The folks at SecureAgent Software aka Interface Design Group (IDG), Inc aka Secure Data Innovations highly tout their SecureAgent Service and SuperVision Enterprise Management Suite as some of the most secure and reliable tools on the market. What they fail to acknowledge is their continuous incompetence for producing some of the buggiest and poorly designed tools on the market. Once their poor misled customers have these products in place, it is very difficult and costly to remove their software.
For example, some of the worst problems we continue to experience with these products are as follows:
1. SecureAgent Service randomly currupts the Central User Database and configuration information which is critical in the proper operation of the service.
2. SecureAgent Administrator and accompanying SecureAgent Client Applications (ie; Secure File Manager, Secure TN3270 Client, etc) interfaces reflect the bleeding edge look of Windows 3.1 applications.
3. StupidVision, err make that SuperVision, is a system resource hog and again, poorly designed.
4. SuperVision configuration and options are flakey at best and very user unfriendly.
5. Of the little documentation provided with these products, none of it has been updated to reflect the current release of the products in years.
6. Products are not properly tested prior to release to customer base. What little in-house testing is performed does not reflect real-world environments.
7. Technical support more times than not seem clueless and tend to respond to customer concerns, complaints, problems, etc. only when the possibility of losing their business is raised.
8. Products are falsely advertised and presented to potential new customers.
9. Fly-by-the-seat-of-their-pants enhancements and/or features; any such modifications are thrown together at a whims notice to satisfy a potential customer requirement which 99.9% of the time results in existing customer base being adversely effected.
10. I could go on and on...