I requested great lengths hair extensions and after several issues with glue all over my head, I was told by a great length specialist I had been duped. Great Lengths attaches strands to your own hair. While others use techniques such as welding, waxing, gluing or knotting, which strain and very often damage your hair to a high degree, Great Lengths is based on a much more gentle principle: modulating. They have created an extremely high-tech method of bonding between the Great Lengths strand and your own hair. This point of attachment is composed of polymer chains whose molecular structure is very similar to that of human hair. It is activated by Great Lengths applicator and bonds the Great Lengths strand with your own hair in this way. It can, however, be easily removed by an expert!
Most important of all: your own hair is not damaged. This patented attachment of Great Lengths to your own hair offers you perfect freedom in organizing your leisure time and in your freedom of action but in no way compromises the quality of your own hair! Whatever cheap glue she used completely damaged my hair.