The product(Sharp LC32GP1U hdtv) which is on Pricemad's web site and advertised for the amount of $979.00 was quoated
to me as "brand New" and in the original manufactures shipping carton with the manufactures warranty and was promised to ship within 3-5 business days from dated of purchase is all false. I received a confirmation of my purchase by e-mail after a phone call to Pricemad by their instruction. On the e-mailed confirmation it said that the item(Sharp LC32GP1U) I purchased
was a "refurbushied" product and not new as advertised or expressed to me.I called my credit card company and requested that they placed this purchase in dispute as I informed Pricemad to cancel my order effective immediately(04/14/08) I have not received this productas yet.My point of view is this company is not a reputable business and all internet users should be made aware . I am hoping I will receive my credit to my my credit card without any problems. I also wish you would inform
this company with a warning of it's obligations to it's customers and as a participant on the internet.