Dear Guys & Honest people
Please read the below and thank me for wasting my time to teach you a few things about this idiotic company Shenzhen Guangchi Digital Co.Ltd and China rubbish.
Guangchi Digital Co.Ltd
[email protected]
Contact: Elva He
I have not provided my company name or website only for 1 reason? If I done that it means whenever people do a company search on Google my Company will come up and show my customers that I have purchased rubbish products from China. Which straight away downgrades my company reputation?
Please believe me as an honest Christian do not buy anything from China or this so called company Shenzhen Guangchi Digital Co.Ltd.
In the last few months I have purchased 15 sample products from various cheap Chinese companies. Believe it or not all of the products had various faults and I have lost over £2000.00
Imagine if you sold these to customers I guarantee you they will call you back in a few months if you are lucky to sell them with no current faults. So you might get them a few $$$$ cheaper but in the long run it will cost you double the amount. Once a product is returned to you your options are very low. You have to refund your customer and loose money. Don’t even bother trying to email or call your so called Chinese supplier. Their first words will be please send it back and once it arrives please pay for the shipping back to your country. So by the time you have paid for both deliveries you will straight away loose money. That’s why there is no point even trying to send it back just take it as a learning point PLEASE.
As a successful business man please follow the below procedure and I promise you it will avoid many problems. You can’t grow a business with Chinese Rubbish so please don’t even bother starting. All their websites customers service procedures etc etc they have just stolen from us Europeans. The only good thing they are known for is selling and copying counterfit goods which will cost you double nothing else.
How many Chinese big name electrical companies do you know worldwide? Maybe 0
Why? It’s because they concentrate on copying and piracy nothing else.
How many Japanese, Korean or Taiwanese brand names do you know? Yes many LG, Sony, Hitachi, HTC, + Many many more.
The Chinese will never be like their neighbors they can only try to copy their service or products. But they have never invented their own.
Please believe me maybe 90% of electrical products purchased from china have serious quality issues or copyright problems. Because everything they do is Cheap and never tested to the World regulations.
If you are looking for suppliers or good quality products please try to find Taiwanese Japanese or Korean suppliers. They are world leaders in this market and much more professional.
You MS so called Elva know me very well. I purchased a mobile phone from you and when I asked you why does this phone have so many bugs what did you tell me remember ????????
Oh yes that’s how the manufacture makes them all those models have those bugs its something the manufactured has not figured out yet. :))))))))) you need to travel to Europe and understand how we operate don’t just talk rubbish.
I have now thrown this phone in the BIN because in 3 weeks the whole phone fell apart. This is the worst quality product I have ever purchased in my life.
How can I tell my customers that once they buy something from me?
I just wish you told me all the issues before I purchased the product not after you CON Person.
All the best
Guys please remember what I said.
All the best
God Bless.