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Sears Reviews

GregChris July 1, 2009
Customer Service is Non Existant
Sears Customer Service SUCKS big time. They DO NOT care one iota about your concerns or THEIR EMPLOYMENT. They don't give a SHIT. Period.

I applied for a Sears card, was approved, then went to buy a refrigerator online, as I had an immediate need, as my kitchen refrigerator (THANKS, Maytag, 2.5 yrs longevity) shot craps. SEARS refused to let me make a very needed purchase. I then cancelled the card.

The assholes at SEARS sent me a letter telling me that "my account" (which was NEVER used) was closed and was being reported to all three credit reporting agencies.

PLEASE, avoid Sears at all costs: Now that they are a subsidiary of KMart, they have been going downhill steadily. My CPA told me wind of SEARS closing business practices AS OF NOVEMBER 2009. Watch your asses, people!!!
Ellen Turner June 29, 2009
job interview lists
I was scheduled for an interview on Thursday, June 24, 2009. At 11:45 am, at the Clearwater Sears Employment office: 27001 US 19 N, Suite 8520, Clearwater, FL. So I get there on time, and the woman who is there, has no idea why I am here for an interview. She was not informed. I applied over the internet and got an appt. scheduled. What is wrong with your company? I drove 20 miles to be told...that she had no idea that I was scheduled for an interview. She also said there were no job openings anyway. Sorry, I did not get her name. She said I was in the Global pool...whatever that means. I would appreciate a response.
Ben June 27, 2009
Terrible company
I purchased a plasma TV last year. Like a lot of people they convinced me to purchase an extended maintenance agreement to the tune of $500.00. I called to schedule the annual service as recommended. The representative was okay but when he went to schedule the visit the times are limited to Tuesday and Fridays only. Then the time frame is from 8:00am to 5:00pm. (all day) with no guarantees. So in short I paid $500.00 for a maintenance contract that is going to cost me an addition $200.00 in lost wages to be able to use.
Henry June 27, 2009
Terrible experience
On Monday November 5, 2007 I attempted to return a faulty GPS Garmin 530 that I paid $324.00 for. I had my receipt of purchase and presented it to the Manager there who said that he was sorry but he could not exchange or refund or credit my Sears acct and I left SEARS a DISSATISFIED customer!!!

I am appalled that SEARS sold me a faulty item and now won't exchange it for a new one or credit my SEARS acct with the $324.00. I have notified GARMIN of the situation and I want results!!
peanut9244 June 19, 2009
I used to think that Account Care was something worth having.
Let me Explain.

In 2001 I opened a Sears Account. At that time they offered me what I would term as insurance, called Account Care. They told me is would cost me so much per each hundred that I had on my card. I figured because I had chose to have a limited account of $450.00 that it would be a good thing. At that time I was retired and had been for 10 years.

I continued to pay my preimum each month and in 2006 I had to have an open heart operation.

My wife, also being on the account, applied for the so call benefits and for 6 months they paid something on my account.

Well in May of 2009 my wife had to have the same type of operation. I called Sears, informed them that I would be having a hard time making my total payments and would like to enforce the Account Care. At that time they transfered me to an ACCOUNT-CARE representative and THAT IS WHERE MY NIGHTMARE BEGAN.

On May 25th she was transfered to a nursing home and two days later I got the application, took it to the nursing home the nursing home filled out the forms as there have been others that have been there with Account Care accounts. The Doctor filled out the paper and I thought that was it.

I paid what I could as traveling back and forth to the nursing home is tiring to an old man not to mention with the cost of gas being $2.68 per gallon here is costly to a person on Social Security. I had to borrow money from my children and they haven't the money either.

Today June 18, 2009 my nightmare came true. I was informed because I am not "gainfully employeed" I cannot use the benefits.

I called Account Care because I thought someone made a mistake and the representative told me that because I was not working any more I do not qualified. I asked her WHAT PART OF RETIRED DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND. That is when I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle the little twit. I was in so many words told that I should not even be here. She did not SAY that but implied.
Here those Son's of Bitched screwed me out of all that money over to years only to give me the impression that because I am old I should just lay down and die.

Needless to say I told them where to go and just how long it would take to get there, and CANCELED MY INSURANCE.

Sorry people for doubting you and your stories so I thought I would just add MY story to this list.

Tantris June 19, 2009
UPDATE on Buying Online From Sears - Ordered, Confirmed, Delayed....Then Cancelled
This is a follow-up on my order problem with Sears. Just 3 days after they cancelled my order on account that they had no information on when the item would be available, the website started taking orders again. And, it stated the item would be in store in 6-9 days. About a week after that, I checked again and my local store had 7 in stock, finally! So, I placed the order and picked it up the next day. I called Customer Care and explained the whole situation again, they (at least did something right) agreed to credit my card the difference since the new price was about 13% higher. (Caveat: I haven't seen the credit yet, if there is a hiccup with that, I'll sure to report here!)

As I said before, the Customer Care people are pretty nice and wanted to do right but are limited by their system's lack of information and what can or cannot be done. I never had a problem with waiting, my problem with Sears has always been about the lack of communication and concrete information. Firstly, they shouldn't have charged my card if they had no idea when the item would be available. Secondly, don't cancelled an order without checking with the cusotmer first. If, according to a Customer Care agent, my order shouldn't have gone through because there was no inventory, and they couldn't reverse the charge but kept the order, and they couldn't shipped the item from one store to another for me to pick up, and they couldn't do this and couldn't do that, then their antiquated and inefficient system needs to be completely overhauled. Yet, just 3 days later the item had an estimated arrival date. That shows how useless the system is. All along, they kept telling me they had no idea, at least no info for the next 2 weeks, when the item would be available. My guess is that somebody didn't update the system with current information. Someone at Sears must've ordered the items when the inventory was low and the manufacturer must've an estimated shipment date. That information, unfortunately, was not entered into the system.

The long and short of it is that I got the item I wanted at the price I liked (see caveat above) but what hassles! Who needs that kind of aggravation shopping?
rosa clavell June 19, 2009
Central Air
Hello my name is Rosa Clavell. I am extremely upset beccause imy central air conditioner broke down and i called Sears repair service on Monday and they couldnt give me any appointments till Thursday. When Thursday came around i didnt go to my job waiting for someone to come to my house to fix my air. At first they told me that the appointment was at 12:00 and when i called again they told me that the technicians appointment was from 1:00 to 5:00, that i had to be expecting him from that time to that time. I called numerous times spoke to different people and they kept tellin g me that he would get there in a short time that i should keep waiting. I kept calling and the only thing that would come out was an automated machikne telling me that the time of appointment was from 1:00 to 5:00. When 5:00 came around and no one got to my huse i was extremly furious. I spoke to someone who told me that the technician had been appointed by his manager or supivisor to go to another house and that he should reschedule my appointment. Every single person i spoke to i would tell them that my mother has cancer she has chimo she 1s impertinent, which means that she pees on herself, also she has lack of oygen and oc. My husband recently got operated and he has high blood pressure, his pressure was through the roof and has been through the roof. I also have a new born baby in the house. My house DOES NOT have indows and im not getting any breeze through the house. I spoke to Fernando, Armis which is the technicians route supervisor, and i spoke to Daisy. Daisy spoke to her manager and her manager told her that i couldnt get anything before MONDAY!! I payed alot of money and i payed for the insurance of the air conditioner so that when/ and if something happened to the air conditioner i would get insurance and coverage. All these people at Sears are liars!! First they tell me that hes going to be late and then they told me that they send him a message to his phone so that he would be arriving soon and now there telling me that ON MY WAY TO MY HOUSE HE GOT SICK!! Also, i asked fernando, the supervisor that he can not tell me the other respresentatives name!! What type of customer service is this?? Intop of that they told me that theres only 2 supervisors in the city of hialeah. Theres people out in the streets dying of hunger without jobs and then theres stores like these, Sears, that URGENTLY NEED workers but because they dont want to spend a little bit of money there exloiting there only 2 technicians. In a city were thousands of people live and were every house has an air conditioner some airs are bound to brake!! I will not be buying anythng else at SEARS! They jut lost a customer!!
wot90s June 18, 2009
weedeater wont stay running, wanted refund
Well, let me give you my horror story about Sears.
6-13-09 went to the 1540 Park Av store in orange park, fl. Wanted a weedeater with wheels. due to neck operation and could no longer use the regular weed eater we already had.
On the floor there was one which was bigger than what I wanted. I wanted a small one to do a residental lot where I live in Orange Park.

Well, the 329 dollar one was what I took up to salesman, asked for a 10% discount. Said they didn’t do that. So, he told me he had a Weed Eater on wheels that was a little smaller. I had told him I didnt want to pay 329 dollars for a weedeater on wheels. that is why he mentioned the smaller one.
So, I said, ok, , I’ll take it. 159 dollars _tax. 171.00
So, took it home, my 30 year old son came over to help me, and he said, wont weed eat wont stay running, goes dead when you start to try to weedeat. Now, I am talking about regular dollar weed, which you can cut with a butter knife, it is not a weed, just something like 4 leaf clover.. For people who are not familiar with dollar weed.

So I tried it, did same thing. We know the correct gas mixture. And tied it several times different areas of lawn.
Told him ok, go ahead and use the gas weedeater we had. He put the other one in the shop and I took it back today 6-18-09.
I took in, and Justin, same salesman, was person I explained to, that when I would start to weed eat, the engine would bog down, and shut off.
He said well, I can give you an exchange, or store credit. I explained, I didn’t want another one, since this one didn’t work, why would another one. all I wanted was a refund . He stated he could not give me a refund, it would have to be a store credit, or exchange. I asked, why would I want one of the same...
Told him didn’t want a store credit. I really don’t shop Sears except for when I have to simply for the reason, back when they did catalog orders, you would order something, get the wrong one, have to go back and play the bait and switch game.
But if I buy something, and it doesn’t work, I don’t care where I get it, I expect a refund for it.
So, he said no, could not give me a refund. Plain and simple, so Richard, my boyfriend just happened to go down there with me and the other man took him in back and they came back in a few minutes and Richard said, they will give us a refund.
This is after Justin, has argued with me for 15 minutes that I could not have one. In the meantime, since I was getting no satisfaction from him, I asked for a Sears telephone number of a person who did have that authority. Said he didnt have that...

So, hey rang it up and said I would be credited about 145.00 dollars. Well, my total bill when I bought it was 171.00 dollars.
I asked why am I not getting the full refund? He said restocking fee. It was used. I said, ok, how do I not know it doesn’t work, if it isn’t used::::?????
So, after 40 minutes, asking for a Sears corporate number, or someone I could speak with about a full refund. They give me his managers number 800 877 8701.

Finally after several other 800 numbers, was sent to the correct department for National complaints
After going thru all the buttons to get customer service, I am given a number to National Relations service. That number which is hard at obtain is 877-8783695.
After losing connections for 3 times, and I was on a cell phone at the time, so could have been mine, but I did have signals so not sure.
Spoke with rep, explained situation with her. She told me she would make a report for me as to my complaint, and said I should get the full refund back because it states so on the receipt and nowhere on the receipt does it indicate a 15% restocking fee.
So, after about an hour, and upsetting me so much, that I was shaking, and had a very bad headache which brings on migranes, and after Jason Kilgore, the ASSISTANT manager argued with her for 30 minutes, gave me a full refund.
I have told them there will be a discrimination lawsuit if I can find an attorney who will take on Sears.
The reason being, is I am a woman, and not once did the salesman, justin offer me a refund.
The Assistant manager asked my boyfriend to go into the back with him. They came out and Richard told me they would give us a refund.
That is when the 15% stocking fee came up.
So, my question to any attorneys out there, does that constitute a discrimination against a woman. A man can be given a refund, but not once did either the salesman, or the assistant manager offer it to me.
Also, while he was speaking to the National relations representative, he made an out and out lie to her, stating I was planning to go out and buy another weedeater, or had already done it.
This to me, is calling me a liar, and I didn’t go down there to be harassed, discriminated, stressed out, or called a liar. This can be attested to by my boyfriend who thankfully was there and heard everything that went on.
He even told the Assistant manager he didn’t appreciate the way both of us were being treated, like we do this for a living……
Well losing 15% doesn’t set right with me, and I would not have taken it back it the product had worked.
So, Eddie Farah, or any other attorney that wants to take my case with a discrimination lawsuit against Sears, please post a reply to this complaint, and I will be glad to let you handle it on a contingency basis.
I asked the National re Well losing 15% doesn’t set right with me, and I would not have taken it back it the product had worked.
p if our conversation was being recorded, taped, and she said yes. She also said she was noting the account as to what has transpired between the store employees, me, and the attitude with her, a national relations rep.
Please let me know if there are any other women out there who have had the same problem with Sears as to how you as a woman was treated, in respect to a woman asking for service and a man who you can provide truthful information to me.
Richard, my boyfriend, has agreed I was treated different, and he would tell me if that was not the facts.
Sheryl Horne June 17, 2009
Sears has NO Customer Service!
On November 26th, 2008, we purchased a GE Profile Washer/Dryer w/Pedestals at a cost of $3825.29.

These were delivered on Dec 2, 2008.

On January 13, 2009, we had Sears repair come to evaluate and repair the washing machine as it would not spin the clothes dry enough to put in the dryer and why the dryer make a loud cranking sound and would not dry the clothes without repeating the cycle. I was told by the Sears repairman that he could not look at the dryer because "they" didn't give him a repair ticket for it. That all he could look at was the washing machine. We would have to schedule a separate repair. He left telling me nothing was wrong with the washing machine, but to be careful and not overload it. I said the Sears salesman told us it was an extra large front load capacity and that it can easily handle a king size quilt. The sears repair man laughed and said all the salesmen say that but it's just not true.
Five months later, I called Sears repair again for the very same reasons as before.
On June 9th, 2009, another Sears’s repairman came to our home and said that the washing machine needed a new Power Board at a cost of $434.45 and that the GE Profile dryer had a defect where the gas is plumbed into the machine. It has warped the side of the machine and that will have to be replaced at a cost of $117.80 for the labor only. (I have the repair receipts). I called Sears Customer Service (800-4MY-HOME) and spoke with Elizabeth in Customer Service Corporate, I told her I wanted a complete refund as even though we purchased the warranty, I didn't trust these machines because the Sears repairman told us that the GE dryer had a defect and that the GE Profiles break down all the time. I asked him which ones don't break down all the time and he said the LG's. He hardly ever has to repair them. Elizabeth said that since we were out of our 90 day window, a complete refund was not possible. However, she could offer a replacement. She gave us case numbers – washer #2646218 and dryer #2646230. We were told to go to our Sears store in Bakersfield, CA give the salesman the numbers above and pick out a new washer/dryer. If there was any price difference, Sears would credit our Sears credit card. We were to get only the item numbers from our local store and then call Elizabeth back at 800-479-6351.

On June 10th we went to the store, picked out a new LG washer/ dryer and pedestals. When we returned home and called the phone # given to us, we could not reach Elizabeth and further more, no one at the phone# she gave us even heard of anyone named Elizabeth. We gave them the Item #s for the new LG washer #28003 with a price of $1079.00 and LG Gas Dryer #58003 at a price of $1138.99, with (2) LG pedestals #13033 at a cost of $229.99 each. This resulted in a credit to us of $260.61.
So then we talked with Jeff, who arranged for the credit on our card by taking all of our credit card information and scheduling delivery of the LG washer/dryer and pedestals on Friday, June 12th between 2:30pm and 4:30pm. We spent an hour on the phone arranging for delivery of the new set.

On June 11th, we received a phone call from Anassa from Sears delivery to verify delivery on the 12th. This took another 1.5 hours on the phone as no one had the proper information.
On June 12th, the delivery occurred on time, HOWEVER they were not delivering the new LG set, they were delivering the same GE Profiles; I already had in my laundry room. They took the new GE Profiles back on the truck and we called Sears customer service again (800-479-6351). We were told at this time that we had to talk to Processing (800-917-7700) and see if they could figure out what went wrong. We spoke with Tamika, Shane, Jeff Deborah, Gail, Shangela…..over the next few days with no luck. During the time spent on the phone by my husband, I called our local Sears store and was told by the appliance salesman, if we purchased the new LG set with pedestals, they could deliver all of it on June 16th including pedestals.

On Saturday, June 13th, we spoke with Yolanda at 12:49pm and she immediately transferred us to Anassa. We were told there was a problem with the sales check. After being on hold for 45 minutes, Anassa told us that someone will process this and call us back in a few minutes. Well, you can probably write the rest yourself… one called us. We called back at 3:30pm and the only person we could get to answer the phone was Loss Prevention who said no one was there.

Sunday morning, June 14th, we received a call at 8am in the morning from Sears delivery stating that they were ready to deliver the GE Profile washer and dryer that afternoon. I laughed at this point and told her we already had a GE Profile set which we were supposed to exchange with a new LG washer and dryer. I also told her that on Friday, Sears had already delivered the GE Profile set and that it was taken back because it was wrong! My husband spent another day of phone calls back and forth with several different people at Sears with no avail. We were finally told that Sears could deliver the LG washer/dryer on Monday, June 15th, but that we had to go to our local Sears store to pick up the pedestals. We were to call Jonathon (Lg. Appliance Mrg at our local Sears store) to arrange for pick up by us of the LG pedestals. Of course, when we called our local Sears store, there was no Jonathan and no one had heard anything about a pick up.
On Sunday night between 6pm and 9pm, we received a voice mail stating our delivery would occur on Monday, June 15th between the hours of 12:30 and 4:30pm.

On Monday the 15th, about 11:30 am, we received a phone call from the delivery guy stating he was around the corner and would be at our home in 5 minutes. My husband asked him what he was delivering and he said a washer and dryer, but NO pedestals. When he showed up, he put the LG washer/dryer in our garage still in the boxes as he could not install without the pedestals. Also, he stated that he had no authority to pick up the old GE Profiles. At this point we were also informed that the pedestals were on back order until the third week of August. So now, we have the GE Profile set (that does not work properly) in our laundry room, and a brand new LG washer/dryer in our garage in boxes. Basically we were told we have to wait until the end of August to have the entire set installed in our house.

At this point, we called customer service again and spoke with Tamika (AGAIN). I asked that the phone call was recorded and demanded to speak to a manager so that I could get a complete refund as at this point I want NOTHING to do with Sears ever again in my life! She said that I didn’t need a manager, that due to all the mis-information and problems, that she would process a complete refund. She asked if I could please hold, so that she could process this. After 20 minutes on hold, ANGEL came on the line and was so completely rude; I can not even believe it! She said that we were out of the 90 day window for refunds and that nothing could be done. She stated she didn’t know who Tamika was but that she gave us mis-information regarding the refund. My husband grabbed the phone and asked to speak with her manager. She stated she was the highest level and she didn’t have a manager. He asked her what we are supposed to do with all of these washers and dryers and she curtly replied, she didn’t care what we did. We asked for a phone number for Sears Corporate and an email and all she gave us was an address of 3333 Beverly Road, Hoffman Estates, Illinois. She said there was no phone number or email. And then she had the nerve to say, “Thank you for calling Sears…have a nice day” and she hung up on us.
Immediately, I Googled Sears Corporate and found two phone numbers. 800-795-5030 and 800-549-4505. I called and spoke with Sandy who transferred me to Tasha. Tasha explained that the refund has to go through the Processing Dept. and was again told a complete refund was not available, but Amanda in processing would refund our credit card $1000 and then told us we were responsible to find the LG pedestals.

Then Sears delivery called us and said that they would schedule pick up of our old GE Profile set on the 17th. My husband said, don’t bother coming unless you have the LG pedestals to go with the new set of LG’s sitting in our garage.

The next day, June 16th, we received yet another phone call from Sears delivery stating they would be delivering our GE Profile washer and dryer on June 17th between 10:30 and 12:30. The recording went on to tell me that we needed to make sure we had room for the new appliances and that Sears would need adequate access in order to deliver and install. There was a ph# to call if there were any questions. 800-732-7747. I called @ 6:15pm and spoke with Macky who transferred me to John, who transferred me to Joe.
Joe listened to the story, read all the notes in our file and said that he could process a Full Refund, but Sears would have to pick up both the GE Profile set and the LG washer and dryer first and then 7-10 days later they would send the refund – and also that the refund could ONLY be processed as a credit on our Sears credit card. We said that we would not release any of the appliances until we received in writing on Sears letterhead that we would be receiving the Full Refund. Of course, Joe said that is not possible and that we needed to trust him. If we trusted everybody we have talked to in the last week, we would have five more sets of washers and dryers in our garage. Again, we politely said that because of everything we have been through, we did not trust Sears at all to come through with the refund.

So, we currently have brand new in boxes, a LG washer and dryer, but no pedestals. And, we have the original GE Profile washer and dryer w/pedestals that need to be repaired and returned. At this point, we will wait to hear from Sears and file complaints with the BBB and Consumer Affairs and also Sears Corporate!

On June 15th, we received a standard response from Sears Corporate stating that we needed to go through Sears Solutions. As if we hadn’t done that for six days in a row!

I am sending this information to any and all people who may be able to help me. This is the most ridiculous situation and all we want is a full refund of $3825.29 and SEARS can come and pick up both sets of washers and dryers. On top of everything else, FED EX delivered the Main Panel part for the GE Profile washing machine repair that wasn’t even scheduled. So now, we have that part sitting in the garage with the LG set.

Every time we speak with someone new, repeat the same information over and over and we are told a different thing by every person we talk to. We have done everything they have told us, but nothing has been resolved.


Wayne and Sheryl Horne
661-589-7934 or 661-332-6011
[email protected] or [email protected]

Thank you.
Billy June 15, 2009
i have worked for icc for 2 years. sears needed help cause no one was cleaning. its a two man job, i did by myself for 3 months with no complaints. i had to go to the hospital for being bipolor and all of of sudden Kathy the manager says im on drugs and not doin anything when just two days ago i was getting compliments. today i walkde in she forced me to leave told my employer i was on drugs wich im not other than the prescribed meds my doctor has givin me. im calling bbb and getting a lawyer and will have my job back

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