I was looking for agency work to earn extra money, I located ivyescorts online and spoke to them, they said there was plenty of work etc.foolishly I did a bank transfer to register on the 29th February. As soon as I did this they told me they had transferred me to their sister company single millionaire. They contacted me fairly quickly, asked for pictures to be uploaded etc, gave me a membership no.After a couple of days they said as a new member I had been shortlisted for a 3 mth contract with one client, a millionaire head of a pharmaceutacal company. They said I had done even better to be shortlisted down to the last two. I even had to do a detailed profile of myself for the client to see. It all sounded so convincing. Then came the punchline, He was an international client, and because of this I would have to increase my advertising by paying them another £1000. I then thought I must be mad to pay more money over before earning any. I told them this and they soon backed off, since then it has been me doing all the chasing, plus I have had a mega phone bill.
I should have learnt my lesson, but today have registered for another company, which I have also just reported after seeing the fraud reports online. I can show the payments I have made to both companies. This one although Singlemillion are operating with ivyescorts.