Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Development & Panchayat Department

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OIPA in India rep. Naresh Kadyan November 3, 2010
Elephant sale and purchase is banned but allowed in Haryana : Amend it - Naresh Kadyan
ACT, 1970
(Haryana Act 30 of 1970)
© Government of Haryana
Printed at:
The Government: Press, Chandigarh
Price Re 0:55
(Haryana Act 30 of 1970)
(Received the assent of the President of India on the 18th November, 1970 and was first published in Haryana Government Gazette (Extraordinary) of November 24, 1970).
Short title
Whether repealed or otherwise affected by legislation.
The Haryana Cattle1 Fairs Act, 1970.
Amended by Act 36 of 19712
to provide for the holding, control, management and regulation of cattle fours in the State of Haryana and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Haryana in the Twenty first year of the Republic of India as follows :-
Short title extent and commence-ment.
1. (1) This Act may be called the Haryana Cattle Fairs Act, 1970.
(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Haryana.
(3) It shall come into force at once.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, --
(a) “broker” means a person who strikes a bargain between a seller and a purchaser of cattle in any cattle fair on payment of commission;
(b) “cattle” includes a buffalo, camel, cow, donkey, elephant, horse, mule, and their young-ones and such other animals as the State Government may be notification specify;
(c) “cattle fair” means a gathering of more than twenty persons for the purpose of sale of purchase of exhibition for sale or purchase of cattle3 [and includes cattle market];
4[(cc) “cattle market” means a place where the business of sale or purchase of cattle is regularly conducted];
(d) “Deputy Commissioner” includes and additional Deputy Commissioner and such other officer as the State Government may be notification appoint for the purpose of exercising the powers and performing the functions of a Deputy Commissioner under this Act;
1 For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Haryana Government Gazette (Extraordinary) dated 17th January, 1969, page 45.
2 For statement of objects and Reasons, see Haryana Government Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 2nd August, 1971, page 1040.
3 The words “and includes cattle market” added by Act 36 of 1971.
4 Clause (cc) added by Haryana Act 36 of 1971.
(e) “fair area” means such area within a district as may be specified by a fair officer for the purpose of holding a cattle fair therein;
(f) “fair officer” in relation to the fair area means an officer appointed under section 4 for such area;
(g) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act.
Bar of holding, etc, of cattle fairs except by or under
3. (1) The right to hold a cattle fair at nay place in the State of Haryana and to control, manage and regulate such fair shall vest exclusively in the State Government and shall be exercisable by it, in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder through such persons or authorities as it may deem fit.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force and save as provided by sub-section (1) it shall be unlawful for any person, society or local authority to hold control, manage or regales cattle fair at any place in the State of Haryana.
Fair Officers and their duties etc.
4. (1) There shall be appointed by the State Government one or more fair officers for the purpose of holding controlling, managing and regulating cattle fairs in a district;
Provided that a fair officer may be appointed for more than one district.
(2) Subject to the direction and control of Deputy Commissioner concerned the fair officer shall be responsible for making arrangements in respect of all matters connected with the holding of a cattle fair and its proper control, management and regulation and shall have the following powers, namely:-
(i) defining the fair area;
(ii) reservation of sites or places for latrines, unnals, paths, shops, exhibitions, shows, demonstrations, foot-baths for animals, water- supply for drinking purposes, shelters green and dry fodder, entertainments and similar other purposes necessary in connection with the cattle fair;
(iii) allotment of sites temporarily for commercial or other purposes in connection with the cattle fair, authrisation of raising of structures thereon and fixation of rents for such sites in the prescribed manner;
(iv) construction of temporary offices for the purposes of collecting taxes and fees imposed and levied in connection with the cattle fair; and
(v) arrangements for watch and ward, lighting, medical first-aid, veterinary aid, sanitation, ventage and such other matters as may be necessary in connection with the cattle fair.
5. For the purpose of advising a fair officer in respect of all matters pertaining to the management and control of a cattle fair, the State Government shall, in the prescribed manner, constitute for each cattle fair a Committee consisting of not more than eleven persons, including the Chairman, from amongst the members of Parliament, State legislature and local authorities including Panchayats, in the district in which the cattle fair is held.
Constitution of Committee
6. The State Government may, in such manner and at such rates as may be prescribed, impose in a fair area during the continuance of a cattle fair-
(a) tolls on vehicles entering such area for business purpose; and
(b) octroi duty on goods brought for sale within such area;
Power of State Government to impose taxes in fair areas.
Provided that no such duty shall be imposed on the goods which have already been subjected to the levy of such duty at the time of the entry into the 1 limits of the local authority in which the fair area is situated.
Duty of local authorities to assist fair officers.
Exclusion of jurisdiction of local authorities to impose taxes, etc.
7. Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, no local authority shall be competent to impose any tax or fee in any fair area in connection with a cattle fair during the continuance of the fair.
8. Every local authority, within whose jurisdictional limits a fair area or a part thereof is situated, shall render to the fair officer for the purposes of holding, controlling, managing, or regulating cattle fair in such area such assistance as may be required of it by the fair officer in connection with the cattle fair.
Levy of fees.
9. Every person purchasing cattle at a Cattle Fair shall obtain in respect of such cattle as sale certificate in such manner, on payment of such fee and from such authority, as may be prescribed.
Licensing of brokers.
10. (1) No person shall act as a broker in any fair area unless he is granted in respect of such area a licence on such terms and conditions as may be specified therein.
(2) A licence referred to in sub-section (1) shall be in such form, and shall be issued in such manner on payment of such fee and by such authority as may be prescribed.
(3) No broker shall be entitled to claim from the seller or the purchaser or both a commission in respect of the sale or purchase of cattle at a rate exceeding in the aggregate one per centum of the price of the cattle sold.
(4) If the fair officer is satisfied that the holder of a broker’s licence has violated any of the terms and conditions of the licence or has contravened any of the provisions of this Act or the rules, made thereunder he may, after
giving to the broker a reasonable opportunity of being heard, suspend or cancel his licence.
(5) An order suspending or canceling a broker’s licence shall be revisable by the Deputy Commissioner concerned in such manner as may be prescribed.
11. (1) No person shall-
Power to prohibit entry of certain persons and cattle in fair areas.
(a) bring within a fair area any cattle suffering from any contagious or infectious disease ; or
(b) obstruct the sale or purchase of cattle or unduly interfere therewith or misguide brokers, sellers or purchasers within the fair area or cause loss to the income of the cattle fair by unfair means.
(2) The fair officer shall have power-
(a) to prohibit the entry in the fair any cattle referred to in clause (a) of sub-section (1) or to clause to be driven out of such area such cattle;
(b) to get the cattle in the fair area immunized if necessary;
(c) to isolate any diseased cattle;
(d) to arrange any disposal of dead cattle in the fair area; and
(e) in addition to and other penalty to which such person may be liable under this Act, to expel from the fair area any person contravening the provisions of clause (b) of sub-section (1).
(3) For the purpose of complying with the provisions of sub-section (2) the fair officer may use such force as may be necessary.
Outbreak of fire.
12. In the event of an outbreak of fire, the fair officer may order the demolition of any structure if in his opinion its demolition is necessary or spdient for preventing the fire from spreading and no suit or other proceeding shall lie for an act done or purporting to be done in good faith under this section.
13. The fair officer may, in a fair area remove any unauthorized construction and the cost of such removal may be recovered from the person making the construction as arrears of land revenue if such person fails to make payment of such cost on written demand by the fair officer.
Power to remove unauthorized construction. .
Ejectment of allottes.
14. (1) The fair officer may order the ejectment of any person from the site allotted to him in the fair area if such person contravenes any of the provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder.
(2) If any person fails without reasonable cause to comply with an order made under sub-section (1), the fair officer may take possession of
the site and may for that purpose use such force as may be necessary.
15. (1) If the fair officer has at any time reason to believe that any person from whom any sum recoverable under the provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder is due, or is about to become due, is about to remove himself from the fair area, the fair officer may cause a bill for the sum due or about to become due to be presented to such person and demand immediate payment thereof.
Summary proceedings against
(2) If, on presentation of such bill, the said person does not forthwith pay the sum due or about to become due, the amount shall be recovered by distress and sale in the prescribed manner of cattle or other movable property in the possession of such person.
(3) Where any sum cannot be recovered under sub-seciton (2) or has been recovered only partially, such sum or the balance thereof, as the case may be, recovered as arrears of land revenue if such person fails to make payment thereof on a written demand by the fair officer.
16. (1) There shall be constituted in such district a Fund to be called “the Cattle Fair Fund” to which shall be credited the following, namely:-
Cattle Fair Fund.
(a) all fees, rents or other sums of money (not being tolls and taxes) received or realized under the provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder; and
(b) all donations or grants made to the Fund by the Government, a local authority or any other person or society.
(2) All moneys referred to in sub-section (1) shall be deposited under the head “Cattle Fair Fund” which shall be kept in such Government treasury or sub-treasury in the district as may be specified by the Deputy Commissioner.
(3) The Cattle Fair Fund shall be operated by the Deputy Commissioner in the prescribed manner and shall be applicable for the purpose of payment, in whole or in part, of all charges and expenses incidental to the matters specified in this Act and the rules made thereunder, including the following purposes, namely;-
(a) all expenses necessary for the holding, controlling, managing or regulation of cattle fairs and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto;
(b) payment of salaries and allowances of person employed in connection with the cattle fair;
(c) payment of fees for the auditing of accounts of the Fund by such auditors and at such rate as the State Government may determine;
(d) reimbursement to any local authority of any expenditure incurred or of advances made by it for the purpose of holding a cattle fair.
(4) After payment of the charges and expenses referred to in sub-section (3), the balance of the Cattle Fair Fund shall be allocated as follows:-
(a) twenty per centum shall be allocated in equal proportion to all the Zila Parishads in the State of Haryana for the development of cattle fair or animal husbandry; and”.
(b) eighty per centum shall be allocated in equal proportion to all the Panchayat Samitis in the district, and to those municipal committees and notified area committees therein which used to organize cattle fairs before the commencement of this Act for the development of cattle or animal husbandry and such other purposes relating to the development of cattle or animal husbandry in the district as the State Government may specify.
17. (1) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-section (2) Penalties. of section 3 shall-
(a) for the first offence be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to six months or with fine which may extend to two thousand rupees or with both; and
(b) for a second or subsequent offence, be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to five thousand rupees or with both;
Provided that in the case of second or subsequent offence, in the absence of special and adequate reasons to be recorded in writing, such imprisonment shall not be less than six months and such fine shall not be less than two thousand rupees.
(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of section 9 or sub-section (1) or sub-section (3) of section 10 or of the rules made under this Act shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to one month, or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees or with both.
18. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, an offence punishable under sub-section (1) of section 17 shall be cognizable.
Cognizance of offences.
(2) No court shall take cognizance of an offence punishable under sub-section (2) of section 17 except on a complaint made in writing by the fair office or by any other officer not below the rank of a Gazetted Officer authorized by the Deputy Commissioner in this behalf.
(3) Any offence punishable under sub-section (2) of section 17 may be tried in a summary manner.
19. (1) A police officer arresting any person for an offence punishable under sub-section (1) of section 17 shall seize all movable property used by such person in commission of the offence and all moneys collected by him in pursuance of such offence.
Power of seizure and forfeiture of property.
(2) Whenever any offence punishable under sub-section (1) of section 17 has been committed, the court shall direct that all movable property and all moneys seized under sub-section (1) shall be forfeited to the State Government.
20. The fair officer may accept from any person charged withan offence punishable under sub-section (2) of section 17 by way of composition of the offence a sum of money not exceeding five hundred rupees and no such payment such person, if in custody shall be set at liberty and the composition shall be deemed to amount to an acquittal and in no case shall any further proceedings be taken against such person in respect of the same offence.
Power to make regulations.
21. The fair officer may, subject to the rules made under this Act and with the approval of the State Government, make regulations to provide generally against the outbreak or spread of fire and particularly for the following purposes, namely:-
(i) safety of buildings and structures put up in the fair area;
(ii) laying down conditions on which huts and other structures may be constructed including limits to the heights of such huts or structures and the areas on which they are to be built and distances between them.
(iii) providing for the supply of water;
(iv) restricting the use of fire for cooking or for any other purpose and taking precautions against spread of fire.
Power to make rules.
22. (1) The State Government may be notification make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act.
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:-
(a) the manner in which and the extent to which the fair officer or other persons or authorities under this Act shall exercise authority to hold, control, manage and regulate a cattle fair;
(b) the manner in which the Committees referred to in section 5 shall be constituted and matters connected therewith;
(c) the manner in which sites shall be allotted temporarily for commercial or other purposes in connection with the cattle fair and the rents thereof;
(d) the manner in which and the rate which tolls and taxes shall be imposed, assessed and collected;
(e) the manner in which, the fee on payment of which and the authority by which sale certificates shall be issued under section 9;
(f) the form and manner in which, the payment of fee on which and the authority by which licences referred to in sub-section (2) of section 10 shall be issued;
(g) the manner in which and the fee on payment of which the Deputy Commissioner shall revise an order of suspension of cancellation of a broker’s licence under sub-section (5) of section 10;
(h) the manner in which distress and sale of animals or movable property shall be made under sub-section (2) of section 15;
(i) the manner in which the Cattle Fair Fund shall be constituted and operated in each district and matters connected with the proper administration of such Fund;
(j) sanitation and control of diseases in fair area; and
(k) any other purpose for which rules are required to be or may be made.
(3) Every rule made under this section shall be laid as soon as may be after it is made before the House of the State Legislature while it is in session for a total period of tend days which may be comprised in one session or in two successive sessions; and if before the expiry of the session in which it is laid or the session immediately following, the House agrees in making any modification in the rule or the House agrees that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so however, that any such modification or
annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule.
23. The provisions of this Act shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in any other law for the time being in force.
Act to override other
393/LR (H)-Govt. Press, Chd.
No. The following rules as mended upto _______________________ are republished for central information:-
1. (1) These rules may be called the Haryana Cattle Fairs Rules, 1970.
(2) They shall come into force at end.
Short title
and comme-ncement
2. In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires-
(a) “Certificate Writer” means a person engaged by the Fair Officer for the duration of a fair for performing such functions as are assigned to the certificate Writer under the provisions of these rules.
(b) ‘Form’ means the a form appended to these rules.
(c) ‘Act’ means the Haryana Cattle Fairs Act, 1970.
Issue of Regd
stration/sale certificate section 9 and 22(2) (c) (d)
3. (1) Every person selling cattle at a cattle fair shall obtain a registration certificate from the certificate writer in form C.F.R.I. in respect of such cattle on payment of a fee of one rupees per cattle.
(2) Every person purchasing a cattle at a cattle fair shall furnish necessary particulars in respect of the sale transaction to the Certificate writer, who shall issue to him a sale dertificate in from C.F.R.I. on payment of a fee at the rate of four percent of sale price for which the cattle which has been sold.
Deposit of fee, etc. Sections 16 (1) (A) and 22 (2) (c)
4. All fees, rents or other sums of money, received by the certificate writer shall be deposited by him daily with the fair officer on the close of the day who shall further deposit the same in the cattle Fair Fund on the next working day.
1. First Rules published in Haryana Government Gaz. (Extra) December 7, 1970 vide notification No. GSR. 131/HA. 30/73/S.22/70, dated 07-12-1970.
2. Inserted vide Haryana Government notification No. ………………………………………………………..and sub rule (1) renumbered as sub rule (2)
3. Substituted vide Haryana Government Notification No. G.S.R. 37/H.A. 30/70/S.22/Amd (i) 80, dated 27-03-1980 in sub-rule (2) of rule 3.
4. substituted vide Haryana Government Notification No. G.S.R. 24/HA.30/70/S.22/Amd(i)/76, dated 27-02-1976 in rule 4.
5. (1) The sites required temporarily for commercial or other purposes in connection with the Cattle fair shall be allotted by the fari officer by auction before the commencement of the cattle fair. The successful bidder shall pay the full amount of the rent offered at the auction at the fall of hammer to the fair officer who shall issue a receipt therefore in form C.F.R.2.
Reservation and auction of sites and arrangements for environmental sanitation
Sections 4 (2) and 22(2) (a), (c) and (d).
(2) Sufficient number of stand posts shall be provided for the use of people and further cattle troughs shall be provided for animals.
(3) Sufficient number of latrines, urinals and baths for the use of people attending the fair shall be provided out the location of such latrines, urinals and baths shall take into consideration the topography of the area. Public latrines and urinals shall not be located within a distance of one hundred yards from the residential area or wells.
(4) Arrangement for water-supply for drinking and washing purposes shall be made in the fair area so as to make available adequate quantity of hygienic water-supply for human and cattle requirement.
(5) Arrangement shall be made for the disposal of waste water from public stand poets, liquid and sold wastes from the latrines, urinals and baths and removal of all refuse garbage and cattle dung.
(6) Arrangement shall be made for a Veterinary Dispensary in the fair premises.
1. Inserted vide Haryana Govt. Notification No. G.S.R.23/HA30/70/S.22/Amd(1)/76, dated 27-02-1976 sub-rule – (6) in rule 5.
2. Substituted vide Haryana Govt. Notification No. G.S.R. 23/HA30/79/S.22/88, dated 14-03-1980 in sub rule (1) of rule 3.
Licensing of brokers Sections 10(2) and 22(2) (f)
6. (1) No person shall act as a broker in any area unless he has obtained a license in Form C.F.R. 3 from the Fair Officer of that area on payment of a fee of fifteen rupees.
(2) Every license issued under this rule shall be valid for the duration of the fair for which it is issued and shall be subject to the terms and conditions specified therein.
Revision against suspension of license of broker, Sections 10 (5) and 22 (2) (g)
7. (1) Where a fair officer passes in order suspending or canceling the license of a broker under sub-section (4) of section 10 of the Act, he shall immediately send a copy of the order to the Deputy
Commissioner and shall also serve a copy of the order on the broken concerned.
(2) The Deputy Commissioner may suo moto or on an application made to him in this behalf revise any order passed by the fare officer.
Manner in which distress and sale shall be conducted (2) and 22 (2) (h)
8. (1) The fair officer shall seize cattle or other movable property in the possession of the person who is about to remove himself from the fair area or does not pay the sum forthwith on presentation of the bill under sub-section (1) of section 15 of the Act and shall prepare and inventory of the seized cattle or other movable property in the presence of two persons.
Provided that only such cattle or other
movable property shall be seized as may be
sufficient, in the opinion the fair officer
to realize the sum due from that person.
(2) The fair officer shall sell the seized cattle or other 8 movable properties by auction after a proclamation about the necessary particulars of such auction is made by him in the fair area by the beat of drum.
(3) At any time before the cattle or other movable property is pit to auction the person from whom the sum is due may pay the same whereupon the cattle or other movable property shall be released in favour that person.
(4) The fair officer shall realize the sum specified in the bill presented under sub-section (1) of section 15 of the Act from the sale proceeds and shall return in the balance to the person whose cattle are movable property. was seized.
Manner in which cattle Fair Fund shall be administered section 16 (3) and 22 (2) (1)
9- (1) The cattle Fair Fund shall be of the nature of a personal Ledger Account in the name of the Cattle Fair Officer of the district at the district level and the accounts Officer of Development and Panchayat Department at the State level or such other officer as may be appointed by the State Government in this behalf.
(2) The Cattle Fair Fund shall be kept at the treasury as a purely banking account money being paid into and drawn out of it without specification of the nature of the receipt of expenditure. Withdrawal will be made only be means of cheques signed by the Cattle Fair Officer of the district of the Accounts Officer, Development and
Panchayats Department, as the case may be, only when it is required for immediate disbursement on any item of expenditure.
(3) The Treasury Officer shall issue a Pass Book in which all the sums paid into or drawn by means of cheques from the treasury shall be entered by him.
(4) The Pass Book shall remain in the Personal custody of the Cattle Fair Officer or the Accounts Officer of the Development and Panchayat Department, as the case may be, who shall be responsible to see that the Pass Book sent to the Treasury Officer at least once a month and balanced.
(5) The Fair Officer may have an imprest money not exceeding Five Thousand rupees for meeting the incidental charges connected with the Cattle fair. All the payments upto Five Thousand rupees may be made by him in cash out of the imprest money. All payments required to replenish the imprest shall be drawn by the Cattle Fair Officer from the Cattle Fair Fund by means of cheques.
(6) The Cheque Book shall be supplied by the Treasury Officer to the Cattle Fair Officer and the Accounts Officer of Development & Panchayat Department, Chandigarh.
(7) The fair officer shall reader to the Deputy Commissioner a complete and proper account of the amount of imprest at the close off each cattle fair for adjustment and recoupment of the amount spent by him out of the imprest.
(8) Proper accounts of receipts and expenditure of a cattle fair shall be maintained by the Fair Officer and shall be audited by authority appointed in this behalf by the State Government.
10- (1) Subject to the provisions of section 6 of the Act. no. person shall bring and vehicle. For business purposes or goods for sale within the fair area unless he has paid.
Imesition of taxes in fair areas by government Section 6 and 2(2) (k)
(i) toll at the rate of two rupees per vehicles and
(ii) Octroi duty at the rates levied by the municipal committee or the notified area committee, as the case may in whose jurisdictional limits the fair area or a part thereof is situated.
Provided that where the fair area neither falls within the jurisdictional limits of Municipal Committee nor of.
Notified Area Committee, the rates of Octroi duty shall be such as may be prevalent in the nearest municipality on the notified area, as the case may be, and approved by the Deputy Commissioner.
(2) The toll tax and the Octroi duty shall be collected by the fair officer who shall be assisted by the staff employed in the Panchayat Samiti concerned and in the officer of the Block Development and Panchayat Officer.
(3) The amount realized by the fair officer as toll tax and Octroi duty shall be deposited in the treasury under the receipt head of the development Department or any other Head as may be specified by the Govt.
11. (1) The members including the chairman of the committee under section 5 of the act shall nominated by the State Government.
Constitution of committee “Sections 5 and 22(2) (b)”
(2) The quorum for transacting business in a meeting of the committee shall be one third of the total members of committee.
(3) The members including the chairman of the committee shall not be entitled to any allowance or honorarium for attending the meeting of the committee.
(4) The meeting of the committee shall be called by the fair officer as and when required by the chairman of the committee. The fair officer shall also record the proceedings of each meeting and get them confirmed form committee.
(5) The fair officer shall report to the committee the action taken by him in respect of the recommendations made by the committee.
1- Substituted in the marginal note of rule 11. Vide Haryana Government Notification No.G.S.R.24/FA.30/FA.30/70/S.22/Amd (1) 76, dated 27-…76.
2- Inserted sub-rule (2) in rule 11 vide Haryana Government Notification No. G.S.R.24/HA.30/70/s.22/Amd(1)/76, dated 27-02-1976 and the existing sub-rules (2), (3) and (4) of rule 11 renumbered as sub rules (3), (4) and (5) respectively.
(See Rule 3)
Book No. ____________________________ Receipt No. ____________________
Cattle Fair__________________________ Tehsil ___________Districts__________
Particulars of the Seller Particulars of the Kind and Particulars of Purchaser Cattle
1 2 3
Name__________________________Name___________________ Kind____________
Father’s Name ___________________Father’sName_____________ Colour________
Village _________________________ Village ___________________ Age __________
Tehsil __________________________ Tehsil ____________________Horns ________
District _________________________ District ___________________Tail _________
Any other mark of
Identification _______________
Price for which the Fee charged from the Fee charged from the
cattle has been sold purchaser the seller
4 5 6
Dated the _____________ 19 Signature of Certificate
Substituted vide. Haryana Government Notification No.
GSE 3/HA.30/70/s.22/Amd(1)/77, dated 05-01-1977
(See Rule 5)
Book No._____________________________ Receipt No. _______________________
Cattle Fair ____________________________ Dated the ________________________
Tehsil _________________________________ District _________________________
Received a sum of Rs. ___________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ from
Shri.________________________________________son of Shri___________________
on account of rent of the commercial/other sites No.______________________________
for the period commencing from_____________________to_______________________
Signature of Fair Officer
C.F.R. 3
(See Rule 6)
Book No._____________________________ License No. ___________________
Cattle Fair ____________________________ Held on the ___________________
Broker License
Name and address of the broker Amount of license fee charged
1 2
D. Signature of Fair Officer
Distt. _____________________
Note:- This license is granted subject to the terms and conditions laid down on reverse.
(1) The license must be produced for inspection on demand.
(2) The broker shall abide by and comply with the requirement of the Act and the rules made there under.
(3) The broker shall maintain good conduct at the Cattle Fair.
(4) The broker shall not indulge in any malpractice, begus transactions and cheating in any manner at the cattle.
(5) The broker shall comply with such instructions as may be issued by the fair officer to him in relation to proper regulation of the fari.
(6) The license is not transferable.
(7) Failure to comply with any of the above conditions will render the license liable to suspension or cancellation.
Secretary to Govt. Haryana,
Development & Panchayat Department.

Naresh Kadyan,
Representative of the International Organization for Animal Protection
- OIPA in India, Chairman, People for Animals Haryana,

नरेश कादयान, अध्यक्ष, पीपल्स फॉर एनिमल हरियाणा,
अंतरराष्ट्रीय पशु रक्षा संगठन के भारतीय प्रतिनिधि +91-9813010595, 9313312099

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