Anyone looking to make a purchase from a sorry excuse of a company called "seven city audio, LLC." let me save you the trouble, stay away. Jonathan never responds to emails, calls, texts, or instant messages.
He is on alibaba and other trade sites as if he were a real supplier. He is more like a washed up ebay seller that over promises and never delivers. He is also rude, and a horrible failure as a businessman.
I lost over $2, 000. He made promises he had merchandise such as xbox 360's, audiovox cell phones etc. what a joke. 2 months later i am still waiting for him to make true on his promises but i have given up and found better suppliers for lower prices!
I searched the internet and found many complaints like this about them, and only a few customers that recieved their merchandise, of which were months late.
I thought about suing him but since we do a million dollars a month its not worth my time, this blog will satisfy me.