My story in much the same as the others but we contacted prior to the end of the 3 year contracted and told them that we no longer owned the home and wished to get out of the contract. At the time it was easier to pay the payments to the end of the contract. I also was able to get them to reduce the monthly fee by dollars becuase we were not using the system and the wireless was no longer needed. Well they sent me a document that now appears to have addressed only the reduction in the wireless fee. The never address the cancellation or noted this in the records. This seems to be common MO for them. In all that I have read they have avoid directing you to the approved method for cancellation unless you press them on this issue. I asked them how they slept knowing that they are stealing from people they should be protecting.
I think we need to group together and start contacting local and national alarm companies and start applying pressure on them to not do business with these folks. Additionally we need to all call them daily and ask questions of the operator about the alarm account. I would bet money they know in most case these alarms are no longer want and used and don't even monitor them.
Better yet call the once a week say Monday morning at 8 am eastern to have your system put into test mode. Then call them back at 9 am to take it out of test mode.
Maybe they would get the message.