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Sears Reviews

Frank Gruber January 5, 2009
C amcorder Repair
I have had a camcorder repair warranty with Sears for years, but have never had the need to use it until now. I decided to have normal cleaning maintenance performed on the unit. It was in perfect working order when it was sent in. Two weeks later Sears informed me that it was not repairable. They did offer $250 to pay on another item, but I told them to send me the unit back and I'll find another repair shop. They said if it was sent back...I would lose the $250. This is an older VHS camcorder which I love. If they are unable to fix these older units...why warranty them in the first place? When I called the phone numbers to complain...they had a mocking tone of voice. Beware of dealing with any Sears warranty.
Ervin R. Graves January 5, 2009
Poor communication/customer service
Jan 2 purchase garage door opener w/Sears Credit Casrd. 2 hrs later decided to have Sears install Called the number on sales slip. Order taken - told I would hear from installation people . No call. Same day called same # to ensure order was in process since I hadn't heard within time I was told. No record of my order. Reordered installation service again on Jan 2. with my Sears Credit Card
Called Jan 5 - order was not processed. Finally, I'm put in touch w/credit card dept. Told card was not good even though the expiration date is Feb. 09. The date of the order for the installation was only 2 hrs after I made the purchase of the garage opener. Finally, no one had the courtesy to call and indicate that there was an issue with my card which I still don't understand - it's all adding insult to injury.
muntoonski January 4, 2009
Poor service
I'm from Wallace Street ALC and we are hosting a Benifit dinner/Auction for Sandra Burgett January 31, 2009. Sandra recently had to stop working due to her cancer and having to go to Cleveland Ohio for many surgeries. Since Sandra was also a EMT for 20 years in Gratiot County we went around to local businesses for donations for the auction, many gave. Being Sears is alway promoting there the store of giving we figured they would donate Something even if it was just a shovel or rake. We walked in to tell the sales associate what we were there for, we didn't even finish when he said, said he would get the manager. Insteed of the manager coming out to talk to us and let us finsh, the associate came out and said we can't sorry. They were very rude, maybe it was because the associate was standing the eating and we were interupting his lunch. Who knows! But I'm sure Sandra had many lunches interupted being a EMT for 20 years, could of been for them or their families. All were looking for is to help the most caring, helpful person you'll ever meet and for people to be like that is wrong.
Spomps December 30, 2008
Does Not Back Its Product & Terrible Customer Service
In April 2007, we purchased a Kenmore 4ET front load washer with a matching dryer, including pedestals for each. In November 2008, the washer had a catastrophic breakdown where the rubber seal around the door ripped and got caught in the drum. We had a 5 year full parts/labor warranty so we called Sears. The first tech came out a week later, stayed on his cell phone the whole time planning to meet somebody somewhere within the next hour. He said the parts needed to be ordered and that they would be sent to our house.
The second tech came 2 weeks later (2 weeks now without a washer with 3 young kids in the house!). The second tech replaced the rubber seal in front of the tub and left. One look at the washer after he left and I knew it wasn't right -- the tub was lower than it used to be. I called Sears again, and a week later, a 3rd tech came out. As soon as he looked at it, he said the tub, pump and everything associated was shot because the initial failure was so violent. He said we needed a new tub and pump which needed to be ordered. Again, parts would be sent to our house.
A week later, the parts arrived and a few days later, the 4th tech came to the house. Replacing the tub was a 2 man job and the other tech needed for the job was going to be tied up for 'a while'. Since this was the 4th visit in as many weeks, we could not wait around for hours and told tech #4 we needed to reschedule the repair. In the meantime, he opened the part boxes to make sure everything was there and wouldn't you know, the tub came damaged so he reordered the tub and pump (and left the damaged parts/boxes in our basement).
A week later, the second round of parts arrived and we scheduled the repair visit. A week later, when the techs were supposed to arrive, the phone rangs and tech #5 said, 'It's a 2 man job and they only scheduled one tech, so we need to reschedule". Now, it's been 7 weeks since this began and a comedy of errors. Tech #3 said it was o.k. to do light loads until the tub replaced. We tried but that resulted in a flooded laundry room which leaked through the floor and dumped a full load of water and bleach on top of our car in the garage below.
It's a very long story from here, with hours spent on the phone with Sears customer service and their national customer service. Utlimately, Sears agreed to replace the washer under warranty. Since the model we have was discontinued and the color no longer available, Sears agreed to replace the washer pedestal so it would match the new washer color. After a call to Sears national customer service, they agreed to replace the dryer as well, including pedestal, so that it would match the new washer, something we did not expect but they offered to help compensate for all the trouble we had. Despite an expensive washer catastophically failing when it was only 1 1/2 years old, this gesture restored our faith in Sears. However, that restored faith was short lived.
After we picked out the color of the new washer to be replaced under warranty, Sears started to reneg on the warranty saying they would give us the depreciated value of our washer to be used towards the purchase of a new washer. WHAT?! Again, long story, but after hours on the phone with Sears National customer service, they 'agreed' (again) to replace the washer. However, the new wrinkle to their new offer was they would not replace the washer pedestal or the dryer. When we pointed out that Sears offered to replace the dryer, the national customer relations person said that she could see that they offered it, but her manager wouldn't approve it, so no dryer. We called again and another customer relation person said 'if we offered it, we have to honor it', then proceeded to put me on hold for 15 minutes. When he came back on, he was singing a different tune and said they would not honor what they offered but would give us a $100 gift card. No thanks. I told them to keep the $100, that I would not so much as ever by even a sock from Sears.
The new washer arrived the other day. Damaged. After all this, the new washer came with scratches and gouges in the top. We refused delivery the guys left it anyway, and again, I was on the phone with Sears. They are now sending a new one. Again.
I called Sears National Customer Service today to say how disgusted I was with this whole episode. I spoke to the highest level person I could from Corporate Sears and was told, "We can go around and around about this all day, but it's not going to change anything." I also told this person we would never buy anything from Sears, KMart, LandsEnd, etc. again. She said threats wouldn't work. I assured her this was not a threat, but rather, a statement of fact. She was beyond rude.
We are a 'Best Customer' according to Sears. We are a family that has Craftsmen and Kenmore names from the Kitchen, to Garage, to Shed. No more. I will NEVER buy another product from Sears or any of its affiliates. Good luck to them -- this kind of serivce will catch up with them. They have lost us as a customer for life.
ericalovesmusic December 29, 2008
Bad Associate
I went in to the Sears store in Jefferson City on 12/26/08 to purchase a stove and dishwasher. This was a big deal for me and had saved up all year to be able to this. I had done all my research and knew exactly what I wanted to buy, had the model number in hand. I asked my Dad to go with me so we could use his truck. Here is where my problem started. I asked my Dad to find an associate and Gary came back to talk with us. I was asking him about the grill accessory and he wouldn't look at me. He was ignoring me and my questions. I stepped in front of my father and told Gary that I was the one buying the unit and asked him to please speak to me. He threw a fit and told me it was customers like me who make his life a hell and that I was rude and inconsiderate. I could believe it and asked to speak with his manager. He paged his manager and walked off. I was stunned and on the verge of leaving the store when another sales person, Deana, came up and asked if she could help me. I purchased the stove and dishwasher for just over $1, 500.00. Deana called for the manager several more time and finally Mark, the manager, came over. I told him the whole story and was told that this was not like Gary and that he would speak to him. I hoped that this would make me feel better but it hasn’t. I have had people come up to me since this happened and say that they saw the way he treated me. They said that Gary was also talking about me to other customers and staff. I feel very mistreated and am contemplating canceling my order and going somewhere else. There was no reason that this should have happened, especially at Christmas.
Janice December 25, 2008
Scam and cheating
I bought items on with Sears gift card but there's no confirmation e-mail received. Sears must had canceled the order without noticing me. Calls to Sears and to customer service managers were no help. They all told me there's no record of that order whatsoever. So I checked to see if they had charged my gift card even though the order was canceled. It turns out that there is no way I could find out what transactions had occurred on the gift card. I called the Sears headquarter, the numbers listed on the gift card and even went to the store to talk to the manager. They all told me they couldn't find out what transactions had occurred. The only way to find out was to find a store manager and have him called a number but it would take at least 48 hours.

I am so mad and you are talking about hours spent on the phone and driving to the store dealing with this issue.
Sara December 24, 2008
terrible servie, sarcasm from supervisor
My husband and I purchased a washer and dryer only5 months ago from Sears in McHenry, Illinois. We've noticed a small amount of water pooling in the middle of the front of the washer when we use it. We called Sears to get a repair. They gave us a window of 1:00-5:00 yesterday. At 4:30, my husband, not having heard from them, simply called to get a status on the repair. Obviously, in the far north and northwest suburbs of Chicago, we are not immune to snow storms. Well, we got a few inches yesterday and the roads were bad. We're patient people. We absolutely didn't mind if they would be late because of the weather. We are the kind of people to even volunteer to have them come at a later date, not wanting them to risk their necks on bad roads over a washing machine, and to take the pressure off them if their behind because of the weather, no big deal. Anyway, when my husband called at 4:30, the dispatch or whatever said the tech was still coming. At 6:30 we'd received no phone call for an update, so my husband called again. They said we were next on the list. OK, fine. 8:00 rolls around, no call no tech. So, he calls again. This time he got the runaround from the person he spoke with. Basically a "well, the roads are bad, etc.". He explained again that it was fine if the weather was holding them up or if they needed to come another day. All we want to know is why hasn't anyone called. We've got a 4 year old girl who needs to get to bed you know, at least no later than 9:30, and we want to know a time the tech is planning on getting there. All they kept saying over and over was about the roads and the weather. I don't know how many times I heard my husband explain to them, it's not that he's late and it's fine if he needs to postpone, but why hasn't anyone called us just to let us know, and any time we call, no one seems to know anything? Then he asked to speak with her/his supervisor. So he did, and he got the same nonsense from that guy, "the roads, he's late, we can't help it, etc.". Again, my husband: "I understand, all I'm asking for is someone to care enough to call when they're going to be hours late, instead of us just waiting and not knowing what's going on." Then the supervisor insults my husband, telling him he's being unrealistic or unreasonable, I can't remember which derogatory comment it was because we expected everyone to be on time with the weather we were getting. Again, my husband: "It's not that he's late at all, that's fine, but why isn't anyone calling?" It just kept snowballing and got pretty ugly, with no result. My husband asked for their corporate number and the names of the supervisor and the tech. The supervisor said he was unable to locate a corporate number, there was no one to speak with other than him about it, he was absolutely as far as the complaint could go. OK, that's not even a good lie. I said to my husband, "sure, there's no one else, in the entire Sears corporation to handle complaints except that guy, he must be the top dog there." So, today, I'm concentrating on filing complaints and finding out corporates info to speak with someone about not only the poor service but the rudeness of the "supervisor" we talked to and his habitual lying.
Mgandevia December 22, 2008
Sears repair center
I baught Sears repair service plan so they can fic my washer when it brakes and they do regular meintence.

When my washer start leaking, i call sears service, they tolled me that that they can also do meintence on my dryer for additional 40$ . I said ok thats fine. I need my dryer to be checked out any way.

Repair guy came 1 1/2 hr later then original 5 hrs time slot. I took time offf from work so I can be home.
Well repair man had all the material to fic my washer but the person who took my work order screwed up on service order. It was created shuch awy that repair man can only do meintence of dryer which is not part of the contract(I am paying out of pocket 40$) and the washer that was part of my meintence contract he can not do it becuase they way work prder was writen(I guess they are two keen to sell additional serivces when you call for services and they coudl careless abotu my original proble.) As a results of this they guy left my home with out fixign the owasher. when he I called the customer service they says they can not do anythign about it. I have to call again and make another appointment (yet I have to week another few weeks).

I am very disappointment by the scam that run by Sears that they can not provide srvice that they promise.
The manager and customer servuce were very rude. They don't even want to reembursed me for their mistakes.
Jack December 22, 2008
Installation and customer service is terrible
I ordered a food waste disposer from Sears and prepaid for installation on November 11. Sears stated that once the part was delivered, I would be contacted to schedule the installation. The part arrived November 21. No one called, so I called Sears. They said someone would contact me. Nothing. I called back, and was given the number of a local installer. The installer said someone would contact me. Nothing. I emailed Sears, I called Sears. I received many "sincere" apologies, and the emails contained 1-800 numbers to call, but they turned out to be simply endless voicemail menus after which a customer service representative would put me on hold and then the call would be dropped. It is now December 21 - six weeks since I ordered the part, and a month since the part arrived. Sears is absolutely the worst. It's maddening that they have had my money for six weeks now and yet I cannot get them to provide the service I paid for. Buyer beware: do not order installation services from Sears!!! Their promises are empty and their customer service representatives appear to be an overseas phone bank with no power to do anything but apologize.
Carl Spang December 21, 2008
Delivery and Installation
We purchased a Sears refrigerator for approximately $2000 on 12/12/08. We are now experiencing our third delivery reschedule and have been unable to speak with anyone at Sears who can schedule a delivery! We have been promised delivery dates and times, only to discover that the automated delivery process has rescheduled. This is negligence, pure and simple. NEVER BUY AN APPLIANCE FROM SEARS.

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