I received my FREE ecigarettes after answering a questionaire on Fox News.com Paid their $9.95 shipping (actual cost $2.53) and now see a withdrawal from my account for $89.
Attempts to reach any of their telephone numbers are useless. Sent a complaint through the website smoke51.com but doubt that will do any good either.
Anyway, checking who owns that web site gives a person as the contact:
Doran D. Diz
4969 SW 33rd Way
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312-7929
(954) 322-8987
Age: 35-39
Household: Rina Ziv
I wonder if he gets enough phone calls if he might send us in the right direction to find who we really need to talk to to have these charges removed.
Anyway, I think I will contact all U.S. attorneys and Attorney Generals in any area where this company operates.