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July 10, 2008
I have set aside 30% for you and for your time.
Od: AZIZZ MOMODU JAFARU ([email protected])
Dodaj kontakt
Poslato:3. jul 2008 12:47:46
Odgovori - za:[email protected]


Name: AZIZZ MOMODU JAFARUOccupation: Merchant/TraderAge: 10/04/1960Location: Dubai. Dear Friend, This letter may come to you as a surprise due to the fact that we havenot yet met. I have to say that I have no intentions of causing youany pains so I decided to contact you through this medium. As you readthis, I don't want you to feel sorry for me, because, I believeeveryone will die someday. My name is AZIZZ MOMODU JAFARU, a merchant in Dubai, in the U.A.E. Ihave been diagnosed with prostate and esophageal Cancer that wasdiscovered very late due to my laxity in caring for my health.It has defiled all form of medicine and right now, I have only abouta few months to live according to medical experts. I have notparticularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared foranyone not even myself but my business. Though I am very rich, I was never generous, I was always hostile topeople and only focus on my business as that was the only thing I caredfor. But now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to lifethan just wanting to have or make all the money in the world. I believewhen God gives me a second chance to come to this world I would live mylife a different way from how I have lived it. Now that I know my timeis near, I have willed and given most of my properties and assets tomy immediate and extended family members and as well as a few closefriends and Schools in the UAE. I have decided to give alms to charity organizations, as I want this tobe one of the last good deeds I do on earth. So far, I havedistributed money to some charity organizations in the U.A.E, London and Ireland. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this my self any more. I once asked members of my familyto close one of my accounts and donate the money, which I have thereto charity organization in Bulgaria, they refused and kept the moneyto themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem notto be contended with what I have left for them. The last of my money which no one knows of is the huge cash deposit ofEighteen Million Pounds sterlings [18, 000, 000. 00] that I have withHASSEL ATLANTIC GROUP BANK in Europe. I will want you to help mecollect this deposit and dispatched it to charity organizations and let themknow that it is I AZIZZ MOMODU JAFARU that is making this generousdonation. I am writing this from my laptop computer in my hospital bedwhere I wait for my time to come. Also, I have set aside 30% for you and for your time. I pray that God uses you to support and assist me with good heart, contact viaE-mail:- ([email protected])God be with you.AZIZZ MOMODU JAFARU.

Od: Barr. Smith ([email protected])
Poslato:10. jul 2008 11:48:04
Odgovori - za:[email protected]

Za: Goran Goran ([email protected])

Dear Client Mr Goran,

I received your email, why are you such a lazy man? you are only full of prediction and too inquisitive about every thing you are been told.

Look mr Goran, dont you have a property to sale? can't you borrow or lend money from some one? so you want to tell me that you have no single coin in you? you want to tell me you do not have friend or relations to borrow money from? what type of a man are you?.???

Look you better tell me if you are not interested in this transaction you are doing with mrs blessing so that i will write a report to the bank and your partner as well regarding your incomputence.

Look you better tell me something reasonable because i have some other clients to attend to ok!!

I await your last response to me immidiatly ok!!!
Barr.smith D.I.Ogugu ESQ

Reply Now!!!
Od: Barr. Smith ([email protected])
Poslato:10. jul 2008 9:53:32
Odgovori - za:[email protected]

Za: Goran Goran ([email protected])

Dear Client Mr Goran,

I received your email tome and it was well understood.
Is quite unfortunate that i have tried to help you but it seems that you do not want to help the situation.

Tell Me When You Can You Be Able To Raise 100 Euros ?

You are adviced to to tell immidiatly.*

Barr.smith D.I.Ogugu ESQ

RE: reply kuckovic goran
Od: Barr. Smith ([email protected])
Poslato:9. jul 2008 21:44:32
Odgovori - za:[email protected]

Za: Goran Goran ([email protected])

Dear Client Mr Goran,

I received your email tome and it was well understood.
Is quite unfortunate that i have tried to help you but it seems that you do not want to help the situation.

Tell Me How Much Can You Be Able To Raise?

You are adviced to to tell immidiatly.*

Barr.smith D.I.Ogugu ESQ.

Re: FW: please reply kuckovic goran
Od: Barr. Smith ([email protected])
Poslato:9. jul 2008 19:15:22
Odgovori - za:[email protected]

Za: Goran Goran ([email protected])

Dear Client Mr Goran,

I received your email tome and it was well understood.

Is quite unfortunate and a pity in the condition you are right now and your health status.

I was very touched by your stories and i assure you that God will never forsake you.

Again in reciept of your email, i have deceided to help you for the provission of the Documents needed by the bank for the transfer, But i will helpyou in one condition:

I will helpyou in the condition that you will now pay me 100 euros for the stress and transportation expencies i will incure.

Look my good friend, i only want to render you this help and i want to tell you that after the money is transfered to your account, you will have to pay me for every charges i have stated initially.

So use the details and the informations i gave to you the last time to make the payment ok!!

Just send the 100 euros, and if you still cannot send this money, i am very sorry i have notting to do to help you again, and i will wriet to the bank and tell them that you have been unable to provide the documents needed from you and also i will wriet to your partner Mrs Blessing Williams to look for another person that would helpher transfer this money since her health is critical at this point.

You are adviced to

Re: FW: please reply kuckovic goran
Od: Barr. Smith ([email protected])
Poslato:9. jul 2008 19:15:22
Odgovori - za:[email protected]

Za: Goran Goran ([email protected])

Dear Client Mr Goran,

I received your email tome and it was well understood.

Is quite unfortunate and a pity in the condition you are right now and your health status.

I was very touched by your stories and i assure you that God will never forsake you.

Again in reciept of your email, i have deceided to help you for the provission of the Documents needed by the bank for the transfer, But i will helpyou in one condition:

I will helpyou in the condition that you will now pay me 100 euros for the stress and transportation expencies i will incure.

Look my good friend, i only want to render you this help and i want to tell you that after the money is transfered to your account, you will have to pay me for every charges i have stated initially.

So use the details and the informations i gave to you the last time to make the payment ok!!

Just send the 100 euros, and if you still cannot send this money, i am very sorry i have notting to do to help you again, and i will wriet to the bank and tell them that you have been unable to provide the documents needed from you and also i will wriet to your partner Mrs Blessing Williams to look for another person that would helpher transfer this money since her health is critical at this point.

You are adviced to

Re: FW: please reply kuckovic goran
Od: Barr. Smith ([email protected])
Poslato:9. jul 2008 19:15:22
Odgovori - za:[email protected]

Za: Goran Goran ([email protected])

Dear Client Mr Goran,

I received your email tome and it was well understood.

Is quite unfortunate and a pity in the condition you are right now and your health status.

I was very touched by your stories and i assure you that God will never forsake you.

Again in reciept of your email, i have deceided to help you for the provission of the Documents needed by the bank for the transfer, But i will helpyou in one condition:

I will helpyou in the condition that you will now pay me 100 euros for the stress and transportation expencies i will incure.

Look my good friend, i only want to render you this help and i want to tell you that after the money is transfered to your account, you will have to pay me for every charges i have stated initially.

So use the details and the informations i gave to you the last time to make the payment ok!!

Just send the 100 euros, and if you still cannot send this money, i am very sorry i have notting to do to help you again, and i will wriet to the bank and tell them that you have been unable to provide the documents needed from you and also i will wriet to your partner Mrs Blessing Williams to look for another person that would helpher transfer this money since her health is critical at this point.

You are adviced to

Waiting to hear from you
Od: Muhammad Arbab ([email protected])
Dodaj kontakt
Poslato:8. jul 2008 13:30:46
Odgovori - za:[email protected]

Za: [email protected]

Dear friend,

Thank you for your mail and I am happy to share this transaction with you, but you must keep everything as top secret and very confidential.This is a business that require 100% absolute secret, it is a business that you don?t allow your right hand to know what your left hand is doing. Please are you capable to do this transaction with me.

Please understand that you and I myself, are to work as one team to inherit this fund, hence I am your insider in the bank as the transaction commence.i advise you to feel free with me for all is going to be well with us.

The deceased account holder with our bank was Mr. Rafik Bahaa Edine Hariri from Lebanon who nationalised here in Burkina Faso for (16)years. He held account number No.BOA 4934109 with our bank.Who was involved in the ssassinated on February 14, 2005. with his family. Since his death, this account has been dormant and no body has applied to our bank for the release of this money to him or her as the next of kin.

I want you to arrange for a good receiving bank account into which our bank shall transfer this money in your favour as next of kin and you have nothing to fear since I am here, I shall be giving you all the developmental information?s from the bank as soon as the transaction commence.

I know that you will not disappoint or let me down when this money enter into your account, I have all my hope in this transaction because I shall soon go on retirement, I am a simple banker whose credibility is still intact and with my maturity and understanding, I promise to give the best co-operation and we must hurry up with this transaction so that our bank and government shall not claim and inherit this money because it have over stayed in the bank.

There is no doubt about your eligibility as the legal next of kin to our deceased customer and owner of the account number NO.BOA4934109 with the following reasons:
(1.)Before the death of our deceased customer, his true next of kin was not indicated to the board of directors of the bank because of the top secrecy and confidentiality of the business which our late customer transacted with the various governments in West Africa.
(2.)Owning to his failure to indicate his next of kin to the officials of the bank, it is therefore impossible for the board of directors of the bank to verify the next of kin as well as the true heritor of the fund.
(3.)The deceased late Mr. Rafik Bahaa Edine Hariri from Lebanon, did not have, any relationships with our bank, he was only a customer to our bank. So there is no trace either now or in future.

(4.)And for the above reasons, the managements of the bank authorised me officially as the, Bill and Exchange manager of the bank to verify the next of kin to our deceased customer. Therefore, the bank will always abide by my official directions through the official authorisation bestowed on me.

And for this reasons you have nothing to fear as your interest and identity will be legally protected.

As you know such a business will require international-transaction. So we both shall jointly combine our efforts financially in any expenses that shall incure in the process of this transaction.

Remember that 40%(50%) of this fund has being declared for you, in your assistance for providing an account where this fund will be transferred into and for all your effort, and all other incuring expenses in course of this transfering of this fund into your account.
My good friend i will like you to know that i work with this bank as the manager of Bill and Exchange department, so i came across this great opportunity when we where doing the last auditing last year, so i just decided to keep it within me and study it very well before carrying it out which i did for one year.

What i mean by my bank is the bank BOA where the fund is laying down in an account and i have access to his banking informations as my department is the department that make account to the bank, so we know about every customer's account here in the bank.

The bank i am refering to is my bank which is BANK OF AFRICA and it is all over the countries in west african, so it is a very big bank, so i will advice you not to put any atome of fear in this transaction as i have put everything in order to see that this fund hit your account once you apply for the release of the fund as the next of kin to the deceased customer which i will forward to you the text of application form, but before i will forward the application form to you, i will like you to know that there are expences that will occure in the process of this transaction which i am not capable to handle, so i will like to know from you if you are financial capable in handling this huge amount transaction as money will be involve to take care of the expences, so if you are financially capable in handling this deal, i will like you to give me the answers to these questions:

1.your age

2.your marital status

3.your occupation

4.if you are ready to keep the transaction as top secret as i do not want it to jeopadise or have my reputable immage dented

5.your financial capability in handling this transcation as money will be involve

6.your credibility and reliability as to avoid betrayal from you or seating on my share when the funds finaly hits your bank account

7.that all my instructions as an insider and as the initiator of the transaction would be taking for the betterment of a hitch transfer and also include your private telephone and fax number and endevoure to call me with the above indicated private telephone line as indicated above.your immediate response shall be most appreciated as the urgency of the transfer implies for we don't have enough time again to excute this transaction and also don't fail to call me for more explanation on this my private telephone line 00226 78 23 98 74.

I await your urgent call.

your humble partner,
Mr Araba

Od: muhammad arbab ([email protected])
Dodaj kontakt
Poslato:7. jul 2008 19:08:12
Odgovori - za:[email protected]


Dear friend,

How are you doing together with your entire family, I hope all is well?
Please carefully read and understand my reason of contacting you
through this email. I am Mr Muhammad arbab. The chief Auditor Bill and
Exchange Foreign Remittance Unit African Development Bank (ADB).
Ouagadougou Burkina - Faso West Africa.

Here. I am contacting you because of an abandoned sum of Nineteen
Million Three Hundred Thousand United State Dollars. ($19.3 Million)
that was deposited by a late customer of this bank called Mr. Rafik
Bahaa Edine Hariri.

A very prominent man who was doing business transaction with our bank.
He was a citizen of Lebanon. This bank unfortunately lost his life
through assassinated on February 14, 2005 when explosives equivalent to
around 300 kg of C4 were detonated as his motorcade drove past the
Saint George Hotel in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

The bank has no knowledge about his death. Upon this discovery that i
decided to make this business proposal to you since the banking laws
and guidelines here stipulate that if such funds remain unclaimed here
after nine years, the money will be transferred into the Central Bank
Treasury as unclaimed fund.

My stand to contact you now is that, a foreign has the legal right to
put claim to such deposit followed by you will proof your claim with
the bank. Therefore, I want you to apply as his business partner. This
transaction is going to be a success because, a foreigner is
compulsorily needed to present himself or herself as the next of kin to
this deceased bank customer and hence the beneficiary of the fund
because the fund depositor was a foreigner. I therefore, desperately
need your assistance to claim and receive this huge sum of money into
your account.

For the assistance in this transaction, you will be entitled to 40% of
the total fund in respect of the provision of your bank account and the
assistance you are to render on the process. 55% would be for me as the
originator and initiator of the transaction, and the rest 5% will be
used to off-set any minor expenses which may arise during the process
of transferring the fund into your account. I and my entire family will
leave here immediately for your country in order to share the profits
and we also invest part of my own share over there, as soon as the fund
is transferred into your account.

Please endeavour to keep this transaction very secret and highly
confidential because i will lose my work here as bank staff, where the
bank authority here finds out that you and I are collaborating in this
"Special Deal". Please also be rest-assured that this business is 100%
risk-free, and all the information and data's you will need to make
successful claim of this fund in the bank here are fully ready with me

Note Well: Please urgently confirm your willingness and interest to
assist me by filling and sending back to me the needed information
below and also call me immediately on my private phone numbers: + 226
780 41 951

1. Your full name:
2. Your phone Telephone and fax numbers :
3. Your age:
4. Your sex:
5. Your occupation:
6. Your country and city:

Thanks and best regards.

Muhammad arbab

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<BR><BR><EM><FONT size=3></FONT></EM>&nbsp;<BR><BR><BR><BR>
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<B>Thu, 10 Jul 2008 07:04:38 -0700</B>
Od: Barr. Smith ([email protected]) <BR>Poslato:10. jul 2008 11:48:04<BR>Odgovori - za:[email protected]<BR><BR><BR>Za: Goran Goran ([email protected])<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Dear Client Mr Goran, <BR><BR>I received your email, why are you such a lazy man? you are only full of prediction and too inquisitive about every thing you are been told.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Look mr Goran, dont you have a property to sale? can't you borrow or lend money from some one? so you want to tell me that you have no single coin in you? you want to tell me you do not have friend or relations to borrow money from? what type of a man are you?.???<BR><BR><BR><BR>Look you better tell me if you are not interested in this transaction you are doing with mrs blessing so that i will write a report to the bank and your partner as well regarding your incomputence.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Look you better tell me something reasonable because i have some other clients to attend to ok!!<BR><BR><BR>I await your last response to me immidiatly ok!!!<BR>Thanks<BR>Barr.smith D.I.Ogugu ESQ<BR><BR><BR>Reply Now!!!<BR>Od: Barr. Smith ([email protected]) <BR>Poslato:10. jul 2008 9:53:32<BR>Odgovori - za:[email protected]<BR><BR><BR>Za: Goran Goran ([email protected])<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Dear Client Mr Goran, <BR><BR>I received your email tome and it was well understood.<BR>Is quite unfortunate that i have tried to help you but it seems that you do not want to help the situation.<BR><BR>Tell Me When You Can You Be Able To Raise 100 Euros ?<BR><BR>You are adviced to to tell immidiatly.*<BR><BR>Thanks<BR>Barr.smith D.I.Ogugu ESQ<BR><BR>RE: reply kuckovic goran<BR>Od: Barr. Smith ([email protected]) <BR>Poslato:9. jul 2008 21:44:32<BR>Odgovori - za:[email protected]<BR><BR><BR>Za: Goran Goran ([email protected])<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Dear Client Mr Goran, <BR><BR>I received your email tome and it was well understood.<BR>Is quite unfortunate that i have tried to help you but it seems that you do not want to help the situation.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Tell Me How Much Can You Be Able To Raise?<BR><BR><BR>You are adviced to to tell immidiatly.*<BR><BR>Thanks<BR>Barr.smith D.I.Ogugu ESQ.<BR><BR><BR><BR>: FW: please reply kuckovic goran<BR>Od: Barr. Smith ([email protected]) <BR>Poslato:9. jul 2008 19:15:22<BR>Odgovori - za:[email protected]<BR><BR><BR>Za: Goran Goran ([email protected])<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Dear Client Mr Goran, <BR><BR><BR><BR>I received your email tome and it was well understood.<BR><BR>Is quite unfortunate and a pity in the condition you are right now and your health status.<BR><BR>I was very touched by your stories and i assure you that God will never forsake you.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Again in reciept of your email, i have deceided to help you for the provission of the Documents needed by the bank for the transfer, But i will helpyou in one condition:<BR><BR><BR><BR>I will helpyou in the condition that you will now pay me 100 euros for the stress and transportation expencies i will incure.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Look my good friend, i only want to render you this help and i want to tell you that after the money is transfered to your account, you will have to pay me for every charges i have stated initially.<BR><BR><BR><BR>So use the details and the informations i gave to you the last time to make the payment ok!!<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Just send the 100 euros, and if you still cannot send this money, i am very sorry i have notting to do to help you again, and i will wriet to the bank and tell them that you have been unable to provide the documents needed from you and also i will wriet to your partner Mrs Blessing Williams to look for another person that would helpher transfer this money since her health is critical at this point.<BR><BR><BR><BR>You are adviced to <BR><BR>Waiting to hear from you<BR>Od: Muhammad Arbab ([email protected]) <BR>Dodaj kontakt <BR>Poslato:8. jul 2008 13:30:46<BR>Odgovori - za:[email protected]<BR><BR><BR>Za: [email protected]<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Dear friend, <BR><BR>Thank you for your mail and I am happy to share this transaction with you, but you must keep everything as top secret and very confidential.This is a business that require 100% absolute secret, it is a business that you don?t allow your right hand to know what your left hand is doing. Please are you capable to do this transaction with me. <BR><BR>Please understand that you and I myself, are to work as one team to inherit this fund, hence I am your insider in the bank as the transaction commence.i advise you to feel free with me for all is going to be well with us. <BR><BR>The deceased account holder with our bank was Mr. Rafik Bahaa Edine Hariri from Lebanon who nationalised here in Burkina Faso for (16)years. He held account number No.BOA 4934109 with our bank.Who was involved in the ssassinated on February 14, 2005. with his family. Since his death, this account has been dormant and no body has applied to our bank for the release of this money to him or her as the next of kin. <BR><BR>I want you to arrange for a good receiving bank account into which our bank shall transfer this money in your favour as next of kin and you have nothing to fear since I am here, I shall be giving you all the developmental information?s from the bank as soon as the transaction commence. <BR><BR>I know that you will not disappoint or let me down when this money enter into your account, I have all my hope in this transaction because I shall soon go on retirement, I am a simple banker whose credibility is still intact and with my maturity and understanding, I promise to give the best co-operation and we must hurry up with this transaction so that our bank and government shall not claim and inherit this money because it have over stayed in the bank. <BR><BR>There is no doubt about your eligibility as the legal next of kin to our deceased customer and owner of the account number NO.BOA4934109 with the following reasons:<BR>(1.)Before the death of our deceased customer, his true next of kin was not indicated to the board of directors of the bank because of the top secrecy and confidentiality of the business which our late customer transacted with the various governments in West Africa.<BR>(2.)Owning to his failure to indicate his next of kin to the officials of the bank, it is therefore impossible for the board of directors of the bank to verify the next of kin as well as the true heritor of the fund. <BR>(3.)The deceased late Mr. Rafik Bahaa Edine Hariri from Lebanon, did not have, any relationships with our bank, he was only a customer to our bank. So there is no trace either now or in future.<BR><BR>(4.)And for the above reasons, the managements of the bank authorised me officially as the, Bill and Exchange manager of the bank to verify the next of kin to our deceased customer. Therefore, the bank will always abide by my official directions through the official authorisation bestowed on me. <BR><BR>And for this reasons you have nothing to fear as your interest and identity will be legally protected. <BR><BR>As you know such a business will require international-transaction. So we both shall jointly combine our efforts financially in any expenses that shall incure in the process of this transaction. <BR><BR>Remember that 40%(50%) of this fund has being declared for you, in your assistance for providing an account where this fund will be transferred into and for all your effort, and all other incuring expenses in course of this transfering of this fund into your account. <BR>My good friend i will like you to know that i work with this bank as the manager of Bill and Exchange department, so i came across this great opportunity when we where doing the last auditing last year, so i just decided to keep it within me and study it very well before carrying it out which i did for one year. <BR><BR>What i mean by my bank is the bank BOA where the fund is laying down in an account and i have access to his banking informations as my department is the department that make account to the bank, so we know about every customer's account here in the bank. <BR><BR>The bank i am refering to is my bank which is BANK OF AFRICA and it is all over the countries in west african, so it is a very big bank, so i will advice you not to put any atome of fear in this transaction as i have put everything in order to see that this fund hit your account once you apply for the release of the fund as the next of kin to the deceased customer which i will forward to you the text of application form, but before i will forward the application form to you, i will like you to know that there are expences that will occure in the process of this transaction which i am not capable to handle, so i will like to know from you if you are financial capable in handling this huge amount transaction as money will be involve to take care of the expences, so if you are financially capable in handling this deal, i will like you to give me the answers to these questions: <BR><BR>1.your age<BR><BR>2.your marital status<BR><BR>3.your occupation<BR><BR>4.if you are ready to keep the transaction as top secret as i do not want it to jeopadise or have my reputable immage dented<BR><BR>5.your financial capability in handling this transcation as money will be involve<BR><BR>6.your credibility and reliability as to avoid betrayal from you or seating on my share when the funds finaly hits your bank account<BR><BR>7.that all my instructions as an insider and as the initiator of the transaction would be taking for the betterment of a hitch transfer and also include your private telephone and fax number and endevoure to call me with the above indicated private telephone line as indicated above.your immediate response shall be most appreciated as the urgency of the transfer implies for we don't have enough time again to excute this transaction and also don't fail to call me for more explanation on this my private telephone line 00226 78 23 98 74. <BR><BR>I await your urgent call.<BR><BR>your humble partner, <BR>Mr Araba <BR>I AM URGENTLY WAITING FOR YOUR EMAIL.<BR>Od: muhammad arbab ([email protected]) <BR>Dodaj kontakt <BR>Poslato:7. jul 2008 19:08:12<BR>Odgovori - za:[email protected]<BR><BR><BR>Za: <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Dear friend, <BR><BR><BR><BR>How are you doing together with your entire family, I hope all is well? <BR>Please carefully read and understand my reason of contacting you <BR>through this email. I am Mr Muhammad arbab. The chief Auditor Bill and <BR>Exchange Foreign Remittance Unit African Development Bank (ADB). <BR>Ouagadougou Burkina - Faso West Africa.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Here. I am contacting you because of an abandoned sum of Nineteen <BR>Million Three Hundred Thousand United State Dollars. ($19.3 Million) <BR>that was deposited by a late customer of this bank called Mr. Rafik <BR>Bahaa Edine Hariri.<BR><BR><BR><BR>A very prominent man who was doing business transaction with our bank. <BR>He was a citizen of Lebanon. This bank unfortunately lost his life <BR>through assassinated on February 14, 2005 when explosives equivalent to <BR>around 300 kg of C4 were detonated as his motorcade drove past the <BR>Saint George Hotel in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.<BR><BR><BR><BR>The bank has no knowledge about his death. Upon this discovery that i <BR>decided to make this business proposal to you since the banking laws <BR>and guidelines here stipulate that if such funds remain unclaimed here <BR>after nine years, the money will be transferred into the Central Bank <BR>Treasury as unclaimed fund.<BR><BR><BR><BR>My stand to contact you now is that, a foreign has the legal right to <BR>put claim to such deposit followed by you will proof your claim with <BR>the bank. Therefore, I want you to apply as his business partner. This <BR>transaction is going to be a success because, a foreigner is <BR>compulsorily needed to present himself or herself as the next of kin to <BR>this deceased bank customer and hence the beneficiary of the fund <BR>because the fund depositor was a foreigner. I therefore, desperately <BR>need your assistance to claim and receive this huge sum of money into <BR>your account.<BR><BR><BR><BR>For the assistance in this transaction, you will be entitled to 40% of <BR>the total fund in respect of the provision of your bank account and the <BR>assistance you are to render on the process. 55% would be for me as the <BR>originator and initiator of the transaction, and the rest 5% will be <BR>used to off-set any minor expenses which may arise during the process <BR>of transferring the fund into your account. I and my entire family will <BR>leave here immediately for your country in order to share the profits <BR>and we also invest part of my own share over there, as soon as the fund <BR>is transferred into your account.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Please endeavour to keep this transaction very secret and highly <BR>confidential because i will lose my work here as bank staff, where the <BR>bank authority here finds out that you and I are collaborating in this <BR>"Special Deal". Please also be rest-assured that this business is 100% <BR>risk-free, and all the information and data's you will need to make <BR>successful claim of this fund in the bank here are fully ready with me <BR>here.<BR><BR>Note Well: Please urgently confirm your willingness and interest to <BR>assist me by filling and sending back to me the needed information <BR>below and also call me immediately on my private phone numbers: + 226 <BR>780 41 951<BR><BR>1. Your full name:<BR>2. Your phone Telephone and fax numbers :<BR>3. Your age:<BR>4. Your sex:<BR>5. Your occupation:<BR>6. Your country and city:<BR><BR>Thanks and best regards.<BR><BR>Muhammad arbab<BR><BR><BR>I have set aside 30% for you and for your time.<BR>Od: AZIZZ MOMODU JAFARU ([email protected]) <BR>Dodaj kontakt <BR>Poslato:3. jul 2008 12:47:46<BR>Odgovori - za:[email protected]<BR><BR><BR>Za: <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Name: AZIZZ MOMODU JAFARUOccupation: Merchant/TraderAge: 10/04/1960Location: Dubai. Dear Friend, This letter may come to you as a surprise due to the fact that we havenot yet met. I have to say that I have no intentions of causing youany pains so I decided to contact you through this medium. As you readthis, I don't want you to feel sorry for me, because, I believeeveryone will die someday. My name is AZIZZ MOMODU JAFARU, a merchant in Dubai, in the U.A.E. Ihave been diagnosed with prostate and esophageal Cancer that wasdiscovered very late due to my laxity in caring for my health.It has defiled all form of medicine and right now, I have only abouta few months to live according to medical experts. I have notparticularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared foranyone not even myself but my business. Though I am very rich, I was never generous, I was always hostile topeople and only focus on my business as that was the only thing I caredfor. But now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to lifethan just wanting to have or make all the money in the world. I believewhen God gives me a second chance to come to this world I would live mylife a different way from how I have lived it. Now that I know my timeis near, I have willed and given most of my properties and assets tomy immediate and extended family members and as well as a few closefriends and Schools in the UAE. I have decided to give alms to charity organizations, as I want this tobe one of the last good deeds I do on earth. So far, I havedistributed money to some charity organizations in the U.A.E, London and Ireland. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this my self any more. I once asked members of my familyto close one of my accounts and donate the money, which I have thereto charity organization in Bulgaria, they refused and kept the moneyto themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem notto be contended with what I have left for them. The last of my money which no one knows of is the huge cash deposit ofEighteen Million Pounds sterlings [18, 000, 000. 00] that I have withHASSEL ATLANTIC GROUP BANK in Europe. I will want you to help mecollect this deposit and dispatched it to charity organizations and let themknow that it is I AZIZZ MOMODU JAFARU that is making this generousdonation. I am writing this from my laptop computer in my hospital bedwhere I wait for my time to come. Also, I have set aside 30% for you and for your time. I pray that God uses you to support and assist me with good heart, contact viaE-mail:- ([email protected])God be with you.AZIZZ MOMODU JAFARU.

Od: muhammad arbab ([email protected])
Dodaj kontakt
Poslato:7. jul 2008 19:08:12
Odgovori - za:[email protected]


Dear friend,

How are you doing together with your entire family, I hope all is well?
Please carefully read and understand my reason of contacting you
through this email. I am Mr Muhammad arbab. The chief Auditor Bill and
Exchange Foreign Remittance Unit African Development Bank (ADB).
Ouagadougou Burkina - Faso West Africa.

Here. I am contacting you because of an abandoned sum of Nineteen
Million Three Hundred Thousand United State Dollars. ($19.3 Million)
that was deposited by a late customer of this bank called Mr. Rafik
Bahaa Edine Hariri.

A very prominent man who was doing business transaction with our bank.
He was a citizen of Lebanon. This bank unfortunately lost his life
through assassinated on February 14, 2005 when explosives equivalent to
around 300 kg of C4 were detonated as his motorcade drove past the
Saint George Hotel in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

The bank has no knowledge about his death. Upon this discovery that i
decided to make this business proposal to you since the banking laws
and guidelines here stipulate that if such funds remain unclaimed here
after nine years, the money will be transferred into the Central Bank
Treasury as unclaimed fund.

My stand to contact you now is that, a foreign has the legal right to
put claim to such deposit followed by you will proof your claim with
the bank. Therefore, I want you to apply as his business partner. This
transaction is going to be a success because, a foreigner is
compulsorily needed to present himself or herself as the next of kin to
this deceased bank customer and hence the beneficiary of the fund
because the fund depositor was a foreigner. I therefore, desperately
need your assistance to claim and receive this huge sum of money into
your account.

For the assistance in this transaction, you will be entitled to 40% of
the total fund in respect of the provision of your bank account and the
assistance you are to render on the process. 55% would be for me as the
originator and initiator of the transaction, and the rest 5% will be
used to off-set any minor expenses which may arise during the process
of transferring the fund into your account. I and my entire family will
leave here immediately for your country in order to share the profits
and we also invest part of my own share over there, as soon as the fund
is transferred into your account.

Please endeavour to keep this transaction very secret and highly
confidential because i will lose my work here as bank staff, where the
bank authority here finds out that you and I are collaborating in this
"Special Deal". Please also be rest-assured that this business is 100%
risk-free, and all the information and data's you will need to make
successful claim of this fund in the bank here are fully ready with me

Note Well: Please urgently confirm your willingness and interest to
assist me by filling and sending back to me the needed information
below and also call me immediately on my private phone numbers: + 226
780 41 951

1. Your full name:
2. Your phone Telephone and fax numbers :
3. Your age:
4. Your sex:
5. Your occupation:
6. Your country and city:

Thanks and best regards.

Muhammad arbab

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<BR><BR><EM><FONT size=3></FONT></EM>&nbsp;<BR><BR><BR><BR>
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<B>Thu, 10 Jul 2008 07:04:38 -0700</B>
Od: Barr. Smith ([email protected]) <BR>Poslato:10. jul 2008 11:48:04<BR>Odgovori - za:[email protected]<BR><BR><BR>Za: Goran Goran ([email protected])<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Dear Client Mr Goran, <BR><BR>I received your email, why are you such a lazy man? you are only full of prediction and too inquisitive about every thing you are been told.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Look mr Goran, dont you have a property to sale? can't you borrow or lend money from some one? so you want to tell me that you have no single coin in you? you want to tell me you do not have friend or relations to borrow money from? what type of a man are you?.???<BR><BR><BR><BR>Look you better tell me if you are not interested in this transaction you are doing with mrs blessing so that i will write a report to the bank and your partner as well regarding your incomputence.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Look you better tell me something reasonable because i have some other clients to attend to ok!!<BR><BR><BR>I await your last response to me immidiatly ok!!!<BR>Thanks<BR>Barr.smith D.I.Ogugu ESQ<BR><BR><BR>Reply Now!!!<BR>Od: Barr. Smith ([email protected]) <BR>Poslato:10. jul 2008 9:53:32<BR>Odgovori - za:[email protected]<BR><BR><BR>Za: Goran Goran ([email protected])<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Dear Client Mr Goran, <BR><BR>I received your email tome and it was well understood.<BR>Is quite unfortunate that i have tried to help you but it seems that you do not want to help the situation.<BR><BR>Tell Me When You Can You Be Able To Raise 100 Euros ?<BR><BR>You are adviced to to tell immidiatly.*<BR><BR>Thanks<BR>Barr.smith D.I.Ogugu ESQ<BR><BR>RE: reply kuckovic goran<BR>Od: Barr. Smith ([email protected]) <BR>Poslato:9. jul 2008 21:44:32<BR>Odgovori - za:[email protected]<BR><BR><BR>Za: Goran Goran ([email protected])<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Dear Client Mr Goran, <BR><BR>I received your email tome and it was well understood.<BR>Is quite unfortunate that i have tried to help you but it seems that you do not want to help the situation.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Tell Me How Much Can You Be Able To Raise?<BR><BR><BR>You are adviced to to tell immidiatly.*<BR><BR>Thanks<BR>Barr.smith D.I.Ogugu ESQ.<BR><BR><BR><BR>: FW: please reply kuckovic goran<BR>Od: Barr. Smith ([email protected]) <BR>Poslato:9. jul 2008 19:15:22<BR>Odgovori - za:[email protected]<BR><BR><BR>Za: Goran Goran ([email protected])<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Dear Client Mr Goran, <BR><BR><BR><BR>I received your email tome and it was well understood.<BR><BR>Is quite unfortunate and a pity in the condition you are right now and your health status.<BR><BR>I was very touched by your stories and i assure you that God will never forsake you.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Again in reciept of your email, i have deceided to help you for the provission of the Documents needed by the bank for the transfer, But i will helpyou in one condition:<BR><BR><BR><BR>I will helpyou in the condition that you will now pay me 100 euros for the stress and transportation expencies i will incure.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Look my good friend, i only want to render you this help and i want to tell you that after the money is transfered to your account, you will have to pay me for every charges i have stated initially.<BR><BR><BR><BR>So use the details and the informations i gave to you the last time to make the payment ok!!<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Just send the 100 euros, and if you still cannot send this money, i am very sorry i have notting to do to help you again, and i will wriet to the bank and tell them that you have been unable to provide the documents needed from you and also i will wriet to your partner Mrs Blessing Williams to look for another person that would helpher transfer this money since her health is critical at this point.<BR><BR><BR><BR>You are adviced to <BR><BR>Waiting to hear from you<BR>Od: Muhammad Arbab ([email protected]) <BR>Dodaj kontakt <BR>Poslato:8. jul 2008 13:30:46<BR>Odgovori - za:[email protected]<BR><BR><BR>Za: [email protected]<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Dear friend, <BR><BR>Thank you for your mail and I am happy to share this transaction with you, but you must keep everything as top secret and very confidential.This is a business that require 100% absolute secret, it is a business that you don?t allow your right hand to know what your left hand is doing. Please are you capable to do this transaction with me. <BR><BR>Please understand that you and I myself, are to work as one team to inherit this fund, hence I am your insider in the bank as the transaction commence.i advise you to feel free with me for all is going to be well with us. <BR><BR>The deceased account holder with our bank was Mr. Rafik Bahaa Edine Hariri from Lebanon who nationalised here in Burkina Faso for (16)years. He held account number No.BOA 4934109 with our bank.Who was involved in the ssassinated on February 14, 2005. with his family. Since his death, this account has been dormant and no body has applied to our bank for the release of this money to him or her as the next of kin. <BR><BR>I want you to arrange for a good receiving bank account into which our bank shall transfer this money in your favour as next of kin and you have nothing to fear since I am here, I shall be giving you all the developmental information?s from the bank as soon as the transaction commence. <BR><BR>I know that you will not disappoint or let me down when this money enter into your account, I have all my hope in this transaction because I shall soon go on retirement, I am a simple banker whose credibility is still intact and with my maturity and understanding, I promise to give the best co-operation and we must hurry up with this transaction so that our bank and government shall not claim and inherit this money because it have over stayed in the bank. <BR><BR>There is no doubt about your eligibility as the legal next of kin to our deceased customer and owner of the account number NO.BOA4934109 with the following reasons:<BR>(1.)Before the death of our deceased customer, his true next of kin was not indicated to the board of directors of the bank because of the top secrecy and confidentiality of the business which our late customer transacted with the various governments in West Africa.<BR>(2.)Owning to his failure to indicate his next of kin to the officials of the bank, it is therefore impossible for the board of directors of the bank to verify the next of kin as well as the true heritor of the fund. <BR>(3.)The deceased late Mr. Rafik Bahaa Edine Hariri from Lebanon, did not have, any relationships with our bank, he was only a customer to our bank. So there is no trace either now or in future.<BR><BR>(4.)And for the above reasons, the managements of the bank authorised me officially as the, Bill and Exchange manager of the bank to verify the next of kin to our deceased customer. Therefore, the bank will always abide by my official directions through the official authorisation bestowed on me. <BR><BR>And for this reasons you have nothing to fear as your interest and identity will be legally protected. <BR><BR>As you know such a business will require international-transaction. So we both shall jointly combine our efforts financially in any expenses that shall incure in the process of this transaction. <BR><BR>Remember that 40%(50%) of this fund has being declared for you, in your assistance for providing an account where this fund will be transferred into and for all your effort, and all other incuring expenses in course of this transfering of this fund into your account. <BR>My good friend i will like you to know that i work with this bank as the manager of Bill and Exchange department, so i came across this great opportunity when we where doing the last auditing last year, so i just decided to keep it within me and study it very well before carrying it out which i did for one year. <BR><BR>What i mean by my bank is the bank BOA where the fund is laying down in an account and i have access to his banking informations as my department is the department that make account to the bank, so we know about every customer's account here in the bank. <BR><BR>The bank i am refering to is my bank which is BANK OF AFRICA and it is all over the countries in west african, so it is a very big bank, so i will advice you not to put any atome of fear in this transaction as i have put everything in order to see that this fund hit your account once you apply for the release of the fund as the next of kin to the deceased customer which i will forward to you the text of application form, but before i will forward the application form to you, i will like you to know that there are expences that will occure in the process of this transaction which i am not capable to handle, so i will like to know from you if you are financial capable in handling this huge amount transaction as money will be involve to take care of the expences, so if you are financially capable in handling this deal, i will like you to give me the answers to these questions: <BR><BR>1.your age<BR><BR>2.your marital status<BR><BR>3.your occupation<BR><BR>4.if you are ready to keep the transaction as top secret as i do not want it to jeopadise or have my reputable immage dented<BR><BR>5.your financial capability in handling this transcation as money will be involve<BR><BR>6.your credibility and reliability as to avoid betrayal from you or seating on my share when the funds finaly hits your bank account<BR><BR>7.that all my instructions as an insider and as the initiator of the transaction would be taking for the betterment of a hitch transfer and also include your private telephone and fax number and endevoure to call me with the above indicated private telephone line as indicated above.your immediate response shall be most appreciated as the urgency of the transfer implies for we don't have enough time again to excute this transaction and also don't fail to call me for more explanation on this my private telephone line 00226 78 23 98 74. <BR><BR>I await your urgent call.<BR><BR>your humble partner, <BR>Mr Araba <BR>I AM URGENTLY WAITING FOR YOUR EMAIL.<BR>Od: muhammad arbab ([email protected]) <BR>Dodaj kontakt <BR>Poslato:7. jul 2008 19:08:12<BR>Odgovori - za:[email protected]<BR><BR><BR>Za: <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Dear friend, <BR><BR><BR><BR>How are you doing together with your entire family, I hope all is well? <BR>Please carefully read and understand my reason of contacting you <BR>through this email. I am Mr Muhammad arbab. The chief Auditor Bill and <BR>Exchange Foreign Remittance Unit African Development Bank (ADB). <BR>Ouagadougou Burkina - Faso West Africa.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Here. I am contacting you because of an abandoned sum of Nineteen <BR>Million Three Hundred Thousand United State Dollars. ($19.3 Million) <BR>that was deposited by a late customer of this bank called Mr. Rafik <BR>Bahaa Edine Hariri.<BR><BR><BR><BR>A very prominent man who was doing business transaction with our bank. <BR>He was a citizen of Lebanon. This bank unfortunately lost his life <BR>through assassinated on February 14, 2005 when explosives equivalent to <BR>around 300 kg of C4 were detonated as his motorcade drove past the <BR>Saint George Hotel in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.<BR><BR><BR><BR>The bank has no knowledge about his death. Upon this discovery that i <BR>decided to make this business proposal to you since the banking laws <BR>and guidelines here stipulate that if such funds remain unclaimed here <BR>after nine years, the money will be transferred into the Central Bank <BR>Treasury as unclaimed fund.<BR><BR><BR><BR>My stand to contact you now is that, a foreign has the legal right to <BR>put claim to such deposit followed by you will proof your claim with <BR>the bank. Therefore, I want you to apply as his business partner. This <BR>transaction is going to be a success because, a foreigner is <BR>compulsorily needed to present himself or herself as the next of kin to <BR>this deceased bank customer and hence the beneficiary of the fund <BR>because the fund depositor was a foreigner. I therefore, desperately <BR>need your assistance to claim and receive this huge sum of money into <BR>your account.<BR><BR><BR><BR>For the assistance in this transaction, you will be entitled to 40% of <BR>the total fund in respect of the provision of your bank account and the <BR>assistance you are to render on the process. 55% would be for me as the <BR>originator and initiator of the transaction, and the rest 5% will be <BR>used to off-set any minor expenses which may arise during the process <BR>of transferring the fund into your account. I and my entire family will <BR>leave here immediately for your country in order to share the profits <BR>and we also invest part of my own share over there, as soon as the fund <BR>is transferred into your account.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Please endeavour to keep this transaction very secret and highly <BR>confidential because i will lose my work here as bank staff, where the <BR>bank authority here finds out that you and I are collaborating in this <BR>"Special Deal". Please also be rest-assured that this business is 100% <BR>risk-free, and all the information and data's you will need to make <BR>successful claim of this fund in the bank here are fully ready with me <BR>here.<BR><BR>Note Well: Please urgently confirm your willingness and interest to <BR>assist me by filling and sending back to me the needed information <BR>below and also call me immediately on my private phone numbers: + 226 <BR>780 41 951<BR><BR>1. Your full name:<BR>2. Your phone Telephone and fax numbers :<BR>3. Your age:<BR>4. Your sex:<BR>5. Your occupation:<BR>6. Your country and city:<BR><BR>Thanks and best regards.<BR><BR>Muhammad arbab<BR><BR><BR>I have set aside 30% for you and for your time.<BR>Od: AZIZZ MOMODU JAFARU ([email protected]) <BR>Dodaj kontakt <BR>Poslato:3. jul 2008 12:47:46<BR>Odgovori - za:[email protected]<BR><BR><BR>Za: <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Name: AZIZZ MOMODU JAFARUOccupation: Merchant/TraderAge: 10/04/1960Location: Dubai. Dear Friend, This letter may come to you as a surprise due to the fact that we havenot yet met. I have to say that I have no intentions of causing youany pains so I decided to contact you through this medium. As you readthis, I don't want you to feel sorry for me, because, I believeeveryone will die someday. My name is AZIZZ MOMODU JAFARU, a merchant in Dubai, in the U.A.E. Ihave been diagnosed with prostate and esophageal Cancer that wasdiscovered very late due to my laxity in caring for my health.It has defiled all form of medicine and right now, I have only abouta few months to live according to medical experts. I have notparticularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared foranyone not even myself but my business. Though I am very rich, I was never generous, I was always hostile topeople and only focus on my business as that was the only thing I caredfor. But now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to lifethan just wanting to have or make all the money in the world. I believewhen God gives me a second chance to come to this world I would live mylife a different way from how I have lived it. Now that I know my timeis near, I have willed and given most of my properties and assets tomy immediate and extended family members and as well as a few closefriends and Schools in the UAE. I have decided to give alms to charity organizations, as I want this tobe one of the last good deeds I do on earth. So far, I havedistributed money to some charity organizations in the U.A.E, London and Ireland. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this my self any more. I once asked members of my familyto close one of my accounts and donate the money, which I have thereto charity organization in Bulgaria, they refused and kept the moneyto themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem notto be contended with what I have left for them. The last of my money which no one knows of is the huge cash deposit ofEighteen Million Pounds sterlings [18, 000, 000. 00] that I have withHASSEL ATLANTIC GROUP BANK in Europe. I will want you to help mecollect this deposit and dispatched it to charity organizations and let themknow that it is I AZIZZ MOMODU JAFARU that is making this generousdonation. I am writing this from my laptop computer in my hospital bedwhere I wait for my time to come. Also, I have set aside 30% for you and for your time. I pray that God uses you to support and assist me with good heart, contact viaE-m

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