To all of you wrongly accused by SECUATAS SECURITY AGENCY, INC, so why not register a class action intimidation, falsified paper work, wrongful termination, nepitism, ect. suit? I tried to complain about a security officer not completing security logs, a legal document worksheet, but was told that I am yelling at the supervisor. I was told if I do not stop that I would be suspended, and then was told I had to see a arbitration officer from another city. I asked why this cannot be done at my management's level, but was threatened to attened meeting with a person I find out is just as terrible as the manager I first spoke with. I said no thankyou, and that I was sorry for saying anything. Point being that the spread of collusion in this company would make it mute. This leads to me to wonder who this security officer is or knows? I was told by another that this officer was dismissed from the last site and now is at mine. What is going on. Beyond this, equipment and support is terrible, clients are at risk. One officer accepts money from clients, for favors and to look the other way. Policy is broken and ignored.
OSHA records are terrible, I have had no yearly training for certain standards, dead bugs by the thousands in windows, not cleaned, no routine cleanup, and complaining does no good. Women hate working at site because of the insect problem. Some of these complaints are not so bad, but the totality of the environment of this company is that there is no support only intimidation. I am sure the rabit hole goes deep. I wonder if anyone would like to find out how deep?