I have been a customer of Shapes Total Fitness for over a year now. For the last month I had been trying to assure the cancellation my gym membership, as I am moving to a location where that gym is not available. I have had a horrible time trying to assure this: I was originally miss instructed by the ladies at my gym, tried calling a different branch, and called your 1.888.50.shapes number all in order to try to confirm that my gym membership would be canceled when my contract was up in September.
Finally I was told to send an email to [email protected]. I sent 3 over the course of this week, and also sent a letter to the corporate office by mail. Today, feeling concerned that I still had not heard from anyone, and also after being instructed to call the corporate office by the staff at my gym branch, I decided to gave you a call.
I was met with blatant disrespect by the woman in charge of the [email protected] account. Not only was she belligerent in her tone and attitude but also treated me as if I had no right to call and inquire about my membership issue. She rose her voice in anger and said "you are not our only member, and my first email from you was on the 11th". When I tired to explain to her my concern, and that I had been working on getting in contact with the right person for the past several weeks (not just since I sent her my first email) she became more disrespectful. She said she would not give me confirmation that my auto renew would be canceled when my membership expires in September. All I was asking for was an email reply.
I find this treatment to be entirely unacceptable. I have been a reliable member of this gym for over a year and it is my right to inquire about my membership issues. I do not deserve to be shown the disrespect the young woman on the phone gave to me. I understand her frustration with perhaps having to answer many emails a day, I too have a similar position at my employer. However, when one of our members calls to inquire because of our delay in response we NEVER treat them in the way I received treatment from your employee.
I only request that I receive confirmation that my membership auto-renew will not be activate— that my membership will discontinue come its expiration in September. If I continue to receive no word I will be contacting the Better Business Bureau of West Florida, and the proper authorities concerning my rights from my contract.