I was looking for a part-time job as a mystery shopper and came across shoperslink.com website. I filled out the information form to become a mystery shopper. I later received and acceptance mail and I was told to pick a location of a Walmart and Western Union near me for my assignment. I was then told to expect payment in advance for my time and money to use for the assignment (this was a HUGE red flag warning because NO company will pay you in advance). A few days later UPS delivered an envelope to my home, inside was a MoneyGram money order for $950 payable to me. I've heard of scams that send fake/forged money orders & cashiers checks to people so I called MoneyGram up to verify I received a legitimate money order, once I read the serial number and the amount I was told by MoneyGram that the money order I had was not valid.
I'm so glad I checked to see if the money order was legitimate because if I had deposited that into my bank account and drawn money against it then I would be liable for the entire $950.
Don't get suckered into cashing a phony check, money order or cashiers check. You will be responsible for the amount and could possibly face criminal charges.