I received a e-mail supposedly from the British National Lottery, specifically Mr.Chales Roberts<[email protected]> telling me that I won 850, 000.00gbp. He told me to contact NatWest Bank, specifically, Mr.Mark Adams<[email protected]>
who said that they would wire the money into my account in three installments. 300, 000.00gbp twice and then a final transfer of 250, 000.00gbp. Then I got an email from Mr Mark Adams again telling me that there is a stop order on the transfer by THE BRITISH INLAND REVENUE because the amount to be transferred is above 200, 000.00 Great British Pounds and I am a NON_RESIDENCIAL CITIZEN of UNITED KINGDOM, the funds needs to be Approved by the British Tax Investigation Service, and that I am required to contact
THE BRITISH INLAND REVENUE and request for the BRITISH INLAND REVENUE CERTIFICATE to Mr.Sidney Phils<[email protected]>. Then I got an e-mail from him telling me that the Certificate will cost me 0.05% of my winning funds(850, 000.00 Great British Pounds) which is 4, 250.00 Great British Pounds and it is to be paid by me before it can be issued to me. It is my suspicion that THE BRITISH INLAND REVENUE, the British National Lottery and NatWest Bank (&/or the aforementioned individuals) are in cahoots with each other. Please investigate.
Thank you for your cooperation.