I have recived the SMS as well as mail that i have won the 2010-UK-Shell-Oil&Gas-Internatinal-Mobile-Draw-, They want some personal details to be send. I send all the details required by the sender. now after sending them all the details they sent a winning certificate, whcin is commonly available on the wbesite i found while searching...
They ask to pay arond india Rs.24, 000/- before sending the winning draft to us to pay some Tri County Experess-The coureier company...
They think we dont not the courier charges to send a parcel...
How ever it seems Idealy a fake scams to a way of fooling poor people, playing with their emotions...
Thank God! I dind't pay a single penny to them...never will I pay...
unlesss its real...
My only request to all the people who recived the similar mail...
Pls. dont send any money to them...
unless they send you the demand draft of the winning award...you see.. in front of your eyes...