I order the double plated silver nameplate #GF99 for a Christmas present to my daughter. Prior to placing my order I sent an email inquiring about changing the chain (18in Figaro)that comes with the nameplate to a Gucci chain same length. I didn't want to place the order if I couldn't have this particular chain. I received an email back stating that they could change the chain to my request at the same cost; so I placed the order. Upon receiving the necklace before Christmas they didn't make the requested change of the chain.
I sent an email letting them know that my request had not been completed and I was unhappy with the product. I was told to send the necklace back so that they could make the necessary corrections and I would be reimbursed for the return shipping due to their error. I did just that and once they received the necklace back I was told that they didn't have the Gucci Chain in stock anymore and that I could either get another chain or they could refund me my money. I wanted a return of the entire order due to them not being able to provide me with what I order. This company refunded me $25.00 the amount of the incorrect chain they put on the nameplate and then sent me an email referring to their return policy.
Return Policy
Nameplatedepot.com proudly and completely stands behind the quality of its merchandise.
In the unlikely, we commit an error in processing your order, or ship an order that does not meet our high standards of quality, we will be happy to offer a 10 day full refund, along with our deepest apologies. However, because our merchandise is entirely custom crafted to the specifications of our customers, we are unable to offer refunds that do not involve company error. We are confident that you, our valued customer, will understand the reasons that necessitate this policy.
This company feels like I am not due a refund because it was a custom order and that the problem was not a company error. When in fact if you state that you can change the chain and then you state you don't have the requested product then YES this would be a company error... I would not recommend this company to anyone. They didn't try to provide me with any resolution to this issue because of there policy. Customer service is the key of importance and clearly this company does not care acknowledge that.