SMI, Inc., Sports Marketing International, SMI and Associates, SMI is a scam! There are SMI, Inc. ads up all over the internet. CareerBuilder,, Companies like SMI, Inc. are constantly changing their name to avoid being found out and to avoid prosecution... their former name was Boomerang Marketing. SMI, Inc. currently goes by subtle variations of Sports Marketing International... (SMI and Associates, SMI, SMI, Inc... you get the point)
I (along with many others) have offered information on this filthy company, SMI, Inc. under it's former names on this site and on To avoid repeating myself, refer to the pages and comments regarding SMI and Associates or Sports Marketing International.
SMI, Inc. is the same company... They may have a new manager, now (Kelley), but it is the same corrupt, conniving company with the same address and contact information and same abusive, dishonest tactics.
I beg you, if you are currently interviewing with, working for, or considering sending your resume to SMI, Inc... get out now! Please, do not waste your time and money at SMI, Inc; nor, support any of the SmartCircle companies by buying any of their coupon books, etc.