up and submit it to Sears Customer Service and my response from them is "We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced with the delivery of your merchandise. We want to make sure your issue is addressed, so please contact our Home Delivery group at 1-800-SEARS-47 (1-800-732-7747) for assistance" which is of course the 800 number that I had called before and would not transfer me to a supervisor or customer service.

This is just the first of a number of appliances that I am going to be replacing and if you read this whole complaint, I'm sure you see where I will not be purchasing any more appliances.
February 5, 2008
Terrible quality product!
My husband and I were engaged to be married so we decided to renovate our home. Upon completing of construction, our final touch was to add a new dishwasher. We went to the Sears Outlet store in Santa Ana, California. Once there at the outlet store, we asked the associate for help in finding the best machine offered at that store. She directed us to the “Bosch” dishwasher because it was a “best seller” and the one they had in stock, we were told, had only “cosmetic damage” and had been put through the Sears “all-points inspection”. She assured us that the machine had only suffered a small scratch on the front panel and that this was the only flaw; we were reassured that the machine would run perfectly as it should, as if it were brand new. The unit was delivered to our home. The following day the Sears tech came out to set up the machine, after running a test he said the machine was missing a part and should never have been sold in this condition, he said he would order the part, to be delivered to our home, and he would come back in 10 days to get the machine in working order. He turned off water and machine, and said that “in the meanwhile the machine may leak a little water, and nothing more than a towel and a fan to dry it out, I will see you when the part arrives”. That night the dishwasher began to leak more and more water, and this is where our mistreatment and neglect on Sears part began.

Both my wife and I made between 40-50 logged phone calls to different entities of Sears such as, legal dept., corporate office etc. Anyone within the Sears Corp. we called and left messages only to get the run-around and completely mistreated and very rudely spoken to. We have both been long time customers of Sears, my husband has been a “Sears Plus” member for over fifteen years. He and I were saddened and disgusted, at this poor demonstration of customer service. We told your Sears employee that our kitchen was submerged under water from the machine they sold us, the machine that THEIR tech came out to help us set up, had and was continuing to destroy our home. We begged and pleaded with them (many Sears’s employees) to send any one out to help us.

We were told by the Sears employee that this was not their problem and an assessor would be out in 8 days to evaluate the problem. As our home sat in stagnant water, our new construction ruined, soaking and warping, and using our brand new towels and linens that were our engagement gifts to soak up the water.

Our entire kitchen, dinning room, living room, closets, cabinets and wine cellar area were already destroyed and sitting, stagnant, in hot water. We immediately grabbed all of our towels and sheets, any thing within arms reach to stop this destruction to our newly constructed home to absorb the over flow of water. I watched all my antiques and wedding gifts, everything we owned and valued, sitting, soaking in water.

The hardest thing to accept is that all of this could have been resolved in a much quicker manor, if procedures had been taken more seriously and done correctly, on Sears’ part. All of this destruction and havoc would not have ruined what was supposed to be the happiest time in our lives. Instead this whole event has caused me and my family NEEDLESS stress and heart ache because of Sears neglect and misconduct.
February 1, 2008
Oven door won't close all the way!
Bought a Sears Kenmore gas range and did not take delivery till about 6 months later as we were remodeling a house. A few months later we installed it and I slowly discovered that the oven temperature varied widely by 30 to 60 degrees. I thought is was the digital display problem, and bought an oven thermometer so I would know what the temperature really was so I could bake.. Then I finally noticed that the problem was that the oven door was not closing all the way. The heat was leaking out and that is why the temperature varied and it took twice as long to bake anything.

The repair person said that this is a hinge problem and Sears is well aware of it, but will not do a recall... Since the stove is a few months out of warranty WE are responsible to replace the hinges which were a factory flaw to the tune of $200. There has also been a problem with the digital controls and a replacement for this with the hinges will cost almost $500.00 So we have a one year old stove that has been in use for only 8 months and we are going to throw it out and buy something else and NEVER by a SEARS appliance again...
January 31, 2008
Refusal of repair!
Once again Sears does it. 5 months ago they tried to void a 5 year warranty on a washer that was 6 months old. The repairman ordered $1500 worth of parts turned out to be a belt! This time its a dryer same repairman called to tell me he was on his way to the repair then he informed me that he knows I am abusing the washer and dryer and flat out refused to come out and fix it. So basically I am at square one again. How can you claim abuse we wash clothes!! How can you claim abuse without even coming out to the repair??!!

Had to reschedule for another week of waiting to see if another repairman will come out!

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