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Category: Home & Garden

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135 Broadwing Drive, Hanover, Pennsylvania, United States

Phone number: 717-451-7082


ksmcluc July 11, 2011
On June 30, 2011, I received my new Kenmore refridgerator . On July 3rd it was repaired the first time for a leak from the ice maker water connection and now second appointment is scheduled for the same problem for Tuesday, July 11. The first repair technicians stated that the ice-maker water connection is made a bit cheaply. I tend to agree. He caulked the area with MY caulk, because, I feel they did not come prepared for anything. After all, you as a company always assume it is the users problem, right. It lasted eight days. This is highly unacceptable. I did purchase the "extended warranty" for more than $300.00; however, this is a brand new appliance which should not need any repairs. Possibly, Sears is aware of the cost it will take on for their cheap applicances. In reading the warranty, I find there is a "lemom" clause - if the same part must be repaird 4 times in one year. Now I have water damage to the adjacent cabinet, thanks to the water from the leak. I am mad, upset and don't know how to recouperate my losses thanks to Kenmore, Sears and useless technicians. Will send photos if needed, but the "technician" will be here tomorrow. Please advise on how we will take care of this catastrophe.
Nick Shumway June 30, 2011
Poor Customer Service
I purchased a washer and dryer set from Sears over a year ago. I also purchased the warranty service with the set. On the 20Th of June the dryer broke and would not spin. I called the Warranty service number and scheduled an appointment. To my surprise it was going to take 9 day for someone to come and fix my dryer. Boy did I hear it from my wife. As I am a police officer and we live in a small town she really did not look forward to visiting a laundry mat. I sucked it up and did the laundry for her and waited the nine days. The service tech came as scheduled and was very polite and apologetic that it took as long as it had to repair it. He even had to go to a local home furnishing/retail store to get a part he was supposed to have on his vans supply and purchase the part to repair my dryer. We tested the dryer and it worked. Less than an hour later my wife went to do some laundry and called me and told me the dryer was broken again. I called the warranty service number to reschedule an appointment hoping that the service tech would be able to come back that day or the next day and was told that the next available appointment would be on the 13th of July. That’s 23 days of having to go and do laundry for a family in a laundry mat. I moved out of an apartment and bought a house and spent over $1, 300 on a washer and dryer set so I would never have to go to another laundry mat again. I made several calls to the warranty and customer service departments only to get the same answer several times. I explained to one person that the store I bought the set from was only 40 minutes away and not 10 or 13 days away. I also explained that I bought the set from Sears because I felt their price and warranty services were outstanding due to the fact that my parents buy everything from sears and when it breaks they get it fixed ASAP. I told the rep that if I would have thought it would have ever taken 23 days to get my dryer fixed I would have spent the extra money and had bought locally so I could get service in a timely manner. I added that I would probably pay out of pocket and have it fixed the next day and the rep asked me if I would like to cancel my service call so I could have someone else fix it. WOW. Since then I have continued to make complaints only to get told I had no choice to wait until the 13th of July. I would rather get a refund for my set and the cost of the warranty so I could go and purchase my equipment locally and get faster repair services. I don't think I will ever buy any large appliances from Sears ever again if this is the way warranty repairs work. I can understand 3-7 days...but 10 and then 13 days...I believe the proper way to fix something you didn’t fix the first time is to get it fixed ASAP and not on the next available date. I understand things break...but Sears customer service sucks!!!
Chalie Muller April 15, 2011
I've always had a good experience with Kenmore appliances (long life and no repairs) and was surprised when my dryer, less then five years, old stopped working. I've had little occasion to use a service company in the past and had no clue who to call and figured Sears would be my best bet.

WRONG! The first available appointment was almost a week away. Oh, well, not too bad, I thought, and it wouldn't have been -- if they'd shown up. I waited around all day for nothing. I called the next morning to find out what was going on and was told the tech ran into a problem and couldn't get to me. I asked when I could expect them and was told the next available appointment was not for another eight days! I asked why wasn't I just next in line since it was their fault that no one showed, not mine. I was told that's not how they do it, we had to start over as if it was a new repair request! I told them that was absurd and canceled the whole thing.

Not only would I never use Sears repair services again, it's unlikely I'll buy any more Kenmore appliances.
npfl62 November 16, 2010
Customer Service
Customer Service is the worst! Scheduled service call for my washer online last week. Called customer service 11/15/10 and spoke with employee id #532069 (did not catch her name the first time, but was able to get her id # after I had to place a 2nd call). I asked for the name of the authorized service company that would be handling the service call. In a very short and rude tone she informed me that even though the appointment has been assigned she would not give me the name of the company. She said I would have to wait until the day of the appointment to find out who will be coming out. I explained that I would not be at home and that I need to the leave the information for someone else. She was very short with her response and said that I would have to wait until someone contacts me the day of the scheduled appointment. I could not understand why she would not give me the information; after all, she indicated the appointment was already assigned to someone. She would not give me an opportunity to speak; she kept talking over me and refused to give me the requested information. I asked to speak to her manager. I was abruptly put on hold for 25 minutes. Needless to say, I hung up when she never came back to the call or was connected to a manager. I hit redial and spoke with Cary and explained the whole situation and that I wanted to speak to a manager. She asked why and I said I wanted to make the manager aware of the rude and uncooperative behavior that was exhibited by one of their customer service reps. She too, left me on hold for 25 minutes. I still have not received any answers to my questions. This has been an extremely frustrating experience. I will never purchase from Sears again and want to make others aware of the poor customer service.
Not very happy in Denver August 11, 2010
I needed new washer and dryer on Sunday. I checked Consumer Reports, discovered the Sears Kenmore line had high marks, and features wanted.
I looked up items on website, noted items were available for delivery and called our local store. After inquiring if the wanted items were available and assured that they were, I went to store to purchase a very expensive washer, dryer and two pedestals. I was assured of next day delivery by sales person.
After returning home, I received a computerized telephone call four hours later (7:20pm) stating that the items purchased were not in the warehouse and were not available for delivery. I waited for a call back to re-schedule. One day off work to receive merchandise.
The call back came at 9:30am next day(Monday) and was told that the Items that I had purchased (and PAID FOR) were delayed at shipping center. I asked them for a delivery date and time, they replied tomorrow between 8:00am and 10:00am (Tuesday). Two days off work waiting for delivery. I called shipping to confirm the new delivery date and time and was told the items were held up at manufacturer. No delivery date offered. I was told to wait 24 to 48 hours for a call back to re-schedule for delivery.
8:35pm Tuesday night, received call from Sears shipping that the items were being shipped from Dallas (a day and a half drive by truck) but the truck was late. Delivery would be Wednesday morning. No time offered.
Wednesday morning, 10:00am, three days off work, I called shipping to attempt to find out when my $2012.49 washer and dryer were to be delivered. Was told that items were still at manufacturer, but delivery would be made on Thursday. No time offered.
I then called Sears product information and was told the items were available for next day delivery. I then attempted to contact the store General Manager three times in succession, one hour apart, told each time she was in a meeting.
I have been getting the proverbial run around for three days. Is this standard practice?
If I sold a box of rocks to someone, and told them that, yes indeed, their box of rocks is sitting out in our warehouse, and it would be delivered to them the next morning, if I had to go out and dig up the rocks to fill the promised order, by god, it would get done. If that box of rocks were not physically sitting out in the warehouse, when asked when they would be delivered, I would find out when it would be BEFORE the customer paid CASH for that box of rocks.
This is the last time I purchase ANYTHING from Sears. I do not have anyone available to be here to receive delivery, so I am forced to take unscheduled days off from my job to be available for them. If no delivery is made by tomorrow, I will be canceling the sale, the card, and they can sue me for the restocking fee of 15% per item. My job is not worth the hassle of waiting for this. Not a dime, will be paid.
JMS5 August 3, 2010
On the evening of 7/20/10, I was using the self cleaning mode to clean my oven when I heard a loud noise coming from the oven. Frightened due to the fact that my infant was in the kitchen, I ran to the stove and turned on the inside light to see the GLASS ON THE INSIDE HAD BROKE!!! I promptly turned off the oven and left it alone. I got on the internet to see who to contact and could not find a number directly to KENMORE so I called Sears the next day. As I was searching the internet, I saw that this has happened to MANY MANY people. This is VERY HAZARDOUS and concerning especially when now days the kitchens are connected to the living areas which in my case is FAR TOO CLOSE TO MY INFANT!!!

Sears has horrible service. I called many times, was given many different answers, spoke to different people every time, was hung up on, and was told there was no managers that customer care was the top level. Let me tell you there is no care for their customers. I was told by two associates I would receive a call back from the service dept after filing a consumer safety report...of course no one called. I wrote down names and employee ID #'s and no one knew who the last person I spoke with was...!! I called again and was rudely blown off because my product was not under warranty. This type of issue should have nothing to do with warranty!! THIS IS A MANUFACTURER ISSUE AND SAFETY ISSUE!!! More people need to be aware of this type of thing happening. As I often have my infant right in the kitchen with me!!! Sears offered nothing to help me but scheduled a service call to my home WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!! I called once again and said I did not authorize this ESPECIALLY because there was a charge when I know what is wrong with the oven and did not need a diagnostic just a repair or replacement on SEARS!!!

The phone system there is horrid and the service is even worse. This type of issue probably does not have a recall yet because no one has died/been injured YET!!! Plus, people do not have time or energy to spend on telephone calls that get them no where at all!! There needs to be a warning on these ovens!!! (I HAVE PHOTO DOCUMENTATION)

A public message about the possibility of oven glass breaking/exploding!! A free replacement of my oven door and or a new one/credit for a new one! I have wasted so much time and energy on this because I was so upset that my infant could have been injured!!! Unfortunately, my time cannot be replaced nor a dollar value put on the energy it has taken from me!!
Dani Carter July 29, 2010
Sears Customer Service
My husband & I bought a Kenmore Refrigerator from our local Sears store in April of last year (2009). We also were talked into an extended warranty. Our unit stopped working 18 days ago. My parents recently had an unpleasant experience with Sears regarding the delivery of two other appliances...we were hoping that we would have better luck. No such luck.

Our local Sears store does not service what they sell...they only SELL. I was directed to the customer service 1-800 number. After spending an enormous amount of time on the phone, I was told they would call us back with a local service company that they contract with. THREE days later, when I called THEM back, I was given the name of a local "company" that I am familiar with and would not allow in my house even if they were the ONLY repair company. I was then told that I could hire another company, pay them out of my own pocket and then Sears would reimburse me.

I did find another company (and the unit should be repaired tonight...18 days later), and then spent another 90 minutes on the phone with Sears customer service, trying to get a fax # to send the invoice (to get reimbursed) and another 15 minutes to acquire an address to write a letter of complaint to the company HQ (this after my husband filed a complaint with Consumer Affairs).

Needless to say, I WILL NEVER AGAIN BUY ANYTHING FROM SEARS. I will tell anyone who will listen about my experiences with them and discourage them from purchasing ANYthing from them.
Gwen Haney June 16, 2010
In January/Febraury of 2001 I called for a repair on the washing machine that I currently had. After the repairman finish his review I was advised that it would cost more money to repair the washer than to replace. The recommendation was to replace with the same model. On February 10, 2001 I did that by purchasing the Kenmore 90 series Model#11020912990; Serial #ck4474028; Type 144. I do not have the first date that I called for service or maintenance visit, but I have complainted about the machine from day one. This machine has never cleaned my clothes but had torn my clothes. I have always complainted about clothes being uncleaned and worn. As simple as a spill on a blouse, towel, etc would not be removed with a regular or heavy duty wash. MY CLOTHES WERE ALWAYS DINGY AND NOT CLEANED. I was told by different servicemen and on different repair visit to use different technics. Reduce the detergent and softner, use different temperture of water, it could be cause by the dryer, etc, etc, etc, etc. After cleaning the machine and different adjustments it should operate correctly. WELL IT MAY WORK FOR A WEEK OR SO AND BACK TO THE BASIC. I always mention and showed the repairman that my towels were wearing and tearing. I have bags, and bags and bags of rags. Because the CLOTHING is torn or will not come clean. All of my clothes were dingy. My mother and I have purchase towels at the same time and she has washed her much more than I have, but I have so many towels my towels are not washed as often. But hers were much cleaner, brighter and thicker. I have everyday towels and decorative towels that just hang in the bathroom and they come out with stains and torn. I had towels that I received when I married in 1970 that are now all torn up. I had a service contact on this machine and my other applicances until 9/7/07 when I decided that enough is enough and I was paying for service that I was not receiving. Well the machine continued to destroy my clothes and in October 2009 the machine stop spinning and I have not used it since. At that time I begin to use the laundromat and my mother's washer. Well guess what my whites and colors are much brighter and my towels are no longer being torn. I still have the same dryer that I used since 199? to dry my clothes. So it was never my dryer destroying my clothes, but my washer. I am 58 years old and have always had Kenmore in my home and my parents home. But I have lost all respect for Kenmore products. I was a very obedient customer that followed all of your instructions and I got taken. My refrigerator was replaced by your replacement policy when you could not get the parts to repair, but I purchase this washer NEW and it has always been a LEMON but never replaced. THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS OVER THE YEARS, BUT I WILL NOT REPLACE MY APPLICANCES WITH KENMORE AND I WILL NOT RECOMMEND YOU TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS. I await your reply.
BNavarette May 1, 2010
Bad customer service!
I recently purchased a double wall oven from Sears on-line. At the time of my purchase, I was given the option to select a delivery date and an installation date. I selected my dates based on what was available on the Sears on-line calendar. The day that my oven was to be delivered, I had not received it. So I called the number on my receipt for help, remained on HOLD for over 45 minutes and NO ONE would explain why they kept putting me on hold to help me locate my oven! My frustruations kept increasing because I was expecting the Sears team to install my oven today (Saturday) as my receipt indicated it would be! When I finally got to speak to someone, she kept trying to blame ME as though the fact that my installation had not been scheduled was MY fault ("perhaps they tried calling you to schedule and you didn't answer your phone?")! Then the customer "service" agent from Sears started raising her voice. I just told her that all I was trying to do was figure out when my oven would be installed! She said someone would call me first thing in the morning on the date of the scheduled installation. No one did. So, I called them again, and AGAIN I was placed on hold, this time for 47 minutes! Again, they said they would escalate my call to a higher customer service agent and AGAIN, this dude started raising his voice at me telling me it wasn't his fault, "We are at the mercy of our contractors! It's not our fault. The date you have on your receipt is APPROXIMATE and is not set until the contractors call you to set up the installation!" And on and on. Mind you, I was not even raising MY voice! I just wanted to know where my oven was! I am really angry at the unprofessional level of customer service that Sears has to offer and it is NO WONDER that Sears is not the company it used to be. I will NOT be making any more major purchases from Sears because their CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS and is UNPROFESSIONAL!! I STILL can't find my oven so that I can hire my own contractor to install it! I feel like I purchased from at two-bit schiester off the street! SEARS CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS!!
koonce71 January 15, 2010
repair department
We purchase over $6000 in new Kenmore appliances. We have had repairs on the refrigerator four times in the past year. These repairs always involve second visits for replacement parts. EVERY time we have an appointment, they don't show up and they demand that we reschedule. I am only notified of plans to reschedule when I call to find our why the appointment time was not met. No concern for my schrdule or any other obligations I have are ever considered I am disconnected from customer service each time I try to speak with someone about this.

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