I'm absolutely mad. Well, I ordered items at online shop of Sex-See Lingerie (SSL) on December 2007 and I paid by PayPal (they said they can ship to my country). However, the shop SSL didn't send me an E-Mail about info of my items like most of other shops do. So I didn't know when my items were sent. However, I did not receive my items at near the end of January 2008, even tho' they were gifts... So I told SSL about it, but they roughly said that they already shipped my items but they didn't tell me WHEN!
So I kept asking to SSL, then they said they will give me a tracking number of my package so I can search for my items. However, SSL didn't tell it to me. So I kept asking to SSL again, then SSL said they will ship new items and they'll give me a new tracking number of the new package WITHIN 24 HOURS! However, almost a week has passed but they did not send me a new tracking number! SSL's responce was always very slow and rude infoless E-mails unlike other shops, and they were like they do NOTHING until I keep asking to them!
Of course I kept asking to them again, and they said they couldn't ship the new package (the second package). What the hell?! I haven't received those two packages yet even tho' it's already February! I asked to the head international post office in my country where all int'l packages comes, however the workers said they have never seen SSL packages. I told to PayPal about this non-delivery problem, and finally SSL gave a tracking company name and a tracking number of the new package to PayPal. They said delivery company is 'International', but there is no company called 'International'.
So I thought they meant USPS and etc, so I pasted that tracking number to those websites. However, the websites said such a tracking number does NOT exist. I said to SSL that they could tell me TRUE tracking numbers if they REALLY shipped the first package (December's one) and the second package (the one they sent after telling them about non-delivery). However, they NEVER told me true tracking numbers and when they sent my items. I think they didn't ship both. By the way, SSL suddenly closed their website lately. That's weird.
So I cannot see their postal address and phone# even if they change them. I told SSL to refund if they don't ship my items, but they said the three packages for me were re-delivered back to them so they will ship another package. Three packages?! They said TWO packages. Also they said they will tell me a tracking number for this final package within two hours, however they haven't tell it to me yet. Of course, already two hours have passed!! It's obvious that they manage to cover up this scam.
No wonder we think SSL is SCAM because of their terrible untruthful attitude. I am sure that SSL is making a fool of international customers. They might hate my country and they might did scam to me though. Please be careful, everyone. I will keep asking this Sex-See Lingerie until I get my items or they refund. I want you Scam.com people to be witness. So would you please remember about this case sometimes. Thank you for reading. I will fight for justice!