The letter that was received at my house had a return address of
SIM 60086
P. O. Box2000-1
Taipei, Tiawan, R. O. C.
Enclosed was a note from and signed by Joe Ryan - Accountng Department.
The note said I was guaranteed to receive $5000 If I returned the release form attached to the bottom of the note.
the release form consisted of a section with a date of May 24, a statement value of $5000, payment number of UBI5, and a check number of SMEX125 Q518098290, another section had a multi choise problem askng the solution to 20 + 5 = 25 21 26.
a check box to accept the $5000 and a place to sign if I accepted the rules which were writen so lightly I almost didn't see them.
The rules stated that I should include a copy of either my passport or identification.
A return envelope was provided for the release of the $5000.
The envelope had a return address with no name
P. O. Box 4805
Robina Town Centre QLD 4230