To whom it may concern:
I just want to complain against this two persons namely: KALLATHIL PARAMBIL KUNZU ( PASSPORT NAME) with nickname as HAMZA.Contact numbers:0503973730 and 0557489501 and Mr.SHABU, Contact number:0555496012.
Mr.SHABU, has no permanent job, work and staying in sharja without holding any papers, documents and visa card.
This two persons are involved in "PROSTITUTION" and other rocket like:selling illegal drugs which is under in their possession and selling used appliances which is not owned by them.They sell and showing to the buyers the appliances and take the payment.Promising the buyers that they will deliver the things to the room of the buyer the same day, but they did not deliver the things until the buyers are keep on calling them but they switched off their mobile phones and nowhere to find them.
They victimized lots of people but they are afraid to complain against to them.
This Mr.Shabu is transferring from one room to another but he is sometimes staying in NASSERYA and HAZANA area.You can ask additional information from MARWAN GROCERY which is located in the same area.
Please include them under your surveillance as this two persons will victimized more innocent people.