I purchased two items from sears in kingston ny three years ago. the very first month the motor died and was replaced by sears later the gasket was leaking.
after that I had a another problem but since i did not have an extended warranty sears would not take care of the matter. could not use my lawn mower all last summer. found at that time that the transmission was broke so i finally got some money up to replace the transmission by a person who specializes in this. when the lawn mower was returned, it was smoking and yes the motor is broke and the gasket. I had asked sears many time to replace this lawn mower they would not even thought there was one problem after another. I only have 212 hours on this lawn mower. Yes it was purchased approx three years but I could not use it and sears would not back it up. I paid a lot for this. I was told to contact Husquavarna and Husquavarn told me to contact Sears. I have had a lot of problems so I kept trying to peruse sears and they would not help. so much for their policy of backing up their product . Now I have spent over 700.00 t replace the transmission and I still cannot use this lawn mower
Can somone help me out here. Obviously this was a defaulty item. I cannot afford to buy another lawn mower and I paid another 700.00 to replace a transmission that was new but did not work.