Shipito are thieves and criminal, pure and simple. AVOID THEM AT ALL COST !!! in Torrance, California enticed my fiancée into a monthly membership for $25 and then added an assisted purchase service for which she paid separately $8.50 (plus cost of purchase, sales tax, shipping) and on top of that, they charged 10% commission from the purchase cost, but that wasn't enough... these Shipito scamers charged another 5% pretending to be Visa fees.
When she had to order more items, they kept charging her card for every item they received. She called and cancelled the membership and even paid for an additional month that she didn't use due to their questionable calculations.
Despite this, she continued to be billed $25 a month because of the credit card information that the Shipito scammers got from her membership during registration, which did not cover any assisted purchases. When challenged on these fraudulent charges, the individual introduced as the senior manager explained that the membership was just like buying a car. If you decide to keep it in the garage, you still have to pay for it.
When I explained that according to my own understanding of California and Federal law, Shipito has a right to claim money they feel they may be owed but do not have the right to abuse credit card information or make charges against an account which the owner of that account has clearly stated they do not authorize. Since my fiancee cancelled by email, and has confirmation of the cancellation and since Shipito confirms that the cancellation was due to her stopping the service, they are wrong on two accounts. Firstly, they are charging without authorization citing a membership agreement they have confirmed is closed and secondly as the car analogy is ridiculous since a car is a physical item you own and Shipito is claiming that they should still be paid for existing even though there is no way they could ever provide the services they want to charge for.
One of their useless staff ended our conversation saying that given the economy, they couldn't afford to let anybody cancel their membership and so, by the direction of his boss, whom handles these issues.
I tried to contact them by email about this problems several times with no response. When pressed for the details, they kept sending me to their FAQ page .. Their flustered explanation was to say that the agreement would be in force as long as Shipito decided it was in force, an answer I found rather extraordinary.
I told them that I didn't think that the California or Federal courts would not be sympathetic to that interpretation, to which they outright scoffed and would continue to charge whatever they thought was a proper fee. has gone beyond mere predatory contract practices and is engaging in outright criminal activity. Do not trust these people with your credit card information as they have proven that they will take credit card info from one agreement and use it to charge for another one. Further, the only cancellation policy they can clearly define is not even existing.
On a personal note, the most annoying aspect of this is that these people arrogantly show you that they will continue to submit credit card charges for which they know they do not have legal authorization to charge (if by no other means in that they themselves confirmed the original membership cancellation) for services they fully admit they are incapable of providing in any reasonable manner.
Shipito are thieves and criminal, pure and simple. AVOID THEM AT ALL COST !!!