Mary Smith
February 7, 2009
Breaking FDPCA
Employees as well as the consumers are yelled at, called names and threaten, this is not only done in private but right there on the collection floor. Managers as well as supervisors are encouraged to make sexual advances to other employees ...these employees more likely than not aren't part of the management team. They do not have a ethic code of conduct. Most all companies have rules regarding dating and / or having sexual relationship with someone that is not at the same level in the company. Sentry though is quite different they promote the act of sleeping with and / or date someone that you are the superior to. Their justification or shall we say excuse is this is where you spend the most of your time. Long time manager Ryan Hydorn has quite a history of having sex with these pretty young ladies and I do mean young tht he is the manager of. One would think that he would as well as the company have the common sense to not promote this or at least require the two not to be within the same department or under a different manager. Mangers as well as supervisors have quite a history of sleeping with married persons and some of these people actually have their spouses working there also. Jason Hover big man on campus can be quite intimidating, (the little man syndrome), he holds a level of management of one of the highest, right below the owners and he too partakes in this acts of strong-arm and harrassment. His current wife was once an employee at Sentry Credit, she was not only an employee but an engaged one at that, Mr Hover acts as if he is above moral and ethic standards. All of the male owners and managent have obtain their significant others (wives, girlfriend, or bedbuddies) at Sentry and at the time the female was beneath them in position with the company. The only manager that hasnt is Andre Duran, but then he has crossed over to Human Resources, Megan Gray who everyone in the company knows the hidden joke, thats not so hidden...Andre has many girlfriends and Megan with her major insecurities (being quite over-weight, more on the homely side and unfortunately not a great personality either) but Andre uses this as his control over her too. They have became the talk of the company people feeling sorry for Megan because of Andre's using her for quote "the things that she pays for and buys for him. If she didnt do these things he has made it clear that he wouldnt be dating, sleeping and in other words "using her. Its hard for a woman these days who is smart, pretty and a hardworker who wants to achieve and be sucessful when there are companies, owners, management and men of this substandard moral and ethic behavior. All of these statements can be verified. It is a very well known not hidden fact. Its is almost shown like something they are proud of. There have been so many woman messed with there only a few become a wife and that is probably even more sad. Ryan, for whatever caveman reason has made it his personal goal to see how many he can "bed" in his career at Sentry. Why do and how can the management approve, accept and promote this totally illegal activity. It is not only uncomfortable for the women directly involved but for the other employess both male and female that have to be subjected to this. Isnt this behavior immoral not to mention illegal.