Both of these companies have apparently changed names in the one month since I place "free trial" orders. The Smilebrite web site is now for a what looks like an identical product called"SparkleWhite". The product ordered as "DazzleSmile" came with a "DazzleWhite" return address.
I received the "free trial" products. DazzleSmile/DazzleWhite (located in Utah) was a tooth whitening gel brush that did not work. SmileBrite/SparkleWhite (located in Iowa) was a tube of whitening gel with some very hokey application trays. I received both right at the end of the "free trial" period and did not have a chance to evaluate the products at all. I called to cancel both within the designated "free trial" periods and was given cancellation numbers.
But then the unwanted products started coming and the unexpected charges from unknown merchants started posting to my credit card. It appears that one or both of these "companies" sold my name and credit card information.
I cancelled that credit card. I hope that ends it. My advice is:
1. DO NOT ORDER dental whitening products of any kind from the web; or
2. If you have ordered dental whitening products from the web, CANCEL your order BEFORE THE TRIAL PERIOD ends; or
3. If you did not cancel your order during the trial period and you're now receiving unordered products and unexpected credit card charges, contact your credit card company to DISPUTE THE CHARGES and to CANCEL THAT CREDIT CARD. They'll give you a new card with a new number that hasn't been compromised. You'll need to switch any legitimate auto-pay accounts to the new credit card number but that's a small amount of effort compared to the many hundreds of dollars that would otherwise be sucked out of you.
Although I saved everything related to the original trial orders I couldn't attach photos because it's all in pdf format. But I kept it all...even the fine print!
Oh, after all of that I can tell you that the SmileBrite product actually does work. However, it's way cheaper to go to a dentist for whitening than to pay out about $100/month for the SmileBrite product (after the "free trial" period of 10 days) and many hundreds of dollars more for other things that either don't work or weren't even ordered by you.