When I turned 65 I had to take "Senior Dimensions" and wasn't happy to give up my doctors but felt reassured when I met my doctor, Dr.VALERIA ASIMENIOS and she reassured me everything would be fine, she had "No Problem" with filling my prescriptions. Everything went well for a short while.
During this period of time it came to a place in my life where getting out of an abusive relationship was something that took place. It is difficult to explain, living in it for 16 years and getting out was extremely stressful.
It came to a head and I finally had a break down and hospitalized for 4 days.
The report given my doctor barely mentioned the years of abuse instead they wrote I was suicidal and bipolar. Which is completely untrue.
My doctor takes a complete turn around and I am now not trust worthy and her office personal and she now approach quite different. In their eyes I am no longer a person to be trusted or believed.
I take "Adderall" for "Attention Deficit Disorder" and have for many years.
I call to get my prescription filled but there was a problem with her records but it couldn't be a problem with their records it has to be me.
I was denied my prescription that she once had no problem with and I'm told I now need a psychiatrist and no psychiatrist no medication.
As I sit here on a Friday night I wonder how I'll be without my medication, how my body will react to sudden withdrawal. She kept to her word.
I felt she held my feet to the fire, agree to seeing a psychiatrist or no medication.
I don't know if people can understand, just do what she says, well I can't, what was said about me in that report wasn't true and I tried to tell them but my thoughts and opinion no longer was of any value. So what happens to me going through abrupt withdrawal remains to be seen.
It was a horrible day, I fought to take back my life and now I feel run over by the medical system.
I've learned what it is like for those with these disorders and it still carries a stigma.