I enrolled in their promotion of a free bottle to try, paying only shipping using my bank card. I called a number that was not working to cancel any future shipment - I haven't even opened the free bottle yet. I saw a pending charge from them for $81.21 and called my bank to get the phone number on the debit charge. I called that number -866.950.2024 and got a man in India. He told me they had a no refund policy, the package had shipped, and they would not refund any money.
That was over 2 weeks ago. I never received the product and the pending charge disappeared. The pending charge re-surfaced this morning. I called the 866 number and it is not working. I cannot dispute a charge until it is actually processed by my bank. I will dispute the charge when it is processed.
I googled SFL Nutrition, got to their website, and read some of the many complaints. They are apparently operating a scam. Some authority needs to shut them down.