I became a member last week by calling in to send me the info kit. I received it yesterday. I reviewed the materials and they all looked Ok. I decided to perform Internet search as to the performance of the company if anyone has any complaints. I found this website and I noticed that people are not satisfied for any reason and wanted to cancel their memberships. It was very discouraging for me. So I decided to call my membership with SMC. I called the phone number that was in the kit, and after five minutes a customer service answered my call. I explained to her that I am no longer interested and would like to return the kit and get my refund. After she put me on hold to check to see if I am qualified for a refund. She said that I can keep the kit but my membership initial fee of $9.95 is not refundable. I explained to her that I have a marketing flier in the kit as part of refund instruction, it says I can return the kit within 30 days and i will get refunded. She reiterated that's not the case, and that I can keep the kit but the $9.95 is not refundable.
I encourage people to pay attention to fundamentals of a company policy proclaiming who they are in their printed marketing materials but in reality they are not abiding by them. If they lack such a small case like I went thru with them, I wonder what they do if you happened to deal with a more serious cases with them.