Their $1, 000.00 guarantee is a guarantee to rip you off from your hard earned wages. You will find that you have no recourse other than to file a small claims complaint in their county to recoup your money that they stole from you per their inflated so called 'investment' in you to work for them. Yes, you do sign to be put on probation, but this is after you completed your training and are strapped for cash. You know you can do the job, you have all the confidence, but don't be fooled.
They are train ticket to hell, a 3-day stay at a flop house not fit for a dog, a once a day meal that is slop food, a medical exam that you will receive a bill for later, and whatever else they can tack on. Sharkey is charging me $1, 800.00, and they are keeping 3 weeks of my pay checks.
If they get 4-5 people to finish their orientation, and they proceed to run for Sharkey, you can bet that their names are on a dart board for Bill Russell to either 'hit or miss' so that the company pays zero to that poor driver and then further humiliates them after they tarnish their good name.
Do the math! 4 drivers a month @ $1, 800. x 12 months (a year) = $86, 400.00
This must be the end of the year bonus that Bill Russell and his cronies all feed on like scavengers - ripping off the drivers at the drivers own expense. But hey, it's corporate America on wheels. These people should be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for what they are doing to conscientious drivers and their families, however, they are scandalous enough to work around all that; and they know what they are doing.
This is the most horrible company to work for and for them to be licensed to do business in the State of Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, the Attorney General should be looking into their shady operation. Jack Sharkey is a Director on the Illinois Commerce Commission, which protects and provides avenues for businesses, it's just a wonder how many politicians he has in his pocket to pull this shenanigan off.
During my three short weeks they had pulled a bait & switch on me, a new employee, Sharkey made me out to be a criminal with no hard evidence; but only threats, kicking me out of the truck on the side of the road, otherwise I was driving stolen company property.
Swift, J B Hunt, Werner, Schneider may have their 'attitudes', but at least they don't have their hand in your pocket and rob you without a gun like Sharkey.
This company has not heard the last from me - I WILL file a complaint in Adams ; County on my behalf; and maybe yours too.