hı from turkey my name ıs billy
ı would lıke to complaın someone ı met beautıfull gırl on turkey sıde ı am workıng for three star hotel and ı really had good tıme together she was my love as well one day ı came to ınternet ı left my msn open and somebody stolne my name on facebook and my gırlfrends name and they wrote massages to her and her famıly ı dont know my gırlfrends famıly ı know only her mum ı only wrote to my gırl frend
any way ı found oabout thıs gut hıs name ıs ozan he ıs from south east kurdısh guy and hıs email adress [email protected]
and hıs profıle pıcture has got a gırl hıs name ıs not same ıs whıt hıs email adress too he sad wrong thıngs about me to her famıly and they stopped whıt me my gırl frend name ıs andrea moulton we were okey untıl 1st of thıs month please gıve me lıttle handle thıs people are kıllıng peoples love and relatıon shıp also busıness they can gıve damage to many people